Search Results for " Japanese History":287Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Satoshi Kinoshita Toyo University, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese History Political History of the Middle Ages
Seiko Tokunaga kayama University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Medieval Japanese History
Shun Ishida Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese History Emperors and the Imperial Court in the Early Modern Period, The Role of Women in Emperors and the Imperial Court,
Stegewerns Dick University of Oslo, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages Associate Professor Japanese history political, intellectual, social and diplomatic history of modern and contemporary Japan
Sumio Hatano University of Tsukuba Professor Emeritus Politics,Japanese history Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
Tadashi Ebisawa Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Emeritus Professor Japanese history History of the Insei, Kamakura, and Nanbokucho Periods, history of manor houses
Takahiro Fuke Kyoto University Associate Professor Japanese history,Historical studies in general Modern and Contemporary History of Japan, History of Social Movements and Social Thought in Modern and Contemporary Japan,Historiography of Modern and Contemporary Japan
Takayuki Mifune Tokyo Healthcare University Associate Professor Japanese History History of Ancient Temples in Japan
Teruomi Yamaguchi The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese History
Tokunaga Seiko Okayama University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Medieval Japanese History
Tomoko Onabe Momoyama Gakuin University, Faculty of International Liberal Studies Aossicate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Japanese history Japanese cultural theory, Comparative thought, History of science
Toru Yamada Doshisha University, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese history Japanese Medieval History, Nanbokucho and Muromachi Period
Toshimitsu Kagohashi Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Japanese history Early Modern Japanese History, History of Early Modern Society, Village History, Domain History
Yijiang Zhong The University of Tokyo,Institute for Advanced Studies onAsia Associate Professor Japanese history,Religious studies Modern Japan and East Asian History,History of East Asia,Religion, Secularity, and the Modern State, Religion and secularity
Yongchao Cheng Tohoku University, Center for Northeast Asian Studies Associate Professor Japanese history,International Relations The history of 17th-19th century Japanese, Korean and Chinese trilateral relations
Yoshinori Iwasaki Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Assoicate Professor Japanese history Japanese ealry modern history
Yoshinori Osakabe Nihon University, College of Commerce Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese history
Yuka Taguchi Nagasaki University Associate Professor Japanese history History of the Meiji Restoration
Yup Sung Lee Bukkyo University, Department of History Assoicate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Modern history of Korea, Empire of Japan, Colonial history
Yusaku Matsuzawa Keio University Associate Professor Japanese history History of Modern Japanese History, History of Modern Japanese Village Society
Yutaka Tanigawa Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters Associate Professor Japanese history A Historical Study of Education, Religion, and Society in Modern Japan
Edward Boyle International Research Center for Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese history,Geography Border studies, heritage studies, geopolitics, cartography
Edward Boyle The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Associate Professor Japanese history,Geography Border studies, heritage studies, geopolitics, cartography
Tristan Robert Grunow Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Urban History, Colonial Urban Planning and Architecture, Environmental and Spatial History, Imperialism, Colonialism, Postcolonialism
Katsuya Hirano UCLA, Department of History Associate Professor Intellectual History,Japanese History Cultural history, history of ideas, social theory, and historical theory of modern and early modern Japan
Hiroshi Sekiguchi Doshisha University, Institute for the Study of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate professor Intellectual History,Japanese History Liberation Movement of the discriminated lower class people (Buraku), Suiheisha
Yuko Shimizu Meiji University, School of Arts and Letters Associate professor Japanese History Early modern Japanese history, history of foreign negotiations, history of Christianity
Ken’ichi Yasuoka Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Immigration History
Travis Seifman Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University Associate Professor Art History,Japanese History Art History, Japanese History
Tetsuya Tani Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University Associate Professor Japanese History early-modern Japanese history
Peihong Zang Japan Institute of Nankai University Associate Professor Education,Japanese History History of Education in Modern Japan
Xunchun Guo Japan Institute of Nankai University Associate Professor Historical Studies in General,Japanese History History of Modern Japan-China Relations
Ken Daimaru Université Paris Cité, Faculty of Societies and Humanities, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Cultural History, Medicine, Medical History
Yuko Umemura Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University Associate Professor Historical Studies in General,Japanese History History of Hungarian-Japanese Relations, Modern Hungarian History
