Search Results for " International Relations":63Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Wei Hsiu Huang University of Tokyo Assistant Professor International relations Foreign and security policies of China and Taiwan, Japan's security policy-making process, Taiwan-Japan relations
Masami Kimura Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Lecturer Japanese history,International relations Japan-US relations, Modern Japanese history
Nobuyuki Nakamura Kanda University of International Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages Lecturer Area Studies,Historical Studies in General,International Relations Global History, the U.S.-Japan History, War and Memory Public Diplomacy, Cultural Exchange
Ryan Hartley Chuo University, School of Law Lecturer International Relations International Relations of East and Southeast Asia, Political Economy
Hiroo Nakajima Osaka University, Graduate School of International Public Policy Graduate School of International Public Policy, Professor International relations,American history,Area Studies American political and diplomatic history
Akira Kinoshita Ritsumeikan University,Graduate School of International Relations Part time Lecturer Sociology,International relations America, Japanese descent, ethnicity, student organization, identity politics, memorial service, volunteer, Japanese, Japanese empire, soft power policy, Filipino students in Japan
Eunjung Kim Seikei University,The Faculty of Law, JSPS  JSPS International Fellow International relations,Politics nternational Relations in Northeast Asia, International Politics, Japan-Korea Relations, History of Japanese Diplomacy
Kazue Nagasawa Tenri University Part-time Lecturer International relations,Japanese history History of East Asian international relations, Japan-Korea relations
Keaki Matsudaira Sophia University,Graduate School of Global Studies Postdoctoral Fellow International relations Japanese American, Nisei, migration, Hawaii, Sendai, Chicago
Kiyoshi Aizawa The National Institute for Defense Studies Director, Security Policy History Research Office Japanese history,International relations International political history of the East Asian region around Japan, Postwar history of East Asia
Shinichi Shirato Meiji University Visiting researcher Economics,International relations Economic History of Japan, Industrial Agglomeration and Distribution Issues, Distribution in Urban Development
Rui Wang Japan Institute of Nankai University Assistant Researcher International Relations History of Japanese Defense Policy
Carmen Tirado Robles University of Zaragoza 主任研究員 International Relations,Law Public International Law, International Relations

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