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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Jeongran Park Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture Lecturer Sociology Comparative Education,Korean Studies
Hejun Shan China, Qingdao University Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history Colonial Cultural History, Tsingtao, Urban Space, Transformation
Kana Tojo Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Japanese Linguistics Modern Japanese Linguistics
Katsuhiro Ito Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Lecturer Linguistics Japanese language education, Applied linguistics
Keiko Suzuki Ritsumeikan University,Graduate School of Letters Lecturer Cultural property science/ Museology,Area Studies,Art history,Historical studies in general,Japanese history,Cultural anthropology Cultural Anthropology/Folklore Studies, Japanese History, Art History, Cultural Property Science/Museology
Kento Shiina Kindai University, Department of Teacher Education Lecturer Education, Sociology Sociology of Literature
Koji Kokubu Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Japanese history Japanese modern history, Law and politics related to the Emperor and the Imperial House of modern Japan
Kosuke Tsuchida Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, World Language and Society Education Centre Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese Art Theory with a focus on Waka Theory and Renga Theory
Kitsnik Lauri Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice Lecturer Aesthetics and Studies on Art Film Studies, Comparative Literature, Japanese Studies, Japanese Cinema, Modern Japanese Literature, Theory of Representational Culture
Linghong Chen East China Normal University of China Lecturer Art history,Asian and African history History of Modern Chinese and Japanese Drama, Comparative Literature, Comparative Culture
Masami Kimura Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Lecturer Japanese history,International relations Japan-US relations, Modern Japanese history
Masumi Oishi Nagoya City University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Lecture Sociology Ethnomethodology, Media Studies, Advertising Studies
Matsuyama Yuko Chukyo University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese literature, Setsuwa literature
Miyabi Kitada Kyoto University, Asian Studies Unit Lecturer Economics,Sociology,Education Medical Education, Health Economics, Clinical Psychology, The issue of students spending too many years for graduation
Muranaka Yumiko Shirayuri University Lecturer European literature English Literature, Literary Theory, History of Ideas, Ecosophy
Nayuta Miki Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Philosophy,Ethics Contemporary Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Language
Ryan Michl Ward Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Lecturer Religious studies Religious Studies, History of Modern Japanese Religions
Ryuuken Nawa Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Indian philosophy Indology/Buddhism, Early Indian Buddhist Literature
Sachi Ando Kyoto University, Graduate Schook of Education and Faculty of Education Lecturer Social welfare and social work studies Wellbeing of immigrants, Social work education, Internationalization of professional education, Diversity education in social work; internationalization of professional education; values, ethics, and function of social work
Sasaki Satoshi Kanazawa Gakuin University Lecturer Asian and African history Chinese Social History, History of Religion and Culture
Shinri Ohta Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Linguistics Psycholinguistics, Neuroscience of language
Taisho Nakayama Kusiro Public University of Economics Lecturer Agricultural sciences,Japanese history Agricultural Development, Immigration, Remnants, Subarctic Colonial Sakhalin, Immigrant Society, Peripheral National Identity, Colonial Ideology, Japanese Remnants on Sakhalin, Postwar Japan, Sakhalin Residents, Borderland History, Borders, Repatriation, Karafuto / Sakhalin
Takatoshi Kiba Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History and Cultural Studies Lecturer Japanese history Cultural history of modern Japan
Tatsuya Hirako Komazawa University,Faculty of Letters Lecturer Linguistics Voice point,Kamidai Japanese,Mikawa dialect,Owari dialect,Oki-no-shima dialect,Izumo dialect,Various Japanese dialects,Descriptive linguistics,Historical linguistics,Accent,Linguistics
Yasuko Imura Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Lecturer Art history Historical division of art and design, Art and commercial activities, Cross-cutting areas of expression with industry
Yoshie Hirokazu Soka University Lecturer Japanese history School Education and the Emperor System in Modern Japan
Yu Yang Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Art history Modern Japanese Art and Architectural History
Yufei Zhou Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Sociology/History of science and technology,Intellectual history Economic Theory, Economic Thought, History of Social Sciences, History of Japanese Thought
Yukari Hagiwara Teikyo University Lecturer Art history Animation Research
Yumiko Muranaka Shirayuri University, Lecturer European history French literature
Makoto Hiramatsu Hokkaido University,Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences Lecturer Sociology,Urban Sociology,Quantitative methods Regional disparity, Comparison of region, Cumulative disadvantage, Quantitative social survey, Social statistics
Reiko Isomae Asahi Culture Center, Kuzuha Division Lecturer Intellectual History History of modern Japanese thought
Bing Ma Beihua University, China Lecturer Intellectual History,Japanese History Japanese cultural history
Keisuke Kojima Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Graduate School of Education Lecturer Japanese Literature Japanese Medieval Prose Works Mainly from the Late Heian to Early Kamakura Periods, a History Book "Gukansho" Written by Jien, a Tendai Monk