Szabó Balázs Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University Associate Professor Japanese History,Philosophy Early-Modern Japanese History
Brendan Le Roux Kiyono Hosei University, Research Center for International Japanese Studies Associate Professor European History,American History,Japanese History Franco-Japanese Relations, French Colonial Empire, Modern History
Satoko Koketsu Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese History Sino-Japanese War, Japanese Diplomacy, International Relations
Masako Tatsumi Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese History Medieval Japanese history
Alfonso Falero Folgoso University of Salamanca Associate Professor Japanese History Japanese and Global Intellectual History
Kentarou Kitadomari Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Assistant Professor Japanese history Edilatopm of Barracks, Army, Moderm Society in Japan, education about the affairs of the household, army, modern Japanese society
Marco Tinello Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Assistant Professor Japanese history Diplomacy of the Tokugawa Shogunate, History of East Asian International Relations in the 19th Century
Shuntaro Tsuru Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history,Area Studies Agriculture in Taiwan, History of technology, Environmental history, Economic history, Technological History, Economic History, Colonial, Social History, Asian History, Japanese History,
Yasuo Nakamura Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Japanese History History of Japanese Architecture, Architecture of Japanese Houses, Castles, Shrines and Temples
Yuichi Goza International Research Center for Japanese Studies Assistant Professor Japanese history Japanese Medieval History, Revolt Studies
Masaki Kato Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Assistant Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, History of Medicine
Xiaoxing Yin Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Assistant Professor Japanese History,Asian and African History,Japanese Literature,Intellectual History Early Modern Japan, Early Modern East Asia, Popular Indoctrination Thought, Moral Ethics
ChapFun Cheong Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau Assistant Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History
Yen Hsin-Ju National Taiwan University Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Japanese life and culture in the colonial city of Taipei
Seoul National University Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Science and Technology, History of Science, History of Medicine
Caleb Carter Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Religious studies,Japanese history,Area Studies Japanese Religions and Buddhist Studies
Hirokazu Yoshie Soka University Lecturer Japanese history School education and the emperor system in modern Japan
Hejun Shan China, Qingdao University Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history Colonial Cultural History, Tsingtao, Urban Space, Transformation
Keiko Suzuki Ritsumeikan University,Graduate School of Letters Lecturer Cultural property science/ Museology,Area Studies,Art history,Historical studies in general,Japanese history,Cultural anthropology Cultural Anthropology/Folklore Studies, Japanese History, Art History, Cultural Property Science/Museology
Koji Kokubu Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Japanese history Japanese modern history, Law and politics related to the Emperor and the Imperial House of modern Japan
Masami Kimura Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Lecturer Japanese history,International relations Japan-US relations, Modern Japanese history
Taisho Nakayama Kusiro Public University of Economics Lecturer Agricultural sciences,Japanese history Agricultural Development, Immigration, Remnants, Subarctic Colonial Sakhalin, Immigrant Society, Peripheral National Identity, Colonial Ideology, Japanese Remnants on Sakhalin, Postwar Japan, Sakhalin Residents, Borderland History, Borders, Repatriation, Karafuto / Sakhalin
Takatoshi Kiba Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History and Cultural Studies Lecturer Japanese history Cultural history of modern Japan
Yoshie Hirokazu Soka University Lecturer Japanese history School Education and the Emperor System in Modern Japan
Bing Ma Beihua University, China Lecturer Intellectual History,Japanese History Japanese cultural history
Momiji Saito Kokushikan University,Faculty of Letters Department of History and Geography Lecturer Politics,Japanese History Japanese Modern and Contemporary History
Masafumi Monden Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Lecturer Japanese History,Gender Studies Cultural History, Gender, Sexuality, Popular, Mass Culture
Lionel Babicz Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Lecturer Japanese History,Asian and African History Modern Japanese history, Meiji intellectual history, Japanese-Korean relations
Aki Ishigami Waseda University, Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences Lecturer (fixed term) Japanese history early modern cultural history
Robert Lawrence Chard University of Tokyo Visiting Professor Japanese literature,Chinese literature,Japanese history Cultural history of East Asia, Chinese classic studies
Tetsuo Imura Niigata University Professor (Retired) Asian and African history,Japanese history Manchurian Studies,Modern History of Northeast China,Japan-China and Japan-Taiwan Relations
Tomoyasu Kato Meiji University Graduate School of Arts and Letters Specially Appointed Professor Japanese History Ancient Japanese History
Yasushi Kawai Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Visiting Professor Japanese history History of the Medieval Period in Japan
