Search Results for " Japanese History":287Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Koichi Fujimoto The Foundation for the Reizei family's Shigure-tei library Chief Researcher (Part-time) Japanese History,Japanese literature Ancient Literature, Medieval Historiography
Koji Hirota Shizuoka City Cultural Promotion Foundation Curator Japanese history Social History of the Middle Ages
Makoto Tanaka Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Research Organization, JSPS Specially Appointed Researcher Japanese History History of Medieval Japan
Manabu Oishi Japan Arts Council Supervisor Japanese History Early Modern Japanese History
Masao Asami Author, former director of Bungeishunju, Author, former director of Bungeishunju, Japanese history Imperial family, Chinese system
Naraba Masaru Gyosei Senior High School Faculty Member Japanese history Early Modern I Ching Studies
Shoichi Nishida International Research Center for Japanese Studies Project Research Fellows Intellectual history,Japanese history Ministry of Home Affairs, Political Education, History of Japanese Political Thought, Modern Japanese History, Japanese History, Body Technique, Shigeru Nanbara, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Theory of National Identity
Noriyuki Okayasu Tohoku University, The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Tohoku University Archives Academic Fellow Intellectual history,Japanese history History of Japanese Modern Thought, History of Media
Oota Kyoji Hanazono University Part-time Lecturer Japanese history History of the Disparate Citizens
Takako Noguchi The Paleological Association of Japan Visiting Researcher Japanese History History of Ancient Japan
Tamon Suzuki Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies Researcher Japanese history The End of World War II and the Shape of the Postwar System
Taro Ichisaka Hagi Museum Special Curator Japanese history History of Choshu Restoration
Ting Gong Sokendai PhD Candidate Japanese History Ancient Japanese History, East Asian Castles and Cities, Avant-Garde, Reportage, Postwar Literature, Art Movement, Kobo Abe, Minpei Sugiura, Documentary Film
Tomoe Ueno Suntory Foundation for the Arts Curator Japanese history,Art history Middle and Modern Japan,History of Painting
Tomohiro Yoshimura Osaka City University,Urban Research Plaza Postdoctoral Fellow Japanese history Urban tribal history and history of Yoseba
Tomoko Kuba Sokendai, Dept. of Japanese Studies PhD Candidate Japanese history Ancient History of Japan
Tsudo Ayumi Musashi High School & Junior High School Faculty member Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Modern Education, Modern History of Korea, Manchurian Medical University, Korea under Japanese Rule
Wanhan Wang International Research Center for Japanese Studies Admin. Assistant Japanese history Tourism history,School trip
Weber Torsten German Institute for Japanese Studies Principal Researcher Area Studies,Japanese history Modern East Asian History
Xiaoyi Liang Peking University, Department of History PhD Researcher Japanese History Recognition of Self and Others in Ancient Japan, Rule of Emishi, Ritsuryo State, and Tang Dynasty's Rule of the Naizuke People,
Xingqing Xu Chinese Culture University of Taiwan President Asian and African history,Japanese history,Intellectual history History of Sino-Japanese Exchange, History of Modern Japanese Thought, History of Japanese Culture
Yamashita Katsuaki Daito Bunka University, Institute for Oriental Studies Visiting Researcher Japanese history Religious Culture and the Way of Yin and Yang in the Heian Period
Yoshiho Kobayashi Kyoto University of the Arts Part time Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Japanese Ikebana Culture, Historical and Interdisciplinary Study of Japanese Traditional Culture
Yoshiko Imaizumi Meiji Jingu Research Institute Principal researcher Japanese history History of the Meiji shrine
Yoshiko Imaizumi Meiji Jingu Research Institute Principal researcher Japanese history History of the Meiji shrine
Yu Sasada Imperial Household Agency,Shosoin Cabinet Office Technical Official Japanese history Ancient Japanese History , Ancient Rituals
Yukari Muto Kyoto University of the Arts,Research Center for Japanese Garden Art and Historic Heritage Contract Researcher Japanese history,Art history Japanese and oriental art history
Yulia Burenina Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Visiting Researcher Japanese History History of Modern Japanese Religion, History of Buddhist Thought
David M. Malitz German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Research Fellow Japanese History,Asian and African History Modern History of Japan and Thailand, Global Studies
Keiko Cryns SOKENDAI, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Department of Japanese History Graduate Student Japanese History History of negotiations between Japan and the Netherlands, Hirado Dutch trading post
Jeroen Pieter Lamers Hankook Shell Oil Co Mfg Chief Executive Officer Japanese History History of Japan's middle ages, History of Japan-Europe exchange
Yoshifumi Nakano Iwami Ginzan Museum Director Japanese History Iwami Ginzan, Mine Control, Management and Technology, Early Modern Japanese History
Tomokiyo Tanaka Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Gonguuji of Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine Japanese History Research on traditional Japanese values
Huynh Trong Hien Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Japanese Studies Dean of Faculty Japanese History Vietnam-Japan Diplomatic Relations, Vietnam-Japan Trade Relations
Timothy Amos Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Senior Lecturer Japanese History Early modern and modern Japanese history, Minority Studies, Studies in Comparative Caste
Matthew Stavros Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Senior Lecturer Japanese History,Art History Architecture, Material Culture
Bruce Batten Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies Director-General Japanese History Premodern Japanese History

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