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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Miyuki Tamura International Research Center for Japanese Studies Research Fellow Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature
Mizuuchi Yuta Okayama University Libraries, Librarian
Nahoko Arai Beijing University of Technology Foreign Expert Japanese linguistics Comparative Literature, Concepts, History of Conceptual Organization, Modern Restructuring, Academic System, Values, Values, International Exchange of Researchers (Multinational), International Information Exchange (Multinational), Conceptual History, Conceptual Organization
Nakamachi Yasuko Kanagawa University, Institute for the Study of Japanese Folk Culture Postdoctoral Fellow Cultural anthropology,Folklore Folklore, Cultural History, Divination and Food Culture
Naomi Minoura Doho University Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese Middle Ages Literature
Naraba Masaru Gyosei Senior High School Faculty Member Japanese history Early Modern I Ching Studies
Sachio Negawa International Research Center for Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Researcher Historical studies in general,Area Studies History of Japanese and East Asian Migration to South America, Crossing Borders, Migrant Ships, and Intercultural Space and Time
Shoichi Nishida International Research Center for Japanese Studies Project Research Fellows Intellectual history,Japanese history Ministry of Home Affairs, Political Education, History of Japanese Political Thought, Modern Japanese History, Japanese History, Body Technique, Shigeru Nanbara, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Theory of National Identity
Nobue Mito Yamatane Museum of Art Postdoctoral Fellow Japanese literature
Nora Kottmann German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Sociology Risks and Opportunities in Japan, (Re)Mapping Intimacy, Spatial Perspectives on Personal Relationships in Contemporary Japan, personal relationships, intimacy (‘spaces of intimacy’), gender, mobile and multi-local biographies/relationships, sociology of family, sociology of space, methods in social science research on Japan
Noriko Ataka Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Lecturer Japanese language education Japanese Language Education, The Impact of Task Differences on Performance and Evaluation
Noriko Yamashita Kyoto University,Graduate School of Agriculture Student Agriculture Studies
Noriyoshi Ehara Institute for International Trade and Investment Lead Researcher
Noriyuki Okayasu Tohoku University, The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Tohoku University Archives Academic Fellow Intellectual history,Japanese history History of Japanese Modern Thought, History of Media
Ochi Tomoyoshi Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences Research student Aesthetics and studies on art Speech synthesis equipment, Speech synthesis technology
Okada Kiesuke Bungaku-Report Editor
Omori Keiichiro Kyushu Sangyo University Faculty of Art and Design Part-time teacher Aesthetics and studies on art Development of Anatomical Charts in the Edo Period
Oota Kyoji Hanazono University Part-time Lecturer Japanese history History of the Disparate Citizens
Ryosuke Oda Doshisha University,Graduate School of Letters Graduate Student Intellectual history Dogi Horyu, Modern Buddhism, Minakata Kumagusu
Saika Tadahiro Kaishi Professional University, Department of Animation and Manga Researcher Sociology The sociology of cultural production, manga production as a social relation, and the gaze toward manga artists
Satofumi Kawamura The University of Tokyo, Center for Philosophy Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Politics,Philosophy,Intellectual history Political Science, Political Theory, Social Theory, Political Philosophy, Media Culture, Modern Japanese Thought
Sawada Mikako Freelance Writer Freelance Writer Aesthetics and studies on art Art Theories
Sawada Yuji SD Associates President and Representative Director / Event and Space Design Producer
Seiichiro HAMANO Kaiyo Academy Secondary School Teacher Politics,Intellectual history The History of Japanese Political Thought, A Study of Yoh Lizan
Seungjun Lee Aichi Gakuin University Part-time Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese Modern and Contemporary Literature,Evacuation Experience,Postwar Literature
Shinichi Shirato Meiji University Visiting researcher Economics,International relations Economic History of Japan, Industrial Agglomeration and Distribution Issues, Distribution in Urban Development
Shiori Maekawa Kyoto University of the Arts Senior Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Visual Culture, Design History, Japanese Modern Art History, Art History, Art Studies
Sho Yamamura Showa Pharmaceutical University Part time Lecturer Intellectual history Modern Japanese-Chinese Thought, Confucianism
