Search Results for " Asian and African history":110Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Hajime Kaneko Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Asian and African History Oriental History, Modern Chinese History
Nianshen Song Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University Professor Asian and African History,Geography Geography, History, Migration, Ethnicity, Race
Toshihiko Matsuda International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Professor, Deputy Director-General Asian and African history,Japanese history History of Japan-North Korea and Japan-Korea Relations, Medical and Hygiene Policy in Japanese Colonial Korea
Christian Hess Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Associate Professor Asian and African history Modern Chinese History, History of Japan-China relations, Manchuria, Chinese Urban History
Ei Murakami Kyoto University,Asian Studies Unit Associate Professor Asian and African history Chinese Modern History, Social and Economic History, Maritime History
Hirokazu Nakabayashi Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Asian and African history Chinese history, Social and economic history
Hiroshi Tsuchiya Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Asian and African history Modern Chinese history, Taiwan history
Hiroyuki Ogasawara Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Asian and African history History of the Ottoman Empire
Kazuhiro Kuramoto Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Asian and African history Ancient Japanese history, Paleography
Kazuhiro Kuramoto International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Asian and African history Ancient Japanese history, Paleography
Kenichiro Hayashi Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Asian and African history Ethnic minorities in Yunnan, local history of Yunnan, history of the formation of the Bai people
Kenji Morita Nara University Professor Emeritus Asian and African history Intellectuals and Local Communities in the Song and Yuan Dynasties
Kiyohiko Sugiyama The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Historical studies in general,Asian and African history History of the Qing Empire
Kyu-Hyun Kim University of California History East Asian Studies Davis Associate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Early modern and modern Japanese history, colonial modernity in East Asia, modern Korean history, Japanese popular culture, Japanese and Korean cinema.
Lin Zhu Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Associate Professor Asian and African history Intellectual Chain and Cultural Exchange between Modern Japanese and Chinese Intellectuals, Chinese Historical Image and Political Concept, Oriental Historiography in Modern Japan
Miki Watanabe The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Ryukyu in the Early Modern Period, History of International Relations in East Asia in the Early Modern Period
Mio Kishimoto Ochanomizu University Professor Emeritus Asian and African history,Historical studies in general Social and economic history of China in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties (16th to 18th centuries)
Momoka Maki Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Associate Professor Asian and African history African history, African studies, Ethiopian history, Ethiopian politics, Eritrean studies, state and ethnic relations
Ryoichi Tobe International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Asian and African history Modern Japanese history, Japanese diplomacy in pre-war and wartime Showa era
Somei Kobayashi Nihon University, School of Law  Associate Professor Asian and African history,International relations International Relations, History of East Asia
Susumu Inoue Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Emeritus Asian and African history Publishing culture in traditional China
Takako Ueda Kindai University,Faculty of Literature,Arts and Cultural Studies Associate Professor Area Studies,Asian and African history Modern northeast China, Chinese commercial and industrial capital, Mukden urban economy, Harbin, autonomy recovery movement, local community, local elite, internationality, Japan-China relations, Northeast Asia, Chinese network, immigrant society, business association, enterprise, Zendo
Takeshi Yamazaki Nara University Faculty of Letters Department of History Associate Professor Asian and African history Early Modern East Asian History, Ming and Qing History, History of International Relations
Xiaohua Ma Osaka Kyoiku University Associate Professor American history,Asian and African history History of International Relations,History of International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region,American Political Diplomacy
Yasuteru Ono Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Asian and African history Modern history of Korea, Korean Independence Movement and East Asia
Yoshiaki Nakajima Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Asian and African history Chinese social history and East Asian maritime history
Yup Sung Lee Bukkyo University, Department of History Assoicate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Modern history of Korea, Empire of Japan, Colonial history
Takao Yao Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Emeritus Asian and African History Premodern Vietnamese Historiography
Yoshiyuki Funada Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Asian and African History Politics, institutions, society, culture, and language of the Mongol Empire and its diversity
Yoshihiko Taga Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Asian and African History Oriental History
Shinya Ueda Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Asian and African History Vietnamese History, Northern and Central Vietnam, State and Community
Akiko Itahashi University of Tokyo Assistant Professor Asian and African history,Gender Studies Political history between the Han and Tang dynasties, Gender history
Mita Masahiko Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Assistant Professor Asian and African history Medieval history of South Asia
Shigeo Saito Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Assistant Professor Asian and African history History of the ancient Turkic nomadic tribes, History of the northern part of the Sui and Tang dynasties
Shuntaro Tsuru Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history,Area Studies Agriculture in Taiwan, History of technology, Environmental history, Economic history, Technological History, Economic History, Colonial, Social History, Asian History, Japanese History,
Xiaoxing Yin Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Assistant Professor Japanese History,Asian and African History,Japanese Literature,Intellectual History Early Modern Japan, Early Modern East Asia, Popular Indoctrination Thought, Moral Ethics
Yen Hsin-Ju National Taiwan University Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Japanese life and culture in the colonial city of Taipei
Seoul National University Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Science and Technology, History of Science, History of Medicine
Chisung Chen Xiamen University of Technology Lecturer Asian and African history
Hejun Shan China, Qingdao University Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history Colonial Cultural History, Tsingtao, Urban Space, Transformation
Linghong Chen East China Normal University of China Lecturer Art history,Asian and African history History of Modern Chinese and Japanese Drama, Comparative Literature, Comparative Culture
Sasaki Satoshi Kanazawa Gakuin University Lecturer Asian and African history Chinese Social History, History of Religion and Culture
Madoka Niimi Konan University, Faculty of Letters Lecturer Asian and African History History, Chinese History, Oriental History
Lionel Babicz Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Lecturer Japanese History,Asian and African History Modern Japanese history, Meiji intellectual history, Japanese-Korean relations
Tetsuo Imura Niigata University Professor (Retired) Asian and African history,Japanese history Manchurian Studies,Modern History of Northeast China,Japan-China and Japan-Taiwan Relations
Masahiro Ikeda Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Foreign Studies, Professor Japanese History,Asian and African History History of cultural exchange between Japan and China, Chinese history
Ayumi Tsudo Musashi High School Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history History of modern education, Modern history of Korea
Hiroaki Toyoda Osaka University Visiting Researcher Asian and African history,Japanese history,Historical studies in general Castles in Asia, Comparative Urban History
Hiroshi Ishikawa The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Lecturer Asian and African history Revolutionary Thought and Revolutionary Movements in Modern China, Anarchism
Jungwon Jin Academia Sinica Researcher Asian and African History Women's Education in Modern East Asia, Good Wife and the Wise Mother

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