Search Results for " Sociology/History of science and technology":11Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Aeka Ishihara The University of Tokyo Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,European literature History of Science and Technology, European Literature, Goethe, History of Science, German Language and Literature, German Language and Literature
Chang-Geon Shin Faculty of Engineering, Liberal Arts Professor Sociology/History of science and technology History of science, History of medicine
Hikaru Saitoh Kyoto Seika University Professor Sociology/History of science and technology History of Science, Theory of Science / Modern and Contemporary Cultural History
Hiroshi Hosoi Kwassui Women's University  Professor Japanese history,Sociology/History of science and technology Rikkokushi, Onyoudo, History of Science and Technology
Nathan Edwin Hopson The University of Bergen, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Foreign Languages Associate Professor Sociology/History of Science and Technology Modern Japanese history, regional and transnational histories, intellectual history, Tohoku studies, nationalism(s), food history, dietetics and nutrition, educational history
Takehiro Watanabe Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Associate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Cultural anthropology Cultural anthropology, Natural environment
Susanne Brucksch Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Associate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) governance, technology policy, innovation activities and their intersection with society, economy and the institutional framework
Bjorn-Ole Kamm Kyoto University,Asian Studies Unit Junior Associate Professor Sociology,Sociology/History of Science and Technology,Area Studies Cultural management theory, Cyber ethnography, Role-playing, Japanese popular media use and satisfaction theory
Yufei Zhou Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Sociology/History of science and technology,Intellectual history Economic Theory, Economic Thought, History of Social Sciences, History of Japanese Thought
Harald Kümmerle German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Sociology/History of science and technology discourse on the digital transformation in Japan, concept of data, topic models
Tomohisa Sumida Japan Science and Technology Agency, Center for Research and Development Strategy Fellow Sociology/History of Science and Technology History and Anthropology of Masks, History and Anthropology of Pollen Allergy

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