Shohei Yao Kanagawa University Part time Lecturer Sociology Post-War, Overseas Chinese in Ryukyu, Ishigaki City Tomb of the Tang Dynasty, Movement of People and Technology between Taiwan and Okinawa, Ethnic Minorities, Okinawa Reversion, Pineapple Industry, Former Japanese Imperial Territory, Hawaii, Pineapple Baked Goods, Modern Japanese-Chinese Thought, Confucianism, Republic of China
Shuichi Ochi Juntendo University Medical Faculty Department of Medical History Research Student Ethics Body and Ethics
Shun Okazaki Kyushu University Graduate School of Design Graduate Student Arts in general Acoustical Arts
Song Dandan Sokendai, Dept. of Japanese Studies PhD Candidate Folklore Folklore, Oral literature, Comparative study of rock legends in Japan and China
Song Hyewon Osaka University of Economics and Law Researcher Literature in general,Area Studies Comparative literature, Korean studies, Translation theory
Sonja Ganseforth German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Researcher Sociology,Geography social geography of globalizing agrifood systems, commons and property rights in natural resources, the political ecology of food, rural livelihoods, development discourses, and social movements in Japan
Susumu Shimazono Sophia University,Institute of Grief Care Director-General Religious studies Religious Studies, Life and Death Studies, Spirituality
Suzuki Hideo Mainichi Newspaper Reporter
Sybille Girmond Julius-Maximilians-Universiat Wurzburg Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history
Takabatake Saki Nagoya University Graduate Student Japanese literature Kenji Miyazawa, Folk tale movement, Modern Japanese literature
Takahashi Ayano Daito Bunka University  Part-time Lecturer Indian philosophy,Chinese philosophy,Buddhist studies History of Chinese Thought, Astronomical Divination, Mathematical Science
Takahiro Kondo Ceramic artist  Ceramic and Fine Arts Artist
Takako Kondo Universiteit Leiden Graduate Student Art history
Takako Noguchi The Paleological Association of Japan Visiting Researcher Japanese History History of Ancient Japan
Takao Kawanishi Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Team Research Member European and American History Comparative Culture, Acculturation, Germanistik
Takashi Morishita Keio University Art Center Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese Butoh, Theater
Takayanagi Kentaro Koyasan University, Graduate Student
Takayuki Matsumiya Bukkyo University,Faculty of Literature Part time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art History of Oriental Thought, Calligraphy, History of East Asian Cultural Exchange
Tamon Suzuki Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies Researcher Japanese history The End of World War II and the Shape of the Postwar System
Tanishima Kanta nishogakusha-university Faculty of Literature Lecturer Sociology Technology and Humanity,Relationship between Technology and Society,Philosophy of Technology
Taro Ichisaka Hagi Museum Special Curator Japanese history History of Choshu Restoration
Thomas Pellard Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur I`Asie Orientale Chargé de recherches Linguistics Descriptions of the Okami dialect of the Southern Ryukyu and Miyako languages, Comparative historical linguistics of the Japanese language family
Ting Gong Sokendai PhD Candidate Japanese History Ancient Japanese History, East Asian Castles and Cities, Avant-Garde, Reportage, Postwar Literature, Art Movement, Kobo Abe, Minpei Sugiura, Documentary Film
Todorova Petkova Galia Eikei University of Hiroshima, Department of Social System Design 教授 Japanese Studies
Tomoaki Kitsukawa Toyo University Faculty of Letters Part-time Lecturer Buddhist studies East Asian Buddhist Studies
Tomoë I. M. Steineck University of Zurich, Institute for Asian and Oriental Studies, Department of Japanese Studies Affiliated researcher, lecturer Philosophy,Religious studies Japanese philosophy and critical thought,Japanese mythologies,symbolic forms and doctrines in Dōgen,time in medieval culture,
Tomoe Inagaki Chukyo University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences Project Researcher Linguistics Chinese Language, Japanese-Chinese Language Performance
Tomoe Ueno Suntory Foundation for the Arts Curator Japanese history,Art history Middle and Modern Japan,History of Painting
Tomohide Seki Tsuda University Postdoctoral Fellow Asian and African history,Historical studies in general Modern Chinese History
Tomohiro Yoshimura Osaka City University,Urban Research Plaza Postdoctoral Fellow Japanese history Urban tribal history and history of Yoseba
Tomoko Kuba Sokendai, Dept. of Japanese Studies PhD Candidate Japanese history Ancient History of Japan
Tomotaro Kaneko Tokyo University of the Arts Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art Aesthetics and Auditory Culture
Tomoya Kikkawa Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Modernism, therapy, anatomy, human mechanics, prosthetic body
