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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Toshiyuki Satou Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University Professor Chinese literature,Literature in general Comparative Japanese Culture, Human Culture, Sino-Japanese Comparative Culture
Tsuchiya Yuka Kyoto University, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies of Human and Environmental Studies Professor International relations,American history Public Relations and Cultural Diplomacy of the United States during the Cold War
Tsugihiko Honma Meiji University School of Political Science and Economics Professor Chinese philosophy Zhu Xi, Yang Ming, Chinese Nationalism
Tsuneyuki Abe Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Psychology Emotional psychology, Physiological psychology, Cognitive psychology, Disaster psychology
Tsutomu Maeda Aichi University of Education Professor Intellectual history History of Japanese Thought, History of Edo Thought
Tsutomu Ohna Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor English linguistics English studies, unified language theory, language studies, synthetic grammar, English language and French law, corpus
Tsutomu Tomotsune Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Professor Intellectual history Area studies, History of thought
Tsuyoshi Horie Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Philosophy,Ethics Modern Western philosophy (especially Spinoza), Social systems theory, Philosophy of dialogue (especially Socratic dialogue)
Tsuyoshi Ishii The University of Tokyo,Graduate school of Arts and Sciences,College of Arts and Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy Modern Chinese Thought and Philosophy, China, Philosophy, Dai Zhen, Zhang Binglin, Academics, Chinese Literature, Chinese Philosophy, Culture of the 1980s, Political Philosophy, Traditional Thought, Modern Thought, World, May Fourth Movement, Verbal Thought, Cosmopolitanism
Tsuyoshi Kitamura Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Cultural anthropology,Folklore,Historical studies in general Okinawa Studies, Memories of war, Research on postwar history of Okinawa, Research on Okinawan folk culture
Tsuyoshi Kurata Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Philosophy Austrian philososphy, Analytic metaphysics and ontology in modern English-speaking world
Tsuyoshi Takiguchi OGlobal Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Professor Politics History of Japanese politics
Tzu-Chin Huang Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica Professor Asian and African history Japan-China War, Japan and Taiwan, Japanese Diplomacy
Shigeki Uno The University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science Professor Law, Intellectual history History of political thought, Political philosophy
Wataru Enomoto International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Japanese history History of International Exchange in the Middle Ages
Wittern Christian Kyoto University,Center for Informatics in East Asian Studies, Institute for Research in Humanities Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy Humanistic Informatics, Chinese Zen Buddhism
Xiaodong Li The University of Shimane Faculty of Policy Studies Professor Politics History of Political Thought in Modern China, History of Japan-China Relations, Political and Social Theory of Modern China
Xiaojie Yang University of Calgary English Language Program Professor Japanese literature Classical Japanese literature
Xijun Lu Daito Bunka University, Faculty of International Relations Professor Asian and African history,International relations Politics and International Relations in East Asia
Yamamoto Taizo Osaka Sangyo University Professor Economics Contemporary Capitalism, Economic Methodology
Yasuhiko Sugimura Kyoto University,Graduate School of Letters Professor Religious studies,Philosophy Philosophy of Religion, Contemporary French Philosophy, Philosophy of the Kyoto School
Yasuhiro Matsuda University of Tokyo Professor International relations Politics and diplomacy of China and Taiwan, China-Taiwan Relations, Foreign and security policy of Japan
Yasuhiro Ueki Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor International relations United Nations studies, United Nations peace operations, international organization theory, human security, U.S. diplomacy at the United Nations, counterterrorism strategy
Yasuko Morinaga Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University Professor Psychology Social psychology research on stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, and disparity, gender research
Yasuko Nakamura Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Intellectual history Rilke, Max Frisch, Freud, Literary research using text mining
Yasuko Tsuru Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor Law, International relations Maritime governance, Japan and nuclear disarmament
Yasumasa Oguro Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor European literature German Literature
Yasuo Deguchi Kyoto University, Asian Studies Unit Professor Philosophy Philosophy of Mathematical Sciences that include Probability Theory and Statistics, Scientific Realism, Philosophy of Computer Simulation and Chaos Studies, Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics, Skolem’s Philosophy, and Analytic Asian Philosophy