Masahiko Tamura Daito Bunka University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Japanese Literature Lecturer Japanese Literature Japanese Medieval Literature, Buddhist Literature
Momiji Saito Kokushikan University,Faculty of Letters Department of History and Geography Lecturer Politics,Japanese History Japanese Modern and Contemporary History
Takuya Yuasa Osaka Sangyo University, Faculty of International Studies Lecturer Intellectual History, International Relations International Relations Philosophy, International Order Theory, Japanese Political and Diplomatic History
Hisashi Yamamoto Chikushi Jogakuen University, Faculty of Human Sciences Lecturer Education History of Modern Universities, History of Higher Education, Pedagogy
Nobuyuki Nakamura Kanda University of International Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages Lecturer Area Studies,Historical Studies in General,International Relations Global History, the U.S.-Japan History, War and Memory Public Diplomacy, Cultural Exchange
Edmond Ernest dit Alban McGill University, Department of East Asian Studies Lecturer Informatics,Gender Studies Film Studies, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies, Transmedia Culture
Takuya Saito Sapporo International University, Faculty of Tourism Business, Department of Tourism Lecturer Gender Studies,Sociology, Sexual minority (LGBTQ) social movements, history, and subcultures
Minqiao Sun Beijing International Studies University, School of Japanese Language, Literature and Culture Lecturer Arts in General Manga Expression in Modern and Contemporary Japan
Madoka Niimi Konan University, Faculty of Letters Lecturer Asian and African History History, Chinese History, Oriental History
Natsume Anzai Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School for Language and Society Lecturer Sociology/History of Science andTechnology History of medicine, History of anatomy
Tomoaki Kono Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Japanese Linguistics History of Japanese language
Aya Takahashi Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Philosophy Clinical philosophy, Philosophical Practice
Mizuki Watanabe Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Cultural Anthropology Economic anthropology, Tourism anthropology, Nepal area studies
Tomochika Sato Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer European History History of 19th century British theater
Magali Bugne Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Art History History of French-Japanese cultural interaction, Theatre history
Yoko Oka Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Japanese Language Education Japanese language education, second language acquisition
Ryan Hartley Chuo University, School of Law Lecturer International Relations International Relations of East and Southeast Asia, Political Economy
David Weiss Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Intellectual History History of Japanese Thought, History of East Asian Thought
Koichiro Nakamura Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer English Linguistics English linguistics, word formation
Robert Cvitkovic Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer English Linguistics,Foreign Language Education Foreign Language Education, Digital Materials Development, Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Speak Fluency
Satoru Yoshimatsu Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Intellectual History,Philosophy French Modern Thought
David Francisco Aranda Teixeira Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Japanese Language Education English Foreign Languages Higher Foreign Languages, Japan, Oceania, Australia, New Zealand Comparative Culture and Society
Yumiko Saito Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer European Literature Modern German Literature
Ding Wang School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University Lecturer Historical Studies in General History of Educational Relations between Japan and China
Yan Tian Japan Institute of Nankai University Lecturer Ethics History of Science and Technology in Japan
Nguyen Thi Thu Huong Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Japanese Studies Lecturer Folklore Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography
Nguyen Thi Huyen Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Japanese Studies Lecturer Psychology Psychology, Educational Psychology
Masafumi Monden Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Lecturer Japanese History,Gender Studies Cultural History, Gender, Sexuality, Popular, Mass Culture
Tamaki Mihic Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Lecturer Japanese Literature Contemporary Japanese Literature, Translation Studies
Lionel Babicz Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Lecturer Japanese History,Asian and African History Modern Japanese history, Meiji intellectual history, Japanese-Korean relations
Yoko Yonezawa Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Lecturer Japanese Linguistics Japanese Linguistics, Language, Culture and Society, Language, Gender and Politics
Qingzhen Deng Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau Lecturer Japanese Literature,Chinese Literature Comparative Literature between Japan and China
Weijie Ren Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau Lecturer Area Studies Japanese Culture, Cultural Studies
Kaya Oriyama Asia Institute, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne Lecturer Linguistics Applied linguistics, Sociolinguistics
Jonathan Glade Asia Institute, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne Lecturer Japanese Literature,Literature in General Modern Japanese Literature, Modern Korean Literature, Literary History
Ni Luh Kade Y. Giri Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Japanese Literature Japanese Literature
Yulius Thedy Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Area Studies Japanese Studies, Japanese Language, History of Japanese Language, Japanese Culture
Dian Annisa Nur Ridha Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Japanese Literature Modern Japanese literature
Yunita El Risman Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Japanese Literature Modern Japanese literature