Shuji Yoshino Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Professor Japanese History Ancient Japanese history
Masashi Wakamatsu Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Professor Japanese History Early-modern Japanese history
Masahiro Ikeda Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Foreign Studies, Professor Japanese History,Asian and African History History of cultural exchange between Japan and China, Chinese history
Isao Tokoro Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Professor Emeritus Japanese History Japanese legal history
Mitsuro Inoue Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Professor Emeritus Japanese History Ancient Japanese history
Ken’ichi Yasuoka Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Immigration History
Kentaro Higuchi Ryukoku University, Faculty of Letters Specially Appointed Associate Professor Japanese History Ancient and medieval history of Japan
Hitomi Omata Rappo Hakubi Center/Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University Associate Professor European History,Japanese History A survey of the image of Japan from the modern to contemporary European mindset
Masafumi Sano Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese History Japanese cultural studies, Modern and Contemporary Japanese history
Masatoshi Sasabe Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese history
Asai Akihiko Branch Manager Japanese history The culture of the discriminated Buraku and the identity of Buraku people
Ayako Shoji Ochanomizu University, Faculty of Core Research Human Science Division Researcher Japanese History Empresses and Kingship in the Heian Period,
Ayumi Tsudo Musashi High School Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history History of modern education, Modern history of Korea
Chiara Comastri University of Oxford Graduate Candidate Japanese history Post-war Japan grassroots cultural and social movements
Chikara Uchida Toyo University, Center for Sustainable Development Studies Research Associate Japanese history,Intellectual history History of Historiography as Postwar Japanese Thought, The "Social History" Movement of the 1970s and 1980s
Fumihiko Hanada Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education Graduate Student Intellectual history,Japanese history,Sociology Media History, Modern Japanese History, History of Film Thought, Lifelong Education
Hiroaki Toyoda Osaka University Visiting Researcher Asian and African history,Japanese history,Historical studies in general Castles in Asia, Comparative Urban History
Hiroe Matsui Osaka City University Urban-Culture research Center Researcher Japanese history History of Japanese diplomacy, History of Japanese-German relations
Hiroe Nukui Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum Curatorial Section Japanese history Japanese Medieval History, Ecclesiastical Bibliography, History of Temples, Archival Management
Hovhannisyan Astghik Russian-Armenian University Senior Lecturer Japanese history Sexuality, Sexism, Intellectual disability, History of medicine, Social history of medicine, History of ophthalmology, Family planning, Eugenics, History of science, Modern Japan
Imaizumi Yoshiko Meiji Jingu Intercultural Research Institute Senior Researcher Japanese history Meiji Jingu History
Iori Kurokawa Kobe University, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies Collaborative Research Fellow Japanese history,Intellectual history History of Japanese thought, History of social movements
Iori Tada Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences Visiting Researcher Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies,Japanese history History of cultural exchange between Japan and China, excavated documents, distribution of books, development and transformation of Buddhism in East Asia
Kastuyuki Inoue International Research Center for Japanese Studies Research Fellow Japanese History Cultural History of Ancient and Medieval Japan
Kasumi Shigeta Yamaguchi Prefectural Archives Staff Member Japanese History Shoyoki, Change of status,
Kayoko Horii Kyoto Seika University Project Research Fellow Japanese History Ancient Japanese History, Diplomacy in the Heian Period
Kazue Nagasawa Tenri University Part-time Lecturer International relations,Japanese history History of East Asian international relations, Japan-Korea relations
Kazunari Naito Imperial Household Agency Archives and Mausolea Department Researcher Japanese history Modern Japanese History
Kei Chiba Meiji University Part-time Lecturer Japanese history,Gender Studies,Art history Japanese Studies in Visual Culture, Modern Japanese History, Gender History
Ken'ichi Shunto International Research Center for Japanese Studies Project Research Fellows Japanese history,Historical studies in general Interspecies relations, History of animal welfare
Kikuko Okamoto Nara Prefectural University Eurasia research center Visiting Researcher Japanese history Cultural Historical Study of "Commemorative Tree Planting" in Modern Japan
Kiyoshi Aizawa The National Institute for Defense Studies Director, Security Policy History Research Office Japanese history,International relations International political history of the East Asian region around Japan, Postwar history of East Asia
Kohei Kataoka National Institute of Japanese Literature Project Researcher Japanese history Impurity, Order, Middle age, Japanese history,Time, Japanese History, Order, Defilement, Middle Ages
Koichi Fujimoto The Foundation for the Reizei family's Shigure-tei library Chief Researcher (Part-time) Japanese History,Japanese literature Ancient Literature, Medieval Historiography