yasuo miwaki Jin-ai University,Faculty of Human Studies,Department of Psychology Professor Medicine Philosophy of Psychiatry and History of Psychiatry
Yasu'o Mizobe Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Professor Area Studies Historical research on Africa's unique theory of modernization and self-sustaining development, A History of Japan-Africa Relations in the Mid-20th Century
Yasushi Hirosato Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor Sociology International education and development, comparative studies of international education
Yasushi Ogasawara Meiji University,School of Global Japanese Studies Professor Business administartion Organizational Management and Culture
Yasushi Oki University of Tokyo Professor Chinese literature Literature of the Ming and Qing dynasties in China
Yasushi Sugimura Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Japanese linguistics Japanese grammar
Yasuto Okunaka Shizuoka University of Art and Culture Faculty of Cultural Policy and Management Professor Aesthetics and studies on art The Cultural Transformation of Western Music in Japan
Yasuyuki Funaba Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Philosophy Kant's philosophy, communication theory
Yayoi Yoshizawa Kyoritsu Women`s University,Faculty of Arts and Letters Professor Sociology,Arts in general Sociology of Art, Cultural Studies
Yo Hamada Teikyo University, Faculty of Liberal Arts Professor Religious studies,Intellectual history Comparative Religion and Culture,International Japanese Culture,Civilization
Yohey Arakawa Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Professor Linguistics International Language Audit, Applied Cognitive Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics
Yohko Watanabe Keio University Art Center Professor Art history Modern Art History
Yoko Fukao Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor Asian and African history Chinese Society, Global Management of Environment, Social Ecology
Yoko Matsubara Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences Professor Gender Studies,Sociology/History of science and technology History of Science, Bioethics, Social Theory of Science and Technology
Yoko Nakai Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Professor Linguistics conversation data analysis
Yoko Nojima(Kato) The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese History,Military and Diplomacy in Modern Japan
Yoko Yamamoto Meisei University School of Humanities Professor Art history History of Middle Eastern Art, History of Japanese Art in the Middle Ages
Yorimitsu Hashimoto Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Literature in English,Literature in general,European History Comparative literature, Regional Studies on Britain
Yoshiaki Fukuma Ritsumeikan University College of Social Sciences Professor Sociology Media History, Memory and Knowledge of War
Yoshiaki Mihara Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School for Language and Society Professor Literature in English English Literature, Literary Theory, History of Ideas, Ecosophy
Yoshichika Honda Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Literature in General Comparative Culture, South Asian Classics, Indology
Yoshihiko Maeda Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Japanese history Ancient and medieval history of Japan
Yoshihiko Minamizawa Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Chinese philosophy The history of ancient Chinese medieval thought
Yoshihiro Watanabe Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Artsand Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies History of Ancient Chinese Thought
Yoshikazu Nagai Kansai University Professor Sociology Urban Sociology,Popular Culture
Yoshiko Ashiwa Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Social Sciences Professor Cultural anthropology,Politics Buddhism and Globalization Strategy in Contemporary China, Art, Museums and Value Generation Process, Logic of Peacebuilding
Yoshiko Takahashi Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Biological Science Department of Zoology Professor Biology Developmental Biology
Yoshimi Shunya The University of Tokyo Professor Sociology Urbanism, Cultural Sociology, Cultural Studies
Yoshinobu Shino Meiji University,School of Arts and Letters Professor Chinese philosophy Modern Chinese Philosophy, Tang and Song Ancient Literature Movement
Yoshinori Eto Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University Professor Ethics Educational Ethics, Modern Japanese Thought
Yoshio Kawahira Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Professor Linguistics Generative linguistics, English syntax, Japanese-English contrastive studies
Yoshiro Ogawara Tohoku University, Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Professor Education Methodology of Japanese language education
Yoshitaka Hibi Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature, Cultural Theory
Yoshitsugu Igawa University of Tsukuba,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy The Influence of Song and Ming Science on Enlightenment Europe
Yoshiyasu Sakura Tohoku University, Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Professor Japanese literature Japanese literature, Cultural history, History of literacy