Tomoya Kimura Tamagawa University,College of Arts Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Film Industry History, Toei Movie
Toshinori Miyoshi Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Researcher Intellectual history,Japanese literature Buddhism, Temple scripture, Sermons, Historical books, Medieval literature
Tsudo Ayumi Musashi High School & Junior High School Faculty member Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Modern Education, Modern History of Korea, Manchurian Medical University, Korea under Japanese Rule
Wanhan Wang International Research Center for Japanese Studies Admin. Assistant Japanese history Tourism history,School trip
Weber Torsten German Institute for Japanese Studies Principal Researcher Area Studies,Japanese history Modern East Asian History
Wei Li Nagasaki University,School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences Guest Researcher Historical studies in general,Art history Japanese Gardens, Parks and Urban Planning in Manchuria
Wybe Kuitert Kyoto University of the Arts Researcher Geography Landscape history, Landscape system analysis, Urban landscape
Xiaoyi Liang Peking University, Department of History PhD Researcher Japanese History Recognition of Self and Others in Ancient Japan, Rule of Emishi, Ritsuryo State, and Tang Dynasty's Rule of the Naizuke People,
Xie Fang Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate Student Japanese literature GHQ, censure, Abe Kobo
Xingqing Xu Chinese Culture University of Taiwan President Asian and African history,Japanese history,Intellectual history History of Sino-Japanese Exchange, History of Modern Japanese Thought, History of Japanese Culture
Yamashita Katsuaki Daito Bunka University, Institute for Oriental Studies Visiting Researcher Japanese history Religious Culture and the Way of Yin and Yang in the Heian Period
Yanwen Gao The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, School of Cultural and Social Studies Doctoral student Japanese literature Modern Japanese literature, Colonial literature
Yasuaki Dan Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Human Sciences Lecturer Sociology Interaction analysis, child theory, social media, child culture, social research, media theory, ethnomethodology, cultural sociology, sociology of education, sociology
Yasuharu Akiyoshi Kyoto Seika University Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art Acoustic Media Theory, Auditory Culture Theory
Yasunari Muroi Hosei University,Faculty of Letters Department of History Part-time Lecturer Folklore Folk Culture of East Asia
Yasushi Iwata Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry,Trade Policy Bureau,Asia and Pacific Division Section Chief
Xiaoyao Ye Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Contemporaries, Tokyo, Kyoto, Manchuria, Yasunari Kawabata
Yijie Chen The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Department of International Japanese Studies Doctoral Student Art history Chinese art history, modern art, Japan-China interaction
Yoko Fujishima The University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate Student Sociology fashion exhibition, consumer society theory, visual culture, culture industry, industry, museum, fashion
Yoko Hayashi Agency for Cultural Affairs Senior Specialist for Arts and Culture Art history Modern and Contemporary Art History, Art Criticism
Yongui Kim Chonnam National University, College of Humanities, Department of Japanese Language and Literature Visiting Researcher Ethnography,Cultural Anthropology
Yoojin Koo University of Tokyo Adjunct Assistant Professor Politics Comparative political sociology, Political forming of conservative civil society in Japan, Civil society in East Asia
Yoshiho Kobayashi Kyoto University of the Arts Part time Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Japanese Ikebana Culture, Historical and Interdisciplinary Study of Japanese Traditional Culture
Yoshiko Imaizumi Meiji Jingu Research Institute Principal researcher Japanese history History of the Meiji shrine
Yoshiko Imaizumi Meiji Jingu Research Institute Principal researcher Japanese history History of the Meiji shrine
Yu Fujinuki Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters Part-time Lecturer Philosophy History of Japanese philosophy, Aesthetics, Ontology, Coincidence, Japanese, Poetics
Yu Homma Keio Museum Commons Lecturer Art history History of Art, Museum Studies, Cultural and Financial Sciences
Yu Sasada Imperial Household Agency,Shosoin Cabinet Office Technical Official Japanese history Ancient Japanese History , Ancient Rituals
Yu Xuejian Sokendai, Dept. of Japanese Studies PhD Candidate Japanese literature Comparative study of Japanese and Chinese literature, Early modern literature
Yuan Zhou Toyo University Faculty of Law Lecturer Law,Intellectual history History of Western Legal Systems, History of Legal Thought