Nursidah Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Japanese Language Education Japanese Language Education
Nurfitri Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Japanese Literature Modern Japanese Literature, Japanese Linguistics
Nina Alia Ariefa Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Japanese Literature Japanese Literature
Dewi Anggraeni Indonesian Association for Japanese Literary Studies Lecturer Japanese Literature Modern Japanese Literature
Nabi Ito Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Aesthetics and Studies on Art Drama Studies
Youngju Kim Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Foreign Language Education Korean Language Education
Kana Takaki Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer European Literature Spanish Literature
Aki Ishigami Waseda University, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences Lecturer (fixed term) Japanese history early modern cultural history
Arison Tokita Kyoto City University of Arts Visiting Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Narrative, Shamisen Music, Music and Modernity in East Asia
Atsushi Fujisawa Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor, Museum of Osaka University Archaeology Tumulus Culture Studies, Archaeology, Tohoku Region Studies
Atsushi Onodera Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Adjunct Professor Geography Historical geography
Ayumu Banzawa Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities Professor Economics,European history Modern German economic history, Business history
Eri Watanabe Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature, postwar literature
Fumitaka Yamauchi National Taiwan University College of Liberal Arts Associate Professor Art history Recording industry in the context of colonial Korea
Gabrakova Dennitza City University of Hong Kong Assistant Professor Japanese literature,Literature in general Japanese Modern Literature
Gunei Satou Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Professor Education Intercultural mobility and education, Education of foreign children living in Japan
Haruo Shirane Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Visiting Professor Japanese literature,Literature in general Japanese Classical Literature and Culture, Comparative Cultural History, Literature and Cultural Theory
Hirochika Nakamaki Suita City Museum,National Museum of Ethnology Professor Emeritus Cultural anthropology Anthropology of Religion, Business Anthropology
Hiroo Nakajima Osaka University, Graduate School of International Public Policy Graduate School of International Public Policy, Professor International relations,American history,Area Studies American political and diplomatic history
Hitoshi Katou Osaka University, Center for Japanese Language and Culture Specially Appointed Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies History of Buddhist thought
Keita Kikuchi Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Education English education, Educational psychology
Kenji Mitsunari Osaka University, Graduate School of Law Graduate School of Law, Professor Law Western legal history, German law, Comparative legal history
Koichi Ichikawa Meiji University School of Arts and Letters Professor (Retired) Sociology Social Psychology, Social Psychology History, Japanese Studies, Mass Communication
Koji Okumura Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University Specially Appointed Professor Geography Volcanic ash compilation, Paleoseismic research
Masahiro Yamada Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Japanese linguistics Grammar history of the Japanese language
Nanako Inaba Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor, Dean Sociology Poor People's Participation in Social Movements, International migration
Natsuo Santo National Chengchi University Department of Japan Assistant Professor Japanese literature
Ohgata Tohru Ritsumeikan University Visiting Professor Chinese philosophy Chinese Philosophy
Ono Yuji Dalian University of Foreign Languages Visiting Professor Intellectual history,Chinese philosophy History of East Asian Cultural Exchange
Robert Lawrence Chard University of Tokyo Visiting Professor Japanese literature,Chinese literature,Japanese history Cultural history of East Asia, Chinese classic studies
Sayo Tsutsui Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Professor Japanese Language Education Conversation analysis, Japanese Language Education
Shigeki Iwai Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Deputy Director/Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese cultural history, comparative cultural studies
Shinji Hamauzu Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Visiting Professor,Professor Emeritus Ethics Clinical Philosophy, Ethics
Shinya Hashizume Osaka Prefecture University, Research Center for the 21st Century Specially Appointed Professor Tourism Studies,Arts in general Architecture, History of Modern Architecture, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Urban Tourism Research, Urban Recreation Research, Urban Policy, Regional Policy
Shoumai En Shinshu University,Academic Assembly,Institute of Humanities Adjunct Professor Japanese literature,Chinese literature Japanese Early Modern Fiction and Chinese Fiction
Shouya Unoda Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Deputy Director/Graduate School of Humanities, Professor Intellectual history Japanese Thought, History of Japanese Thought in Modern and Contemporary Times, History of Confucianism in Modern Japan, Cultural Movements in Postwar Japan
Takeshi Tanikawa Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics Visiting Professor Arts in general Film history, Pop culture, Media theory
Tamio Takemura Osaka Sangyo University Former Professor Sociology Society and Culture in Modern Japan
Tetsuo Imura Niigata University Professor (Retired) Asian and African history,Japanese history Manchurian Studies,Modern History of Northeast China,Japan-China and Japan-Taiwan Relations