Yoshiyuki Suto Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor European history History of ancient Greece, History of cultural exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean
Yosuke Kotajima Meisei University School of Humanities Professor Chinese literature,Literature in general Japanese and Chinese comparative culture, Chinese literature, Chinese reading, Chinese poetry, Mori Ogai, Emperor Taisho
Youji Asami Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Chinese literature Chinese literature, Classical Chinese poetics in the Six Dynasties, Tang and Song dynasties
Young-ran Ko Nihon University, College of Humanities and Sciences Professor Japanese literature Literature, Migration, Publishing, Modern Japanese Literature
Yuanchao Shan Sojo UnIversity, Faculty of Engineering Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature
Yuichi Kanamaru Ritsumeikan University, College of Economics  Professor Asian and African history,Economics Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, Economic History of East Asia, Theology of Asia
Yuichiro Shimizu Faculty of Policy Management Professor Politics,Japanese history Japanese Political History, Japanese Politics, Oral History
Yuichiro Tajiri Tokai University School of Letters Professor Intellectual history Early Modern Confucianism, Kokugaku, Shinto
Yuji Segawa Meiji University, School of Global Japanese Studies Professor European literature Mechanisms of Cinema, Studies in Entertainment Culture, History of German Cinema, German Culture
Yujiro Murata Doshisha University,Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Asian and African history,Intellectual history History of Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese History, History of Japan-China Relations
Yuka Shimooka Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Japanese literature Japanese Modern Literature, Japanese Literature, Postcolonial Criticism
Yukari Fujimoto Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Professor Arts in general,Gender studies Manga culture and gender theory, Development process of girls comic, International comparison of manga
Yukari Nakahara Ehime University, Faculty of Law and Letters Professor Cultural anthropology,Folklore Music, Performing Arts, Oceania, Japan, Multicultural Society, Musical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology (including Ethnology and Folklore), ethnomusicology, cultural anthropology
Yukie Takeuchi Doshisha University Faculty of Social Studies Professor Sociology Historical Sociology,History of Advertising Design
Yukihiko Seki Nihon University, College of Humanities and Science Professor Japanese History Aspects of the Eastern Samurai Clans in the Middle Ages, Medieval Entertainments
Yukihiro Kawaguchi Tohoku University, Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Professor Cultural anthropology Family kinship, religion, and migration in East Asia, especially China
Yukinori Shimada Kyoto University School of Government Professor Politics Comparative Political Science, Comparative National History
Yukio Ikemoto University of Tokyo Professor Economics Poverty and inequality in Asia
Yukio Shigei Kyoto Women's University, Faculty of Letters Professor Japanese History Ancient Japanese History
Yukiyo Hoshino Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Professor Gender Studies Chinese Literature, Dance History, Feminism/Gender Literary Criticism
Yuko Adachi Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor Area Studies Government-business relations in Russia, Corporate governance
Yuko Iida Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Professor Japanese literature,Gender Studies Gender, Modern and contemporary Japanese literature, Japanese culture
Yuko Manabe University of Tokyo Professor Area Studies Traditional culture and nationalism in Korean ethnic society
Yumi Ishida Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University Professor Psychology Clinical psychology, psychological assessment, drawing method, educational consultation
Yumi Takenaka Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history,Historical studies in general Museum Studies, Art Practice, Art History, Aesthetics and Art Theory, European History, American History
Yumiko Moriya Atomi University Faculty of Letters Department of Humanities Professor Cultural anthropology Ethnography of Gender , Indigenous Society in the Philippines
Yuri Shibutani Teikyo University Faculty of Liberal Arts Department of History Professor Asian and African history History of Northeast China,Military History of China,History of Modern Sino-Japanese Relations
Yusuke Matsuura Kumamoto University Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences Professor Sociology Sociology of Memory, Migration Studies, International Sociology of Regions
Yusuke Misu Ritsumeikan University, Art Research Center Professor Arts in general,Chinese literature Modern and contemporary history of Chinese theater, literature of Chinese-speaking countries
Yutaka Fujioka Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Archaeology History of Japanese sculpture, History of Chinese sculpture, History of Oriental art, History of Buddhist art
