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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Fumihiko Tsumura Meijo University, Office of International Affairs Faculty of Foreign Studies, Professor Cultural Anthropology,Folklore,Religious Studies,Area Studies Southeast Asia, witchcraft, religion
Eiichi Nojiri Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Human Sciences, Professor Intellectual History,Economics Comparative Study of Civilizations
Naixi Feng Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University Assistant Professor Chinese Literature,Historical Studies in General Early modern Chinese literature, Modern intellectual history, Historical theory, cultural theory
Taku Kurashige Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University Assistant Professor Japanese Literature,Chinese Literature Modern Chinese Literature, Japanese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Shaoyang Lin Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau Distinguished Professor Intellectual History History of Sino-Japanese Thought, History of Sino-Japanese Exchange
Avocat Eric Marc Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Specially Appointed Associate Professor European literature French literature, Ancient Greek-Latin literature and culture, History of Western European theater
Kageyama Etsuko Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Specially Appointed Associate Professor Art history Cultural history of Central Asia
Ken’ichi Yasuoka Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Immigration History
Kentaro Higuchi Ryukoku University, Faculty of Letters Specially Appointed Associate Professor Japanese History Ancient and medieval history of Japan
Manami Fujihira Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese Language Education Japanese Language Education
Kaoruko Matsumura Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Folklore Folk religion
Kaoruko Matsumura Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Folklore Folk religion
Nicholas Lambrecht Mahood Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese literature, Comparative literature, International Japanese studies, Japanese literature, repatriation, decolonization, postwar literature
Noriaki Yoshida Mejiro University Faculty of Media Studies Department of Media Studies Specially Appointed Associate Professor Sociology Media History,Journalism History,Popular Culture,Occupation Studies
Quek Mary Joy Ngak Hiang Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Associated Professor Business administartion Hospitality Management, Hotel Management History, Tourism Industry
Shigeru Matsui Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Arts in general Contemporary Art, The Relationship between Mass Media and Art
Yuzuru Nakagawa Tama University The New Institute for Social Knowledge and Collaboration:Kumon Center Visiting Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Industrial history, Cultural history, Relationship between character expression and technology/culture
Junko Nagahara Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Religious Studies Religious Ethnography
Hitomi Omata Rappo Hakubi Center/Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University Associate Professor European History,Japanese History A survey of the image of Japan from the modern to contemporary European mindset
Manami Fujihira Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese Language Education Japanese Language Education
Akiko Mizuno Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese Literature Japanese Literature
Mami Murata Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese Linguistics Accent Theory, Dialectology, Sociolinguistics, Phonetics, Phonology
Mari Komori Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese Language Education Japanese language education
Masafumi Sano Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese History Japanese cultural studies, Modern and Contemporary Japanese history
Miho Takai Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese Language Education Japanese language pedagogy, conversation analysis
Asao Kure Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Law, Associate Professor Law Japanese legal history, Ancient Japanese history
Masatoshi Sasabe Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese history
Diego Pellecchia Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Aesthetics and Studies on Art Theater studies, Japanese traditional performing arts
Marès Emmanuel Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Art History History of Japanese Architecture and Gardens
Natsuko Yoshiga Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Informatics Human Informatics, Semantic Web
Motoki Usuzawa Tohoku University, Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Specially Appointed Associate Professor Sociology Healthcare Continuity Mechanisms, Social Implementation
Aiko Sato Meiji University Graduate School of Arts and Letters Graduate Student Literature in general,Japanese literature The Study of Japanese Sermons in the Chinese Cultural Area, Vietnamese Sermons
Akira Kasuga Tama Art University Part-time Lecturer Art history,Cultural anthropology,Folklore Ethnographic research on Balinese rituals with video and audio, Research on video and audio expression with a focus on advanced media, Production and research of media art works
Akira Kinoshita Ritsumeikan University,Graduate School of International Relations Part time Lecturer Sociology,International relations America, Japanese descent, ethnicity, student organization, identity politics, memorial service, volunteer, Japanese, Japanese empire, soft power policy, Filipino students in Japan
Amane Kasai Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Global Arts Part-time Lecturer Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art International Japanese Studies, History of Representational Culture, Musicology
Andassova Maral Wako University Visiting Researcher Japanese literature Izumo, Shamanism, Kojiki
Anthony Stean Harvey Paul Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer European literature,English linguistics English Literature, English Poetry,
Asai Akihiko Branch Manager Japanese history The culture of the discriminated Buraku and the identity of Buraku people
Atsuko Ishikawa Nomura Co. Ltd.
