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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Michiru Sakane Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Economics Theoretical Economics, Finance
Michitaka Morimoto Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Literature in English American Literature, American Theater
Michiyo Yoneno-Reyes University of Tokyo Associate Professor Area Studies Minorities and modernity in Asia
Mika Baba University of Tsukuba Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature, Meiji Literature
Mika Imono Myojo University, Faculty of Education Aossicate Professor Philosophy,Ethics Philosophy of the body, Maine de Biran and Kitaro Nishida
Miki Watanabe The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Ryukyu in the Early Modern Period, History of International Relations in East Asia in the Early Modern Period
Minoru Noguchi Kyoto Women's University, Faculty of Letters Professor Emeritus Japanese History Political and Social History of Medieval Japan
Mio Kishimoto Ochanomizu University Professor Emeritus Asian and African history,Historical studies in general Social and economic history of China in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties (16th to 18th centuries)
Mirai Nakagawa Ehime University Faculty of Law and Letters Associate Professor Japanese history Japanese Nationalism and Foreign Views, History of Ideas, Media History, Regional History
Misako Arai Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Gender Studies Theoretical Institutional Economics, Economic Policy (including Economic Affairs), Gender
Misako Ohta Kobe University, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment Associate Professor Art history History of music culture, Music aesthetics
Mitsuharu Matsuoka Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Emeritus Literature in English English literature
Mitsuhiro Shigaki Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Professor Emeritus Foreign language education,Area Studies Latino Communities and Local Politics in the United States, Spanish, Language Pedagogy
Momoka Maki Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Associate Professor Asian and African history African history, African studies, Ethiopian history, Ethiopian politics, Eritrean studies, state and ethnic relations
Motoji Matsuda Kyoto University Professor Emeritus Sociology,Cultural Anthropology,Folklore Urbanization and changes in farming societies in modern East Africa, Transformation of the East Kishu Community
Motoko Tsurumaki Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Sociology French area studies, minorities and social representations
Motonori Arata Tokushima University Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Chinese philosophy Confucian Thought in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Motoo Endou The University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute Associate Professor Japanese history Rituals, the Emperor, the Academy, mid-year events, the public, the Soen, acquisition, the transfer, the administration of documents, the organization of the Todaiji Temple, the study of the court, the study of the Todaiji Temple
Motoyuki Kure Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Associate Professor Art history Japanese-Chinese Cultural History, Modern Chinese Paintings
Murao Remi Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Linguistics Foreign language education, Second language acquisition
Muroi Kenji Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Sociology Sociology of disaster, Regional sociology
Nagai Kumiko The University of Tokyo, Graduate School and College of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Japanese literature,Literature in general Emaki scrolls, classical literature, Japanese language and literature, setsuwa, waka, gaiga, cross genre studies, Japanese art history
Chikako Nagayama Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Associate Professor Gender Studies Gender, Media, Cultural studies
Naoki Homma Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Philosophy Clinical philosophy, Philosophical practice, Philosophy of children, Feminist philosophy, Practice and research on dialogue
Nakamura Wataru Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Associate Professor Linguistics Contrastive linguistics, Cognitive typology, Functionalist linguistics, Japanese grammar
Naoko Ito Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Assistant Professor Art history Ancient Indonesian Religious Art, History of Japanese Crafts
Naoko Kogo Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art representations of the other, Dance history
Naoko Takagi Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Japanese language education Japanese language education, discourse studies
Naoko Yata Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Chinese literature Chushi Works of the Han Dynasty, Formation and Transformation of the Image of Kuyuan, Formation and Development of Chushi Studies in Japan
Naomi Kasai Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Informatics Modern Chinese vernacular literature, Chinese language, Chinese literature
Naomi Koda Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Linguistics Linguistics, Japanese linguistics, Japanese language education
Naomi Noiri University of the Ryukyus,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences,Department of Sociology and Human Sciences Associate Professor Sociology Okinawa Repatriates, Experience Records, Okinawa Identity, Overseas Okinawans, Pioneer Immigrants, Taiwan-Okinawa Relations, Filipino Women
Naoyoshi Ohashi Wakayama University Faculty of Education Associate Professor Japanese literature Bibliographical research on medieval Japanese literature (especially historical books, military tales, enki-shu, pilgrimage books, etc.)