Tomi Suzuki Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Visiting Professor Japanese literature,Literature in general Japanese Literature, comparative literature, 19th and 20th century literature and thought, literature and cultural theory
Tomoyasu Kato Meiji University Graduate School of Arts and Letters Specially Appointed Professor Japanese History Ancient Japanese History
Toshiki Osada National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics Visiting Professor Linguistics Munda,South Asian languages,linguistics,Indus civilization, Munda languages, Linguistics
Waka Aoyama University of Tokyo Professor Economics Economics and ethics in Southeast Asia
Xing Zhou Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Folklore,Cultural anthropology Chinese folklore, Chinese cultural anthropology
Yasuko Yokoyama Hosei University, Research Center for International Japanese Studies Director; Faculty of Engineering, Professor Japanese literature Study of Kaidan literature, Ghost stories, Early modern history of performing arts, Performing arts, Kabuki
Yasushi Kawai Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Visiting Professor Japanese history History of the Medieval Period in Japan
Yasushi Nagata Osaka University, Nakanoshima Art Center Specially Appointed Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Theater studies, History of 20th century theater, Study of Russian avant-garde theater, Study of interculturalism in contemporary Asian theater
Yoshie Hara Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Professor Japanese Linguistics Comparative base culture, Recitation
Yoshie Inoue Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music Specially Appointed Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
Yoshinobu Seno Nishogakusha University, Faculty of Literature Specially Visiting Professor Japanese literature Ancient and medieval literature, Heian Period Waka Literature, Waka Stories
Youko Kishi Waseda University, Institute of Chinese Affairs Researcher (Waseda University Professor Emerita) Chinese literature,Literature in general Chinese Literature and Thought
Yukari Enoi Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences Specially Appointed Professor Sociology,Education Sociology of education, multicultural coexistence
Yuko Numata Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Professor Business administartion Financial Services for Individuals in the United States, Sales Channels of Financial Institutions, Customer Segmentation
Tomoji Tabata Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Division of Language and Culture, Professor Linguistics,European Literature Digital Humanities, Stylistics, Corpus Linguistics
Kiyoshi Matsuda Kanda University of International Studies Visiting professor Historical Studies in General History of Cultural Exchange between Japan and Europe, History of Western Learning in pre-modern Japan
Akira Kitajima Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Faculty of Bioenvironmental Sciences Specially Appointed Professor Agricultural Sciences Fruit Science, Citrus Science, Horticultural Breeding
Mitani Kazuo Nara Medical University, Yamato Kampo Medical and Pharmaceutical Center Specially Appointed Professor Medicine 東洋医学, 西洋医学, 漢方
Weijane Lin National Taiwan University, Department and Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science Associate Professor Informatics Human-Computer Interaction, Learning Analysis, Digital Reading
Wei-Ying Hsu National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Liberal Education Center Assistant Professor Arts in General Sociology of the Arts, History of Dance in Taiwan, Psychosomatic Therapy, Criticism of Dance
Hitoshi Nakata Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Japanese Linguistics,Linguistics Japanese Linguistics
Futoshi Yamakawa Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Japanese Language Education,Japanese Linguistics,Linguistics Theoretical Linguistics
Shinobu Imai Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Linguistics Cognitive linguistic study on Japanese morphology
Yasuo Iwai Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Linguistics Japanese phonetics and phonology
Masahiro Gonoji Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Literature in General Japanese cultural studies, comparative literature, Western classical literature
Yoshinari Shibata Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Japanese Literature Japanese cultural studies, Japanese classical literature
Ikuko Shoji Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Japanese Linguistics Japanese linguistics, syntax
Princess Akiko Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Distinguished Professor Art History Research on Japanese art collections abroad, History of cultural exchange
Kazuhiko Kobayashi Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Professor Japanese Literature Japanese classic literature
Yutaro Shimode Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Visiting Professor Cultural Property Science/ Museology Lacquer culture in general, Traditional arts and crafts
Tadayoshi Murakami Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Professor Folklore Japanese folklore
Shuji Yoshino Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Professor Japanese History Ancient Japanese history
Masashi Wakamatsu Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Professor Japanese History Early-modern Japanese history
Masahiro Ikeda Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Foreign Studies, Professor Japanese History,Asian and African History History of cultural exchange between Japan and China, Chinese history
Isao Tokoro Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Professor Emeritus Japanese History Japanese legal history
Mitsuro Inoue Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Professor Emeritus Japanese History Ancient Japanese history
Kozo Hiratake Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Professor Tourism Studies Tourism, Culture, City planning, Local government
Akihiko Takano Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University Visiting Professor Informatics Archive Informatics

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