Aya Aoshima Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Graduate Student Aesthetics and studies on art Musiology
Ayako Kimishima Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Researcher Religious studies,Art history Modern Buddhism, Material religion, Monuments, Avalokitesvara
Ayako Shoji Ochanomizu University, Faculty of Core Research Human Science Division Researcher Japanese History Empresses and Kingship in the Heian Period,
Ayumi Hashimoto Otsuma Women's University Faculty of Language and Literature Part-time Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese Modern Literature
Ayumi Tsudo Musashi High School Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history History of modern education, Modern history of Korea
Barbara Geilhorn German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Negotiations of gender and power in classical Japanese culture, stagings of contemporary society in Japanese performance
Barbara Holthus German Institute for Japanese Studies Deputy Directors-General Sociology marriage and the family, child care, happiness and well-being, volunteering, media, gender, rural Japan, demographic and social change
Charan Pradhan Gouranga Ryukoku University,Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures Postdoctoral Fellow Japanese literature,Literature in general Overseas Distribution of Japanese Classical Literature, Japan-Europe Cultural Exchange
Chiara Comastri University of Oxford Graduate Candidate Japanese history Post-war Japan grassroots cultural and social movements
Chikara Uchida Toyo University, Center for Sustainable Development Studies Research Associate Japanese history,Intellectual history History of Historiography as Postwar Japanese Thought, The "Social History" Movement of the 1970s and 1980s
Chin-ping Liao National Sun Yat-sen University Researcher Intellectual history Hajime Tanabe, Philosophy of Religion, Modernization of Zen, Nishida, Daisetsu Suzuki, Kegon Philosophy
Chisato Kawakami Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (RPD) Japanese literature,Education Middle Ages Literature, Literature, Classical Education
Dai Fukaya The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum Visiting Researcher Japanese literature
Dennitza GABRAKOVA Victoria University of Wellington Senior Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese literature
Lawrence E. Marceau Ritsumeikan University, Art Research Center Visiting Researcher Japanese literature Japanese Literature of the Edo and Meiji Periods
Enbun Ko Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Manchurian Development, Human Mobility, Pioneer Literature, Imagination and Representation, Intellectuals in Wartime
Eri Shiraishi Kyoto University,Institute for Research in Humanities Researcher Art history Japanese art history, intercultural contact from the Edo period onward, the image of Meiji period missionaries in prints
Eunjung Kim Seikei University,The Faculty of Law, JSPS  JSPS International Fellow International relations,Politics nternational Relations in Northeast Asia, International Politics, Japan-Korea Relations, History of Japanese Diplomacy
Franz Waldenberger German Institute for Japanese Studies Directors-General Economics,Business administartion Japanese economy, corporate governance, Japan’s international economic relations, fiscal and monetary policy
Fumihiko Hanada Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education Graduate Student Intellectual history,Japanese history,Sociology Media History, Modern Japanese History, History of Film Thought, Lifelong Education
Fumikazu Taniguchi Kyoto Seika University Faculty of Popular Culture Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art Acoustic Media, Music Theory, Musicology, Music Analysis
Gouji Nakamoto Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Division of Health Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow Cultural anthropology Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology
Hana Washitani The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum Visiting Researcher Arts in general Film Studies, History of Japanese Visual Culture
Harald Kümmerle German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Sociology/History of science and technology discourse on the digital transformation in Japan, concept of data, topic models
Haruka Ichikawa Nagoya University Graduate Student Japanese literature Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature, Representation of Wounded Warriors