Naoyuki Agawa Doshisha University, Faculty of Law Professor Emeritus American history Constitutional history of the United States
Nathan Edwin Hopson The University of Bergen, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Foreign Languages Associate Professor Sociology/History of Science and Technology Modern Japanese history, regional and transnational histories, intellectual history, Tohoku studies, nationalism(s), food history, dietetics and nutrition, educational history
Nicholas Lambrecht Mahood Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese literature, Comparative literature, International Japanese studies, Japanese literature, repatriation, decolonization, postwar literature
Nihei Masato Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature
Noboru Hirayama Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Japanese history Modern and Contemporary history of Japan, History of Tourism
Nobuo Haruna Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Politics Political science, International relations, Diplomatic thought, History of Japanese politics and diplomacy
Nobuyoshi Furuhata Musashi University Professor Emeritus Japanese literature Japanese Ancient Literature
Norihiko Hayashi Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Linguistics Descriptive Linguistics,Linguistic Typology,Historical Linguistics,Comparative Linguistics,Language Contact Theory,Languages of Southern China and Mainland Southeast Asia
Norihiro Otsuka Hosei University, Research Center for International Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese history History of the Medieval period in Japan, history of foreign exchange, history of Buddhism
Noriko Sudo Chikushi Jogakuen University Faculty of Contemporary Social Studies Associate Professor Sociology Cultural Politics, Propaganda, Nationalism
Noriko Teramoto Seikei University, Fuculty of Letters, Department of Humanities Associate Professor European history,American history Paris World Exposition, History of cultural exchange between Japan and France, Modern French history, History of France, History of exchange between Japan and France
Noriyuki Hattori Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Emeritus Literature in English Modern and contemporary British literature and culture
Onabe Tomoko Momoyama Gakuin University Asso. Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Japanese history Japanese cultural theory, comparative thought,
Orion Klautau Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Associate Professor Area Studies,Religious studies,Intellectual history Japanese Buddhist Studies, Modern Nationalism and Buddhism, Historical Narrative Thought in Japan, Portuguese Images of Modern Japan
Osawa Satoshi Kindai University, Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies Associate Professor Japanese literature,Sociology Media theory, Modern literature
Patricia Fister International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Art history Japanese art history,History of Japanese Art
Peter John Wanner Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Associate Professor Linguistics,Psychology Psycholinguistics, Second language acquisition theory, Bilingual education
Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya Delhi University, Department of East Asian Studies Associate Professor Religious studies,Sociology Japan, Religious Studies, Buddhism, Sociology, Disaster Management,
Rappleye Jeremy Kyoto University, Graduate Schook of Education and Faculty of Education Associate Professor Education Comparative Education, History of Education, Educational Theory, Educational Philosophy, Educational Development
Reiko Tomiya Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Linguistic Japanese language education, Sociolinguistics
Reo Nagasaki Momoyama Gakuin University Associate Professor Sociology Media Sociology, Communication Theory
Riina Toya University of Tokyo, Institute of Production Technology Aossicate Professor European history Development of humanities knowledge into engineering, British women's history, Cultural and Social History, Business History (Shiseido), Fashion History
Rintaro Goyama Keio University Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese literature Japanese Literature(Early Modern and Modern)
Rio Takeuchi Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education Associate Professor Education Sociology of education, Cultural sociology, Historical sociology, Civilization, Nationalism, Modernization, New urban middle class, Children
Ritsuko Kikusawa National Museum of Ethnology Associate Professor Linguistics Linguistics,Austronesian languages
Ryo Sahashi University of Tokyo Associate Professor Law International relations and great power politics in East Asia
Ryoichi Tobe International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Asian and African history Modern Japanese history, Japanese diplomacy in pre-war and wartime Showa era
Ryoko Kosugi Saitama University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Sociology History of social movements, Theory of social movements, Student movements and school struggles, Life history, 1960s studies
Ryosuke Kuramoto University of Tokyo Associate Professor Cultural anthropology Anthropology of Buddhism, Modern history of Myanmar
