Search Results for " Politics":68Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Nobuo Haruna Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Politics Political science, International relations, Diplomatic thought, History of Japanese politics and diplomacy
Saito Karasima Kobe University Associate Professor Politics,Japanese History Cold War, Philanthropy, History of International Relations, Social Democracy, International Politics, Japan-US Relations, Postwar Economy, Private Diplomacy, Postwar Japan, History of Political Economy, Productivity
Sumio Hatano University of Tsukuba Professor Emeritus Politics,Japanese history Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
Takeshi Ito Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Politics Political Economy, Agrarian and Environmental Change, Development Studies, Power, Domination, and Resistance,Poverty, Aid, and Governance, Political Ecology
Taketo Fushimi Tohoku University Faculty of Law Associate Professor Politics History of Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
Tina Burrett Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Politics Media and Politics, Russia and Burma, propaganda and Public Opinion, political leadership, Political Transitions,Democratisation,The European Union, British Politics,Global Political Economy,International and Regional Organisations,
Md. Jahangir Alam Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Associate Professor Education, International Relations, Politics Japanese Government and politics, Japanese History and Civilization, Japan-Bangladesh relations, Japan and South Asia, Japan in International Affairs, Political Economy of Japan, Japanese Language
Abdullah-Al-Mamun Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Associate Professor International Relations,Politics,Sociology international politics, local government, education and development sociology, transnational security, population and environment
Shiblee Noman Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh 准教授 Politics Japanese Politics, Geopolitics, Governance
Arnaud Grivaud Université Paris Cité, Faculty of Societies and Humanities, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Associate Professor Politics,Law,Sociology Politics,Law,Sociology
Shinichiro Dendo Rikkyo University College of Law and Politics Department of Politics Assistant Professor Politics A History of Japanese Political Thought, Hiroyuki Kato and the Meiji State
Momiji Saito Kokushikan University,Faculty of Letters Department of History and Geography Lecturer Politics,Japanese History Japanese Modern and Contemporary History
Eunjung Kim Seikei University,The Faculty of Law, JSPS  JSPS International Fellow International relations,Politics nternational Relations in Northeast Asia, International Politics, Japan-Korea Relations, History of Japanese Diplomacy
Satofumi Kawamura The University of Tokyo, Center for Philosophy Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Politics,Philosophy,Intellectual history Political Science, Political Theory, Social Theory, Political Philosophy, Media Culture, Modern Japanese Thought
Seiichiro HAMANO Kaiyo Academy Secondary School Teacher Politics,Intellectual history The History of Japanese Political Thought, A Study of Yoh Lizan
Yoojin Koo University of Tokyo Adjunct Assistant Professor Politics Comparative political sociology, Political forming of conservative civil society in Japan, Civil society in East Asia
Yurika Nishiyama International Research Center for Japanese Studies Visiting Researcher Politics History of Japanese politics and diplomacy
Yusuke Inenaga Tokyo University of Foreign Studies World Language and Society Education Centre Researcher Politics Comparative historical sociology of nations, Japan-France comparison

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