Hattori Mari Shinkenchiku-Sha Co., Ltd. Editor Aesthetics and studies on art
Hee-chan Shim Ritsumeikan University Visiting Researcher Intellectual history,Historical studies in general History of East Asian Thought, History of History
Hidekazu Imai Daito Bunka University, Department of Humanities Part-time Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese Early Modern Literature
Hidekazu Imai Daito Bunka University Faculty of Literature Part-time teacher Japanese literature Japanese Early Modern Literature, Study of Yokai Culture
Hideki Hiramatsu Osaka University,School of Foreign Studies Part-time Lecturer Area Studies Japanese Representation as Orientalism in the Materials of Rama VI and VII Periods, Thai Film Archive, Popular Culture in Continental Southeast Asia
Hidenori Okada The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Researcher Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Film History,Film Archive
Hideo Ito The University of Tokyo,College of Arts and Sciences Part-time Lecturer Linguistics Korean Linguistics, Literature
Hiroaki Toyoda Osaka University Visiting Researcher Asian and African history,Japanese history,Historical studies in general Castles in Asia, Comparative Urban History
Hiroe Matsui Osaka City University Urban-Culture research Center Researcher Japanese history History of Japanese diplomacy, History of Japanese-German relations
Hiroe Nukui Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum Curatorial Section Japanese history Japanese Medieval History, Ecclesiastical Bibliography, History of Temples, Archival Management
Hirohito Suzuki Toyo University Center for Global Innovation Studies Research Assistant Sociology Historical Sociology, Postwar Japan
Hiroshi Ishikawa The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Lecturer Asian and African history Revolutionary Thought and Revolutionary Movements in Modern China, Anarchism
Hiroyuki Nakanishi The National Museum of Art, Osaka Researcher Art history Contemporary Art, Media
Hitomi Fukazawa Otsuma Women's University Part-time Lecturer Japanese literature Literature and Onmyoudou in the Heian Period
Hovhannisyan Astghik Russian-Armenian University Senior Lecturer Japanese history Sexuality, Sexism, Intellectual disability, History of medicine, Social history of medicine, History of ophthalmology, Family planning, Eugenics, History of science, Modern Japan
Hyang-su Lee Teikyo University Part-time Lecturer Literature in general Comparative Culture
Iku Nagasaki Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Specially Appointed Lecturer Linguistics Corpus linguistics, Field Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, Syntax, Morphology, Old Asian Languages, Yukaghir
Imaizumi Yoshiko Meiji Jingu Intercultural Research Institute Senior Researcher Japanese history Meiji Jingu History
Inose Chihiro Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Reseacreher Japanese literature Medieval literature
Iori Kurokawa Kobe University, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies Collaborative Research Fellow Japanese history,Intellectual history History of Japanese thought, History of social movements
Iori Tada Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences Visiting Researcher Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies,Japanese history History of cultural exchange between Japan and China, excavated documents, distribution of books, development and transformation of Buddhism in East Asia
Isaac Gagné German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Researcher Cultural anthropology morality and ethics, religion and modernization, role of local community groups in the face of disaster and social crises
Itsuki Umeyama Kindai University Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies Department of Cultural and Historical Studies Specially Appointed Lecturer Japanese literature,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese Modern and Contemporary Theater , Society and Culture in the 1960s
Jin Sugimoto Kunio Yanagida Research Group Member Folklore
Jungwon Jin Academia Sinica Researcher Asian and African History Women's Education in Modern East Asia, Good Wife and the Wise Mother
Jung-Yeon Ma Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art Visual Media Studies, Contemporary Art, Art and Contemporary Society, Archive for Criticism
Junichi Nogami National Institute of Japanese Literature Japanese literature Japanese Literature, History of Post-Middle Ages Studies