Ryuichi Nagao The University of Tokyo Graduate school of Arts and Sciences Professor Emeritus Law Philosophy of Law, History of Political Thought, History of Constitutional Thought
Ryuji Hiraoka Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Associate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology Research on East Asian Traditional Sciences, History of Cultural Exchange between Japan and China
Ryuko Taniguchi Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Linguistics Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis
Sachiko Kiyama Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Linguistic experimental pragmatics, Age-related changes in pragmatic language processing, Field Cognitive Neurolinguistics
Sadakazu Fujii The University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Japanese literature Ancient Literature, Medieval Literature, Object Literature
Sadami Suzuki International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emerita Japanese literature History of Japanese Thought,National Literature,History of Japanese Thought,Japanese Literature
Saito Karasima Kobe University Associate Professor Politics,Japanese History Cold War, Philanthropy, History of International Relations, Social Democracy, International Politics, Japan-US Relations, Postwar Economy, Private Diplomacy, Postwar Japan, History of Political Economy, Productivity
Saku Hara Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Philosophy Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Neuroethics, Science Communication
Sanae Fukuto Saitamagakuen University Professor Emeritus Japanese History,Gender Studies Japanese History, Family History, Women's History, Gender
Sandra Fahy Carleton University, Kroeger School of Public Affairs Associate Professor Cultural anthropology,Sociology,Psychology Socio-cultural Anthropology,Linguistic Anthropology,Medical Anthropology,Human Rights,North Korea,South Korea,East Asia
Sasaki Hiroo Ryukoku University, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese history Nationalism, Group Gymnastics, History of Sports, History of Physical Education, Modern Japan
Satoji Yano Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education Emeritus Professor Education Pedagogical anthropology of generation
Satoshi Fuse Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Philosophy Political Philosophy, Modern Political Theory, History of Ideas
Satoshi Kinoshita Toyo University, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese History Political History of the Middle Ages
Satoshi Udo Meiji University,School of Global Japanese Studies Associate Professor Literature in general French-Speaking Arab-Belgian Literature, Humanism in the Modern Islamic World, Mediterranean Literature, Taiwanese Language and Culture
Sayuri Yoshida Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Cultural anthropology Archives, African studies, Cultural anthropology
Seiko Sano Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Literature in general Chinese classical literature, tales of the miraculous, buddhist tales of the miraculous, fictional short story (Chuanqi)
Seiko Tokunaga kayama University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Medieval Japanese History
Sevilla-Liu Anton Kyushu University, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies Associate Professor Education Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education, Student Teaching, Qualitative Research
Shigeo Kato Waseda University, Faculty of Human Sciences School of Human Sciences Assoicate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology History of science, History of technology, Theory of science, Cultural imperialism, Colonial science, History of psychiatry
Shiho Azuma Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Arts in general Art and Media Studies, Film Studies, Comparative Culture
Shimon Tashiro Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Sociology Medical sociology, Bioethics
Shin Abe Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Linguistics Japanese language education, Linguistics, Japanese linguistics
Shingo Ito Kokugakuin Tochigi Junior College, Department of Japanese Culture Associate Professor Japanese literature Literature and Arts of the Muromachi Warring States Period, Ethnocultural Studies, Folklore
Shinji Ido Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Linguistics Phonetics, Language contact
Shinji Nobuhiro The University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Japanese literature Early Modern Literature, Rakugo
Shinji Takemura Hiroshima University Graduate School of Education Professor Emeritus Japanese literature Japanese Classical Literature,Heian-Kamakura Sutra Literature
Shinobu Myoki Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Associate Professor Sociology,Gender Studies Sociology of Gender, Tourism Culture in Modern Japan, Exhibition Representation of Sex and the Body
Shinya Saito Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Associate Professor Informatics Human Interface and Interaction, Web Informatics and Service Informatics, Library and Information Science, Humanities and Social Informatics, Design, Data Science, Infographics
