Search Results for " Japanese literature":239Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Chisato Kawakami Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (RPD) Japanese literature,Education Middle Ages Literature, Literature, Classical Education
Dai Fukaya The Tsubouchi Memorial Theatre Museum Visiting Researcher Japanese literature
Dennitza GABRAKOVA Victoria University of Wellington Senior Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese literature
Lawrence E. Marceau Ritsumeikan University, Art Research Center Visiting Researcher Japanese literature Japanese Literature of the Edo and Meiji Periods
Enbun Ko Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Manchurian Development, Human Mobility, Pioneer Literature, Imagination and Representation, Intellectuals in Wartime
Haruka Ichikawa Nagoya University Graduate Student Japanese literature Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature, Representation of Wounded Warriors
Hidekazu Imai Daito Bunka University, Department of Humanities Part-time Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese Early Modern Literature
Hidekazu Imai Daito Bunka University Faculty of Literature Part-time teacher Japanese literature Japanese Early Modern Literature, Study of Yokai Culture
Hitomi Fukazawa Otsuma Women's University Part-time Lecturer Japanese literature Literature and Onmyoudou in the Heian Period
Inose Chihiro Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Reseacreher Japanese literature Medieval literature
Itsuki Umeyama Kindai University Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies Department of Cultural and Historical Studies Specially Appointed Lecturer Japanese literature,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese Modern and Contemporary Theater , Society and Culture in the 1960s
Junichi Nogami National Institute of Japanese Literature Japanese literature Japanese Literature, History of Post-Middle Ages Studies
Kanako Okumura Nagoya University Graduate Student Japanese literature Coal Mines and the Atomic Bomb, Hidenobu Ueno, Cultural Movement in Coal Mines, Chikuho District, Fukuoka Prefecture, Omuta City, Who Works in Coal Mines, Proletarian Literature,
Kensuke Nakashima Nada High School Teacher Japanese literature Medieval Literature, History of Noh, Noh Raku
Koichi Fujimoto The Foundation for the Reizei family's Shigure-tei library Chief Researcher (Part-time) Japanese History,Japanese literature Ancient Literature, Medieval Historiography
Kumiko Ishikawa Musashi University Research Center Research Fellow Japanese literature Japanese classical literature,Japanese language education,Classical education
Mana Karimata Waseda University,Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Japanese literature Japanese Literature in the 1930s, Ango Sakaguchi
Itsuki Masuda Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Shusaku Endo, Warring Factions, Conversion Issues, Postwar Christian History, Christianity and Culture, Opposition to the 1970 Osaka Expo
Mika Tsukuda Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies PhD Candidate Japanese Literature Heian period, Coronation ceremony, Posthumous
Mioko Uchida Ochanomizu University Center for Comparative Japanese Studies Researcher Japanese literature Japanese Medieval Literature
Miyuki Tamura International Research Center for Japanese Studies Research Fellow Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature
Naomi Minoura Doho University Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese Middle Ages Literature
Nobue Mito Yamatane Museum of Art Postdoctoral Fellow Japanese literature
Seungjun Lee Aichi Gakuin University Part-time Lecturer Japanese literature Japanese Modern and Contemporary Literature,Evacuation Experience,Postwar Literature
Takabatake Saki Nagoya University Graduate Student Japanese literature Kenji Miyazawa, Folk tale movement, Modern Japanese literature
Tomoya Kikkawa Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Modernism, therapy, anatomy, human mechanics, prosthetic body
Toshinori Miyoshi Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Researcher Intellectual history,Japanese literature Buddhism, Temple scripture, Sermons, Historical books, Medieval literature
Xie Fang Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate Student Japanese literature GHQ, censure, Abe Kobo
Yanwen Gao The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, School of Cultural and Social Studies Doctoral student Japanese literature Modern Japanese literature, Colonial literature
Xiaoyao Ye Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Graduate Student Japanese literature Contemporaries, Tokyo, Kyoto, Manchuria, Yasunari Kawabata
Yu Xuejian Sokendai, Dept. of Japanese Studies PhD Candidate Japanese literature Comparative study of Japanese and Chinese literature, Early modern literature
Tomoaki Ishihara The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI), School of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Japanese Studies Graduate Student Japanese Literature Fate and "Destiny" in Classical Literature
Motoki Uesugi The Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI), School of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Japanese Studies Graduate Student Japanese Literature Go and Literature in the Pre-Modern Era
Yasuyuki Ikegami Osaka Shoin Women's University Part-time Lecturer Japanese Literature Japanese Medieval Literature, "Tsurezuregusa"
Edoardo Gerlini Ca' Foscari University, Department of Asian and North African Studies Researcher Japanese Literature Comparison of Japanese and Chinese Literature with a Focus on Heian Literature
Min Chen Nagoya University Ph.D. Candidate Researcher Japanese Literature Arishima Takeo, China, the trip to Manchuria and Korea, Anarchism
Oliver White International Research Center for Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Japanese Literature late Edo-period gisaku literature, Japanese modern gisaku literature, bibliography
Mats Arne Karlsson Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Senior Lecturer Japanese Literature Japanese Literature, Visual Culture
Sachi Komai International Research Center for Japanese Studies Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Japanese Literature Cultural Studies, Japanese Modern and Contemporary Literature

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