Yukari Muto Kyoto University of the Arts,Research Center for Japanese Garden Art and Historic Heritage Contract Researcher Japanese history,Art history Japanese and oriental art history
Yuki Morioka International Research Center for Japanese Studies JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists Chinese literature,Literature in general Comparative Literature and Culture of Japan and China
Yulia Burenina Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Visiting Researcher Japanese History History of Modern Japanese Religion, History of Buddhist Thought
Yuna So Ritsumeikan University Visiting Researcher Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history The Korean democratic movement and art
Yurika Nishiyama International Research Center for Japanese Studies Visiting Researcher Politics History of Japanese politics and diplomacy
Yuriko Suzuki Miyagi Gakuin Women's University Part-time teacher Folklore Cultural Anthropology of Childbirth, Ethnography
Yusuke Inenaga Tokyo University of Foreign Studies World Language and Society Education Centre Researcher Politics Comparative historical sociology of nations, Japan-France comparison
Yutaka Kanazawa Society for the Promotion of Buddhism Staff Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Indian Buddhism, Natural Disasters, Life and Death, Volunteerism, Buddhist Studies
Qi Song Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China Full-time lecturer Intellectual History The three schools of thoughts on Shintoism, Confucianism and Buddhism in the Middle and Late Edo Period
Rina Matsuoka Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Specially Appointed Lecturer Japanese Language Education Japanese Language Education, Inherited Japanese Language Education
David M. Malitz German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Research Fellow Japanese History,Asian and African History Modern History of Japan and Thailand, Global Studies
Kosuke Matsuura Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Assistant Professor Linguistics,Japanese Linguistics Japanese linguistics
Hitoshi Oagwa Kyoto Seika University,Faculty of Global Culture Specially Appointed Lecturer Historical Studies in General History of exchanges between Japan and Europe
Kazuma Omura Doshisha University, Faculty of Law Graduate Student Intellectual History Habermas's social theory
Minori Ogihara Kokugakuin University Research and Development Institute, Institute for the Advancement of Japanese Culture Collaborative Researcher Religious Studies Sect Shintō (Kyōha Shintō)
Tatsuhiko Chono Meiji Gakuin University Part-time lecturer European History German history during the Reformation and early modern times, European religious history
Yuko Takigawa Kagawa University, Faculty of Agriculture Research Assistant Sociology/History of Science and Technology History of East-West interactions, Diversity biology, Taxonomy
Keiko Cryns SOKENDAI, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Department of Japanese History Graduate Student Japanese History History of negotiations between Japan and the Netherlands, Hirado Dutch trading post
Jeroen Pieter Lamers Hankook Shell Oil Co Mfg Chief Executive Officer Japanese History History of Japan's middle ages, History of Japan-Europe exchange
Tomoaki Ishihara The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI), School of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Japanese Studies Graduate Student Japanese Literature Fate and "Destiny" in Classical Literature
Motoki Uesugi The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI), School of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Japanese Studies Graduate Student Japanese Literature Go and Literature in the Pre-Modern Era
Alireza Rezaee International Research Center for Japanese Studies Visiting Researcher Philosophy,Intellectual History,Ethics Comparative studies on theories of Japaneseness and Japanese culture (through comparison with Middle East and Islam)
Yasuyuki Ikegami Osaka Shoin Women's University Part-time Lecturer Japanese Literature Japanese Medieval Literature, "Tsurezuregusa"
Edoardo Gerlini Ca' Foscari University, Department of Asian and North African Studies Researcher Japanese Literature Comparison of Japanese and Chinese Literature with a Focus on Heian Literature
Tomohisa Sumida Japan Science and Technology Agency, Center for Research and Development Strategy Fellow Sociology/History of Science and Technology History and Anthropology of Masks, History and Anthropology of Pollen Allergy
Nobuko Hashizume Doshisha University, Faculty of Economics Part-time Lecturer Cultural Anthropology History of Food Culture
Takashi Ishibashi Osaka University, The Museum of Osaka University Fellow Cultural Property Science/ Museology Honzōgaku, Petrology, Geology, Mineralogy, Natural History
Yoshifumi Nakano Iwami Ginzan Museum Director Japanese History Iwami Ginzan, Mine Control, Management and Technology, Early Modern Japanese History