Shinya Shigemi Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor European literature Michel Foucault, literary magazines in German-occupied France, Sartre, textual theory, hypertexts
Shoko Utsunomiya National Institute of Informatics Associate Professor Informatics Research and development of computers
Tsai Shota Ogawa Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Associate Professor Arts in general Visual Studies, Diaspora
Shou Nishii Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Literary studies, Western classics, Latin literature, literary works, representations of Greek and Roman mythology
Shuhei Hosokawa International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Semiotics of Music, Japanese Immigrant Culture
Shun Ishida Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese History Emperors and the Imperial Court in the Early Modern Period, The Role of Women in Emperors and the Imperial Court,
Shunta Nishizuka Hosei University,Research Center for International Japanese Studies Associate Professor Philosophy,Ethics,Intellectual history Philosophy, Ethics, Japanese Intellectual history, Japanese modern philosophy
Shunta Uchimura Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Associate Professor European history Early modern Spanish history
Shutaro Muto Niigata University,Academic Assemly Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Economics,Intellectual history History of Social Thought
Sigeto Tanaka Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Sociology Family Sociology, Social Research Methods, Social Statistics, Gender Studies, Scientific Sociology
So Nakaya Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor European history European Medieval History, Italian Medieval History
Soichiro Sunami Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Folklore,Cultural anthropology Buddhist ethnography, Material culture studies
Somei Kobayashi Nihon University, School of Law  Associate Professor Asian and African history,International relations International Relations, History of East Asia
Stegewerns Dick University of Oslo, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages Associate Professor Japanese history political, intellectual, social and diplomatic history of modern and contemporary Japan
Steinberg Marc Concordia University Film Studies Cinema Concordia University Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Sociology Platform studies, industry studies, Asian media industries, Japanese animation/anime, animation studies, material culture, media theory, digital culture, app studies
Sukero Ito Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Professor Emeritus Linguistics Applied linguistics, Japanese language education
Sumio Hatano University of Tsukuba Professor Emeritus Politics,Japanese history Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
Sumio Yoshitake Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor European literature Death, Death in battle, Greek literature, Greek mythology
Susumu Inoue Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Emeritus Asian and African history Publishing culture in traditional China
Syuntaro Tida Kyoto University,Graduate School of Letters Associate Professor Linguistics Papua New Guinea,Papuan languages,cultural anthropology,linguistics,modality,tense,comparative linguistics,Miyako dialect,Simbu,semantics,Bougainville,Jeju dialect,aspect,fieldwork
Tack Lee ung Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Japanese linguistics Japan-Korea comparative study, Japanese language education, Japanese linguistics (meaning and grammar)
Tadashi Ebisawa Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Emeritus Professor Japanese history History of the Insei, Kamakura, and Nanbokucho Periods, history of manor houses
Takaaki Kaneko Kyoto University of Advanced Science,Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese literature Early Modern Publishing History, Early Modern Literature, Cultural Informatics, Digital Humanities
Takahiro Fuke Kyoto University Associate Professor Japanese history,Historical studies in general Modern and Contemporary History of Japan, History of Social Movements and Social Thought in Modern and Contemporary Japan,Historiography of Modern and Contemporary Japan
Takahiro Motai Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Education Mathematics, Mathematics Education
Takako Ueda Kindai University,Faculty of Literature,Arts and Cultural Studies Associate Professor Area Studies,Asian and African history Modern northeast China, Chinese commercial and industrial capital, Mukden urban economy, Harbin, autonomy recovery movement, local community, local elite, internationality, Japan-China relations, Northeast Asia, Chinese network, immigrant society, business association, enterprise, Zendo
Takanori Fukuda Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Urban Liberal Arts Associate Professor Arts in general Representational Culture Theory, Cultural Representation Theory
Takanori Okada Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese literature Study about Tales/Diaries Literature in Heian Period
Takao Kamiyama Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor Emeritus Linguistics,English linguistics English linguistics, Historical linguistics, Phonetics