Yutaka Haramaki Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Psychology Clinical Psychology, Psychopharmacology, Clinical Operation Method, Palliative Care, Dialysis Care
Yutaka Hori Tohoku University, Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Professor Japanese history Japanese Religions in East Asia, Structural Study of the Emperor's Authority
Yutaka Sugiyama Kyoto Sangyo University Professor Linguistics Korean language,Korean language history,Korean phonetic history,Bibliography
Yutaka Yokote The University of Tokyo Professor Chinese philosophy Taoism, Mountain Beliefs, Sacred Sites, Pilgrimage, Shugendo, Douten Fukuchi, Chinese Thought, Medical Ethics, Oriental Medicine, Medical Thought, Taoist Thought, Clarification of Taoist History, History of Negotiation between Taoism and Chinese Buddhism, History of Negotiation between Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
Yuusuke Wajima Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Popular music studies, Ethnomusicology, History of modern Japanese popular music, Modernization of music in non-Western regions, musicology
Yuzo Yamada Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor European Literature English and American Literature, Cultural Theory Studies, Early Modern British Popular Theatre Forms, Raymond Williams, Cultural Dynamics Theory
Zhongchen Wang Tsinghua University of China Professor Japanese literature,Chinese literature,Literature in general Comparative Literature,Modern East Asian Literature,Cultural History
Kyung Hee University Professor
Timon Screech International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Japanese history,Art history Art history and history of the Edo period
Hideto Tsuboi Waseda University, Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese literature and cultural history
Deyu Zhao Japan Institute of Nankai University, China Professor Japanese History Modern and contemporary Japanese cultural history, Early modern Japanese intellectuals' perceptions of China
Kenichi Isogai Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters Professor Asian and African History Southwest Asian History, Central Asian History
Timon Screech The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Japanese history,Art history Art history and history of the Edo period
Emi Kishimoto Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Professor Japanese Linguistics Japanese linguistics, Study of Christian materials, History of Japanese Language
Atsushi Aoki Aoyama Gakuin University, College of Literature Department of History Professor Asian and African History Socio-economic history of 10th-14th century Jiangnan Region
Bunri Usami Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters Professor Chinese Philosophy,Art History Chinese aesthetics and art history
Tomoji Odori Musashi University, Faculty of Humanities Professor European History Middle and early modern European history, German history, Swiss history, History of European-Japanese relations
Michio Kamikawa Aichi Prefectural University, Department of Japanese History and Culture Professor Japanese History Mediaeval history of Japan
Hiroshi Kubota Meijigakuin University, The Falculty of International Studies Professor Religious Studies History of religion, religious studies, history of modern and contemporary European religions
Kazuhiko Yoshida Nagoya City University, Institute for Advanced Education and Research Professor Intellectual History,Japanese History Ancient Japanese History , History of Buddhism in Japan
Shizuka Uemura Shokei Gakuin University, Faculty of Comprehensive Human Sciences Department for theScientitic Study of Children Professor Religious Studies Ancient Jewish thought, Diaspora, Interrelationship between the establishment of the concept of "religion" and the establishment of the "modern nation-state", Deceptiveness of the concept of "separation of church and state", Translation and publication of the "Dead Sea Scrolls
Kenji Igawa Waseda University, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Professor Japanese History History of foreign relations of Japan in the Middle Modern Period
Andrew Elliott Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Department of Internatinal Studies Professor Japanese History,Historical Studies in General,Tourism Studies Travels to Europe and America from the end of the Edo period to the Pacific War, History of modern tourism, History of cross-cultural contact and enjoyment in modern Japan
Rotem Kowner The University of Haifa, Department of Asian Studies Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese history
Yu Hashimoto Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Division of Humanities Professor Asian and African History,Japanese History History of International Relations, Trade, and Cultural Exchange in Medieval Japan and East Asia
Kazuhiro Fujimaki Kindai University, The Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies Professor Religious Studies,Japanese Literature,Intellectual History Classical Japanese Literature, History of Thought, Academic History
Satoko Koyama Nishogakusha University, Faculty of Literature Professor Japanese History History of Religion in the Middle Ages in Japan
Hirokazu Tsuji Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of History Professor Japanese History Japanese Medieval History, History of Entertainment, Women's History