Koji Hirota Shizuoka City Cultural Promotion Foundation Curator Japanese history Social History of the Middle Ages
Makoto Tanaka Ritsumeikan University, Kinugasa Research Organization, JSPS Specially Appointed Researcher Japanese History History of Medieval Japan
Manabu Oishi Japan Arts Council Supervisor Japanese History Early Modern Japanese History
Masao Asami Author, former director of Bungeishunju, Author, former director of Bungeishunju, Japanese history Imperial family, Chinese system
Naraba Masaru Gyosei Senior High School Faculty Member Japanese history Early Modern I Ching Studies
Shoichi Nishida International Research Center for Japanese Studies Project Research Fellows Intellectual history,Japanese history Ministry of Home Affairs, Political Education, History of Japanese Political Thought, Modern Japanese History, Japanese History, Body Technique, Shigeru Nanbara, Katsuhiko Kakehi, Theory of National Identity
Noriyuki Okayasu Tohoku University, The Center for Academic Resources and Archives Tohoku University Archives Academic Fellow Intellectual history,Japanese history History of Japanese Modern Thought, History of Media
Oota Kyoji Hanazono University Part-time Lecturer Japanese history History of the Disparate Citizens
Takako Noguchi The Paleological Association of Japan Visiting Researcher Japanese History History of Ancient Japan
Tamon Suzuki Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies Researcher Japanese history The End of World War II and the Shape of the Postwar System
Taro Ichisaka Hagi Museum Special Curator Japanese history History of Choshu Restoration
Ting Gong Sokendai PhD Candidate Japanese History Ancient Japanese History, East Asian Castles and Cities, Avant-Garde, Reportage, Postwar Literature, Art Movement, Kobo Abe, Minpei Sugiura, Documentary Film
Tomoe Ueno Suntory Foundation for the Arts Curator Japanese history,Art history Middle and Modern Japan,History of Painting
Tomohiro Yoshimura Osaka City University,Urban Research Plaza Postdoctoral Fellow Japanese history Urban tribal history and history of Yoseba
Tomoko Kuba Sokendai, Dept. of Japanese Studies PhD Candidate Japanese history Ancient History of Japan
Tsudo Ayumi Musashi High School & Junior High School Faculty member Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Modern Education, Modern History of Korea, Manchurian Medical University, Korea under Japanese Rule
Wanhan Wang International Research Center for Japanese Studies Admin. Assistant Japanese history Tourism history,School trip
Weber Torsten German Institute for Japanese Studies Principal Researcher Area Studies,Japanese history Modern East Asian History
Xiaoyi Liang Peking University, Department of History PhD Researcher Japanese History Recognition of Self and Others in Ancient Japan, Rule of Emishi, Ritsuryo State, and Tang Dynasty's Rule of the Naizuke People,
Xingqing Xu Chinese Culture University of Taiwan President Asian and African history,Japanese history,Intellectual history History of Sino-Japanese Exchange, History of Modern Japanese Thought, History of Japanese Culture
Yamashita Katsuaki Daito Bunka University, Institute for Oriental Studies Visiting Researcher Japanese history Religious Culture and the Way of Yin and Yang in the Heian Period
Yoshiho Kobayashi Kyoto University of the Arts Part time Lecturer Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Japanese Ikebana Culture, Historical and Interdisciplinary Study of Japanese Traditional Culture
Yoshiko Imaizumi Meiji Jingu Research Institute Principal researcher Japanese history History of the Meiji shrine
Yoshiko Imaizumi Meiji Jingu Research Institute Principal researcher Japanese history History of the Meiji shrine
Yu Sasada Imperial Household Agency,Shosoin Cabinet Office Technical Official Japanese history Ancient Japanese History , Ancient Rituals
Yukari Muto Kyoto University of the Arts,Research Center for Japanese Garden Art and Historic Heritage Contract Researcher Japanese history,Art history Japanese and oriental art history
Yulia Burenina Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Visiting Researcher Japanese History History of Modern Japanese Religion, History of Buddhist Thought
David M. Malitz German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Research Fellow Japanese History,Asian and African History Modern History of Japan and Thailand, Global Studies
Keiko Cryns SOKENDAI, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Department of Japanese History Graduate Student Japanese History History of negotiations between Japan and the Netherlands, Hirado Dutch trading post
Jeroen Pieter Lamers Hankook Shell Oil Co Mfg Chief Executive Officer Japanese History History of Japan's middle ages, History of Japan-Europe exchange
Yoshifumi Nakano Iwami Ginzan Museum Director Japanese History Iwami Ginzan, Mine Control, Management and Technology, Early Modern Japanese History
Tomokiyo Tanaka Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Gonguuji of Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine Japanese History Research on traditional Japanese values
Huynh Trong Hien Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Japanese Studies Dean of Faculty Japanese History Vietnam-Japan Diplomatic Relations, Vietnam-Japan Trade Relations
Timothy Amos Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Senior Lecturer Japanese History Early modern and modern Japanese history, Minority Studies, Studies in Comparative Caste
Matthew Stavros Japanese Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney Senior Lecturer Japanese History,Art History Architecture, Material Culture
Bruce Batten Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies Director-General Japanese History Premodern Japanese History

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