Junichiro Ando Toyo University Asian Cultures Research Institute Visiting Researcher Asian and African history Ethnic Minority Issues in Modern China
Junko Terado Senshu University,School of Letters Lecturer Religious studies Christianity, Disability Studies, Symbiosis, Body Theory, French Culture
Junpei Ashikawa Auditor Aesthetics and studies on art Recitation of stories accompanied by samisen (called naniwabushi)
Kanako Okumura Nagoya University Graduate Student Japanese literature Coal Mines and the Atomic Bomb, Hidenobu Ueno, Cultural Movement in Coal Mines, Chikuho District, Fukuoka Prefecture, Omuta City, Who Works in Coal Mines, Proletarian Literature,
Kastuyuki Inoue International Research Center for Japanese Studies Research Fellow Japanese History Cultural History of Ancient and Medieval Japan
Kasumi Shigeta Yamaguchi Prefectural Archives Staff Member Japanese History Shoyoki, Change of status,
Katsuo Suzuki The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. Researcher Art history 20th Century Art
Kayoko Horii Kyoto Seika University Project Research Fellow Japanese History Ancient Japanese History, Diplomacy in the Heian Period
Kazue Nagasawa Tenri University Part-time Lecturer International relations,Japanese history History of East Asian international relations, Japan-Korea relations
Kazue Yokoi Music journalist
Kazunari Naito Imperial Household Agency Archives and Mausolea Department Researcher Japanese history Modern Japanese History
Kazuto Kondo Daito Bunka University Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Sociology Media Studies, Cultural Sociology, History of Visual Culture
Keaki Matsudaira Sophia University,Graduate School of Global Studies Postdoctoral Fellow International relations Japanese American, Nisei, migration, Hawaii, Sendai, Chicago
Kei Chiba Meiji University Part-time Lecturer Japanese history,Gender Studies,Art history Japanese Studies in Visual Culture, Modern Japanese History, Gender History
Keiko Saga Meiji Gakuin University Part-time Lecturer Sociology Sociology of History, Cultural History Studies
Ken Hiruma Rikkyo University Part-time Lecturer European literature Literature and Culture between the French Wars
Ken Ito Museum of Osaka University Specially Appointed Lecturer Medicine,Cultural property science/Museology Herbology, Museum Studies, Herbal Medicine, Kampo Pharmacology
Kenichi Kamigaito Otsuma Women's University Part time Lecturer Literature in general History of Relations between Japan and the Korean Peninsula, Comparative Culture and Literature
Ken'ichi Shunto International Research Center for Japanese Studies Project Research Fellows Japanese history,Historical studies in general Interspecies relations, History of animal welfare
Kensuke Nakashima Nada High School Teacher Japanese literature Medieval Literature, History of Noh, Noh Raku
Kikuko Okamoto Nara Prefectural University Eurasia research center Visiting Researcher Japanese history Cultural Historical Study of "Commemorative Tree Planting" in Modern Japan
Kiyoshi Aizawa The National Institute for Defense Studies Director, Security Policy History Research Office Japanese history,International relations International political history of the East Asian region around Japan, Postwar history of East Asia
Kohei Kataoka National Institute of Japanese Literature Project Researcher Japanese history Impurity, Order, Middle age, Japanese history,Time, Japanese History, Order, Defilement, Middle Ages
Kohei Kikuchi Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Visiting Researcher Arts in general Puppet Culture, Puppet Media Studies
Koichi Fujimoto The Foundation for the Reizei family's Shigure-tei library Chief Researcher (Part-time) Japanese History,Japanese literature Ancient Literature, Medieval Historiography
Koji Hirota Shizuoka City Cultural Promotion Foundation Curator Japanese history Social History of the Middle Ages
Koji Kawasaki Soai University Faculty of Music Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art Electronic music
Kosaka Shunsuke Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Specially Appointed Assistant Professor European history,American history History of the Roman Empire
Kosugi Ryoko Kyoto University Research Fellow Sociology History of Social Movements, Theory of Social Movements, Student Movements and School Struggles, Life History, 1960s Studies
Kotaro Ogino Uguisu Ribbon Director Aesthetics and studies on art Research on the enactment process of the preferential system of prefectural inhabitant tax for specified nonprofit corporations