Takashi Arai Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Psychology Social psychology, Criminal psychology
Takashi Kurata Meiji University,School of Science and Technology Associate Professor Philosophy,Aesthetics and studies on art Environmental Issues, Shrinking Society, Life Crafts
Takashi Morioka Yamagata University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese literature Tanizaki Junichiro, Postwar literary criticism, Studies in Tohoku literature
Takayuki Mifune Tokyo Healthcare University Associate Professor Japanese History History of Ancient Temples in Japan
Takehiro Watanabe Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Cultural anthropology Cultural anthropology, Natural environment
Takeshi Ito Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Politics Political Economy, Agrarian and Environmental Change, Development Studies, Power, Domination, and Resistance,Poverty, Aid, and Governance, Political Ecology
Takeshi Matsushima Hiroshima University,Graduate School of Social Sciences Associate Professor Cultural anthropology Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Community Mental Health, Community Design, Fermented Culture
Takeshi Nakamoto Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Associate Professor Linguistics,European literature Romance languages, Phonology, Translation theory, Language behavior in Asian languages
Takeshi Yamazaki Nara University Faculty of Letters Department of History Associate Professor Asian and African history Early Modern East Asian History, Ming and Qing History, History of International Relations
Taketo Fushimi Tohoku University Faculty of Law Associate Professor Politics History of Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
Takeuchi Rio Kyoto University, Graduate Schook of Education and Faculty of Education Associate Professor Education Sociology of Education, Cultural Sociology, Historical Sociology, Civilization, Nationalism, Modernization, Urban New Middle Class, Children
Taku Fukumoto Nanzan University,Faculty of Humanities,Department of Japanese Studies Associate Professor Geography Urban History, Ethnicity, Residential Distribution, Osaka Prefecture, Newcomers, Korean Residents in Japan, Multicultural Situation, Korea Town, Osaka Business Park, Foreign residents in Osaka Prefecture
Taku Kuroiwa Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Literature in general,European literature French literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, especially rhymed drama texts of the 15th and early 16th centuries
Takuma Ito Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Art history History of western art, History of art criticism
Takuya Goto Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Geography Human Geography, Agricultural Geography, Rural Geography, Agribusiness
Takuya Hasebe Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Economics Econometrics, Health Economics, Labor Economics
Taro Yamaguchi Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Associate Professor Geography Human Geography, Climate and Landscape, Tourism Studies
Tatsuo Murakami Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Religious studies African Pentecostalism
Teiji Toriyama Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor European literature French literature, modern poetry
Teruomi Yamaguchi The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese History
Tesuo Ohmura Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Religious studies Psychology of Religion, Clinical Death and Life, Religion, Clinical Psychology
Tetsuya Inokuchi Tokyo Gakugei University Faculty of Education Associate Professor Intellectual history Commentary on "Mencius", "Zhourei", Zheng Xuan, Nature, Wang Chou, Chapter and verse, Tong, Prophecy, Classical Studies, Five Classics, Sutra
Tina Burrett Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Politics Media and Politics, Russia and Burma, propaganda and Public Opinion, political leadership, Political Transitions,Democratisation,The European Union, British Politics,Global Political Economy,International and Regional Organisations,
Tokunaga Seiko Okayama University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Medieval Japanese History
Tomohiro Saito Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Chinese philosophy Thought and Religion in Medieval China, History of Zen Thought, Mental Life of Tang Dynasty Intellectuals
Tomohisa Sato Kyoto City University of Arts Archival Research Center Associate Professor Cultural anthropology Cultural anthropology on the interface between art and social movements
Tomoki Okuda Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Linguistics French language studies
Tomoko Kakuyama Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Associate Professor Art history Design Studies, Art History, Aesthetics, Theory of Art
Tomoko Onabe Momoyama Gakuin University, Faculty of International Liberal Studies Aossicate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Japanese history Japanese cultural theory, Comparative thought, History of science
Tomomi Otsu Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Linguistics Japanese linguistics, Japanese language education

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