Search Results for " Japanese History":287Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Natsuki Saito Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Japanese history History, Aichi prefecture history, Toyota city history
Nobuko Margaret KOSUGE Yamanashi Gakuin University Faculty of Law Professor Japanese history,Historical studies in general Modern Japanese History,International Relations,Peace Studies
Noriko Kurushima Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Japanese history Medieval history of Japan
Noriko Suzuki Nara Women's University daigakuin Human Life and Environmental Sciences Professor Japanese history,Gender Studies Social History of the Body in Early Modern Japan, Women's History
Osami Takizawa Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University Professor Japanese history Early Japanese Christianity,History of Christianity, Formation of foreign missionaries' and merchants' image of Japan, Missionary methods of Jesuits and Spanish mendicant friars
Soichiro Ota Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University Professor Japanese history,Religious studies Japanese Medieval History, History of Japanese Religions
Ryota Ishikawa Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Business Administration Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history,Economics Korean history, Korea-Japan relations, Asian history, economic history, business history, Oriental History,
Ryu Kataoka Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Intellectual history,Japanese history,Chinese philosophy History of Early Modern East Asian Thought with a Focus on Confucianism, Exploring Public Philosophy and Theory of Life from East Asia, A Review of Modern East Asian Spirituality and Peace Thought
Ryuichi Narita Japan Women's University, Faculty of Human Sciences and Design Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese history, Urban social history, Racialization Process, Turn of Memory Theory, War and Colonialism, Reconciliation Culture, Gender, Social Image in High Growth Period, Early Cold War Culture in East Asia
Satoh Izumi Aoyama Gakuin University Professor Japanese History,Intellectual history,Japanese literature History of postwar literature, History of Japanese language textbooks, History of literary criticism, History of postwar cultural movements, History of Japanese thought
Satoshi Tanaka Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Professor Japanese history,Area Studies Ancient history of Japan, history of Japanese historiography, Kyoto seen in local materials
Shigeji Ogura National Museum of Japanese History Professor Japanese history Fudoki,Collection History,Ancient Records,Shinto Rituals,Forbidden Library,Historiography,Ancient Japanese History,Shrine History,Imperial Household System,Enki-Shiki
Shigekazu Kondo The Open University of Japan Professor Japanese history History of the Middle Ages in Japan
Shinji Kajitani The University of Tokyo,Komaba,Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,College of Arts and Sciences,Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies,Comparative Literature and Culture Professor Japanese history,Philosophy,Medicine Compare Culture, History of Medicine, Philosophy
Shizue Osa Kobe University Graduate School of Intercultural Studies Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history,Gender Studies Bridging Imperial Studies and Postwar Studies, Japanese Occupation Studies, Historical Epistemology, Gender Studies
Song Whanbhum Korea University, The Global Institute for Japanese Studies Professor Japanese History The Japanese Ritsuryo State and the Baekje Kings
Sumio Obinata Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Professor Japanese history Political and Social History of Modern Japan, Foreign Perceptions and Attitudes of the Folks, Liberty and Civil Right Movement, History Education, Police Studies
Sung Yup Lee Bukkyo University Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Modern Korean History, Japanese Empire, Colonial History, Japanese Society in Colonial Korea, Political Structure of Empire/Colony, Former Korean Imperial Family under Colonial Rule
Tae Ho Kim Konan University,Institute for Language and Culture Professor Japanese history History of Japan's Middle Ages, History of Japan-Korea Exchange, Japan-Korea Comparative Culture
Takayuki Matsuda Hanzono University, Faculty of Letters Professor Japanese History Modern and Contemporary Japan, Legal History of Japan, Status Theory
Taro Tsurumi Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Professor Japanese history Modern and Contemporary Japanese Thought, Local Consciousness, Kunio Yanagida Studies
Teruhiko Takahashi Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Japanese history,Archaeology Japanese Ancient History, Oriental Archaeology, Japanese Archaeology
Tomohiko Okano Kogakkan University, Faculty of Letters Professor Japanese History Medieval Japanese History
Tomohiro Furuoya Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Japanese history Ancient Japanese handicrafts, Patrimonialism of the ancient Imperial family
Tomokatsu Inoue Saitama University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Religions and Societies in East Asia, Early Modern Japanese History
Toshiaki Yanagihara Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Japanese history Japanese Medieval History, History of History, Tohoku University Studies
Toshihiko Matsuda Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Asian and African history,Japanese history History of Japan-North Korea and Japan-Korea Relations, Medical and Hygiene Policy in Japanese Colonial Korea
Wataru Enomoto International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Japanese history History of International Exchange in the Middle Ages
Yoko Nojima(Kato) The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese History,Military and Diplomacy in Modern Japan
Yoshihiko Maeda Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Japanese history Ancient and medieval history of Japan
Yuichiro Shimizu Faculty of Policy Management Professor Politics,Japanese history Japanese Political History, Japanese Politics, Oral History
Yukihiko Seki Nihon University, College of Humanities and Science Professor Japanese History Aspects of the Eastern Samurai Clans in the Middle Ages, Medieval Entertainments
Yukio Shigei Kyoto Women's University, Faculty of Letters Professor Japanese History Ancient Japanese History
Yutaka Hori Tohoku University, Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Professor Japanese history Japanese Religions in East Asia, Structural Study of the Emperor's Authority
Timon Screech International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Japanese history,Art history Art history and history of the Edo period
Deyu Zhao Japan Institute of Nankai University, China Professor Japanese History Modern and contemporary Japanese cultural history, Early modern Japanese intellectuals' perceptions of China
Timon Screech The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Japanese history,Art history Art history and history of the Edo period
Michio Kamikawa Aichi Prefectural University, Department of Japanese History and Culture Professor Japanese History Mediaeval history of Japan
Kazuhiko Yoshida Nagoya City University, Institute for Advanced Education and Research Professor Intellectual History,Japanese History Ancient Japanese History , History of Buddhism in Japan
Kenji Igawa Waseda University, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Professor Japanese History History of foreign relations of Japan in the Middle Modern Period
Andrew Elliott Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Department of Internatinal Studies Professor Japanese History,Historical Studies in General,Tourism Studies Travels to Europe and America from the end of the Edo period to the Pacific War, History of modern tourism, History of cross-cultural contact and enjoyment in modern Japan
Rotem Kowner The University of Haifa, Department of Asian Studies Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese history
Yu Hashimoto Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Division of Humanities Professor Asian and African History,Japanese History History of International Relations, Trade, and Cultural Exchange in Medieval Japan and East Asia
Satoko Koyama Nishogakusha University, Faculty of Literature Professor Japanese History History of Religion in the Middle Ages in Japan
Hirokazu Tsuji Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Department of History Professor Japanese History Japanese Medieval History, History of Entertainment, Women's History
Noboru Higashi Kyoto Prefectural University, Faculty of Letters Professor Historical Studies in General,Japanese History,Informatics Data Conversion of Japanese Early Modern and Modern Documents and Cultural Heritage, Research Methods for Museums and Archives, Clan Document Management in the Early Modern Period
Atsushi Shibasaki Komazawa University, Faculty of Global Media Studies Professor Intellectual History,Japanese History,International Relations,Area Studies International Relations Studies, International Cultural Studies, History of International Relations Thought, Global Interaction, Global Relations
Baraq Kushner University of Cambridge, Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies Professor Asian and African History,Japanese History Modern and Contemporary East Asian History, Modern and Contemporary Japanese History
Minako Sakata Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor Japanese History History of the Ainu
Sven Saaler Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Japanese History,International Relations Modern and Contemporary Japanese History, Historical Awareness, Historical Memory

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