Kumiko Ishikawa Musashi University Research Center Research Fellow Japanese literature Japanese classical literature,Japanese language education,Classical education
Kyoko Tsujimoto Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellow Folklore,Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Soundscape,Hong Kong,East Asia,Sports,Sound Environment,Cultural Anthropology,Ethnomusicology,Soundscape Studies,Ethnomusicology,Anthropology of sound
Kyoko Yamada Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Research Fellow Art history Dutch Art of the 17th Century, Oriental Influences in Dutch Art
Kyosuke Terayama Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Researcher European history Soviet-Japanese Relations, Soviet Far East Policy, Ethnic Policy,Contemporary Russian Political History
Liya Fan Academia Sinica,Institute of History and Philology Art history,Asian and African history History of Modern Chinese Art
Mai Isoyama The University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate Student Sociology U.S. anti-communist public relations and cultural diplomacy toward Japanese students during the Cold War
Maki Suzuki The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Postdoctoral Fellow Sociology Mobilization of Cartoonists during the Asia Pacific War
Makiko Tsuchida Kyoritsu Women's University Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Arts in general Early Modern Theater, History of Japanese Music, History of Japanese Performing Arts
Makoto Miyatani Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University Director Psychology Experimental psychology research on the functioning of the mind, including attention, memory, and language
Makoto Tanaka Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Research Organization, JSPS Specially Appointed Researcher Japanese History History of Medieval Japan
Mamoru Makino Film historian Art history Film historian,Film producer
Mana Karimata Waseda University,Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Japanese literature Japanese Literature in the 1930s, Ango Sakaguchi
Manabu Oishi Japan Arts Council Supervisor Japanese History Early Modern Japanese History
Markus Heckel German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Economics Macroeconomics, the political economy of central banks and labor economics
Masae Azuma Oiso Municipal Office Director Archaeology Archaeology,Japanese Ancient History
Masanobu Kagawa Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History Curator Folklore Folklore of monsters and toys
Masao Asami Author, former director of Bungeishunju, Author, former director of Bungeishunju, Japanese history Imperial family, Chinese system
Itsuki Masuda Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Shusaku Endo, Warring Factions, Conversion Issues, Postwar Christian History, Christianity and Culture, Opposition to the 1970 Osaka Expo
Masuyama Kazusige Tokyo Chuo City, Library and Cultural Assets Section Curator
Matthew Larking Doshisha Women`s College of Liberal Arts,Osaka University of Economics Part-time Lecturer Art history Japanese Modern Art History,Modern Japanese art
Mayumi Yamamoto Kyoto Art Center Chief Program Director Art history Traditional Arts, Artist in Residence
Mengfei Qi Beijing Foreign Studies University of China Beijing Center for Japanese Studies Graduate Student Aesthetics and studies on art Manga studies
Michi Shigeta Kyoto University of the Arts Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Arts, History of arts and culture in Japan and East Asia, History of academic, cultural and ideological exchange in Japan and East Asia, History of academic thought in Japan
Michiko Tsuneda Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Recruiting Researcher Cultural anthropology Cultural anthropology, gender, ethnicity, and transnational relations among Malay Muslim communities in the southern border region of Thailand
Mijeoung Park Ritsumeikan University Part-time lecturer Art history,Asian and African history Spatial Formation of Colonial Cities
Mika Tsukuda Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies PhD Candidate Japanese Literature Heian period, Coronation ceremony, Posthumous
Minako Waseda Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Music Part-time Lecturer Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese American Music Culture
Mioko Uchida Ochanomizu University Center for Comparative Japanese Studies Researcher Japanese literature Japanese Medieval Literature
Mitsuhiro Okamoto Artist

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