Longmei Zhang Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Center for Japanese Studies Professor Japanese Literature Japanese Classic Literature, Chinese and Japanese Comparative Literature
Wanxia Lu Shanghai International Studies University, School of Japanese Studies Professor Japanese Literature Japanese Classical Literature, Ancient Culture, Comparative Literature and Culture of China and Japan, Japanese Buddhist Literature
Noboru Higashi Kyoto Prefectural University, Faculty of Letters Professor Historical Studies in General,Japanese History,Informatics Data Conversion of Japanese Early Modern and Modern Documents and Cultural Heritage, Research Methods for Museums and Archives, Clan Document Management in the Early Modern Period
Atsushi Shibasaki Komazawa University, Faculty of Global Media Studies Professor Intellectual History,Japanese History,International Relations,Area Studies International Relations Studies, International Cultural Studies, History of International Relations Thought, Global Interaction, Global Relations
Kayoko Watanabe Aichi Shukutoku University, Faculty of Letters Professor Education History of Education, Career Learning, Higher Education, Comparative International Education
Nakazawa Yoshihisa Tokushima University, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry Professor Agricultural Sciences Social implementation in the industrial field using biological resources
Shuichi Miyawaki Osaka University of Arts, Character Creative Arts Department Professor Arts in General Character Figure
Brunetto Giovanni Brunetti University of Perugia Professor Science and Engineering General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Akiko Sugawa Yokohama National University, Faculty of Urban Innovation Professor Aesthetics and Studies on Art,Arts in General Popular Culture Studies, 2.5-dimensional Culture Studies
Toko Tanaka The University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Professor Sociology,Gender Studies Media Culture, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies
Baraq Kushner University of Cambridge, Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies Professor Asian and African History,Japanese History Modern and Contemporary East Asian History, Modern and Contemporary Japanese History
Sayo Tsutsui Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Japanese Language Education Conversation analysis, Japanese Language Education
Kazuaki Tsutsumi Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Asian and African History Oriental history
Yasuhiro Kishida Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Linguistics Japanese linguistics, Linguistics, Typology
Nobuhisa Namimatsu Hokuriku University, Faculty of Economics and Management Professor Agricultural Sciences,Sociology/History of Science andTechnology Agricultural economics, History of agriculture, Agricultural thought
Hiroshi Araki The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Japanese literature Ancient and Medieval Japanese Literature, Religion and Literature, Mind, Dreams, Fuki-Dashi, Painting, Tradition and Expression
Gyobai Sen Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Art history History of Japan-China Art Exchange in Modern Times
Hiroko Fujimori Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor Japanese Language Education Second Language Acquisition, Japanese Language Education
Atsushi Nishioka Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor Area Studies International cooperation, Refugee and Forced Migration, Area Studies on the Horn of Africa
Are Hajikano Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor Japanese Language Education Japanese language education, Interaction analysis
Masatomo Ogane Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor Area Studies Public policy, public administration, development policy, Southeast Asian area studies
Junichi Chano Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor International Relations International relations, public diplomacy, U.S.-Japan relations
Minako Sakata Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor Japanese History History of the Ainu
Yoshiko Furukawa Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor Japanese Language Education Japanese language education
Norie Takazawa Hosei University,Faculty of Letters Department of History Professor European History,American History Social History of France in the Early Modern Period, Urban History, Historiography History
Saburo Horikawa Hosei University,Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Sociology Professor Sociology Environmental Sociology, Urban Sociology
Keisuke Dan Meiji University, School of Global Japanese Studies Professor Area Studies Traffic of people, goods and information between Latin America and Africa, Afro-Brazilian Culture, History of Latin American Literature, William Burroughs and Beat Literature
Sven Saaler Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Japanese History,International Relations Modern and Contemporary Japanese History, Historical Awareness, Historical Memory
David Slater Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Cultural Anthropology,Sociology refugees, immigrants, youth, disaster, social stratification, oral tradition, urban folklore, Tohoku, Tokyo

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