Amane Tatsumura Japan Traditional Textile Foundation Representative Director Arts in General Traditional Nishiki Textiles, Calligraphy, Seal Engraving, Ceramic Art
Tokurou Shimizu The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, Division of Citrus Research, Citrus Breeding and Production Group Senior Fellow Agricultural Sciences,Environmental Science Citrus Genomics to Facilitate Genomics-Assisted Selection, Gene Isolation and Functional Analysis, Phylogenetic Evolution Study of Genus Citrus
Jun Fujiura Seifu Gakuen Educational Corporation Executive Adviser Environmental Science Mineral
Yasuyuki Hosono Kyoto Kampo Research Association Vice Chief Director Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine, Oriental Medicine
Kazuo Sambongi Japan International Cooperation Agency Cultivation Specialist Agricultural Sciences Coffee Cultivation
Souichirou Inubushi Inubushi Seiyaku Representative Director Medicine Crude Drug
Masaaki OHara Wakayama Prefectural Museum of Natural History Chief Curator Biology Fossil
Rie Fukumoto University of Tokyo, Institute for Future Initiatives Visiting Fellow Education,Agricultural Sciences,Psychology Room Of Children with Kokorozashi and Extra-ordinary Talents, Life Seed Labo
Haruhito Sano Kyoto Architectural College Principal Science and Engineering Design, Architectural Theory
Yoshihiro Matsuda Sozosha College of Design part-time lecturer Arts in General Design
Shogo Ikari University of the Ryukyu, Graduate School of Engineering and Science Graduate Student Science and Engineering Study on the Formation of Biodiversity Patterns in Japan, Museum Simulator Using VR Technology
Rie Takazawa Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Graduate Student Arts in General Artwork and Records
Juntendo Japan LLC, Japan Branch Branch Manager Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine
Shoko Haseyama Museum of Osaka University Research Support Promotion Officer Art History Japanese Art History with a Focus on Paintings of the Edo Period
Takao Shizuka Shizuka Clinic Hospital Director Medicine Chinese Medicine, Traditional Medicine
Tungho Chen National Palace Musium Chief Researcher Art History,History of Science and Technology,Cultural Property Science Cultural Asset Preservation, Material Analysis
Akiko Hori Kansai University, The Institute of Buraku Studies Sessional Lecturer Gender Studies Gender, Sexuality, Visual Culture
Saeko Takishita Toyo Bunko (The Oriental Library) Fellow Asian and African History History of Modern Japan-China Relations, Popular Culture, Education, Manga
Min Chen Nagoya University Ph.D. Candidate Researcher Japanese Literature Arishima Takeo, China, the trip to Manchuria and Korea, Anarchism
Tatsuya Yamazaki Osaka University, Nakanoshima Art Center Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Arts in General Arts, Musicology
Makie Tachikawa Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Lecturer Japanese Language Education Japanese language education, intercultural communication
Hisao Suzuki Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Committee member of the Tadasunomori Forest Preservation and Development Project Archaeology Archaeology
Kenkichi Yoshizawa Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Committee Member, Tendai Buddhism Research Center Sociology Journalism, Kyoto culture
Tomokiyo Tanaka Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Gonguuji of Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine Japanese History Research on traditional Japanese values
Oliver White International Research Center for Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Japanese Literature late Edo-period gisaku literature, Japanese modern gisaku literature, bibliography
Wassmer Johannes Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Specially Appointed Lecturer European Literature,Aesthetics and Studies on Art German literature, Aesthetics
Toshihiro Tanaka Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Director Science and Engineering Metals and Resources Production Engineering
Rui Wang Japan Institute of Nankai University Assistant Researcher International Relations History of Japanese Defense Policy
Huynh Trong Hien Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Japanese Studies Dean of Faculty Japanese History Vietnam-Japan Diplomatic Relations, Vietnam-Japan Trade Relations
Huynh Phuong Anh Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Japanese Studies Associate Dean Asian and African History Economics, Japanese Politics, Japan-ASEAN Relations, Japan-Mekong Regional Relations, Pre-modern Japanese History
Nguyen Thi Hoai Chau Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Japanese Studies Associate Dean Cultural Anthropology Japanese and Vietnamese Burial Culture, Religion and the Family, Caring for the Elderly

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