Search Results for " Sociology":133Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Bjorn-Ole Kamm Kyoto University,Asian Studies Unit Junior Associate Professor Sociology,Sociology/History of Science and Technology,Area Studies Cultural management theory, Cyber ethnography, Role-playing, Japanese popular media use and satisfaction theory
Hiroshi MATSUI Aichi Shukutoku University,Faculty of Creation and Representation Lecturer Sociology Cultural Sociology and Media Studies
Inoue Yoshikazu Teikyo University Lecturer Sociology Sociology of education, Sociology of history
Jeongran Park Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture Lecturer Sociology Comparative Education,Korean Studies
Kento Shiina Kindai University, Department of Teacher Education Lecturer Education, Sociology Sociology of Literature
Masumi Oishi Nagoya City University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Lecture Sociology Ethnomethodology, Media Studies, Advertising Studies
Miyabi Kitada Kyoto University, Asian Studies Unit Lecturer Economics,Sociology,Education Medical Education, Health Economics, Clinical Psychology, The issue of students spending too many years for graduation
Makoto Hiramatsu Hokkaido University,Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences Lecturer Sociology,Urban Sociology,Quantitative methods Regional disparity, Comparison of region, Cumulative disadvantage, Quantitative social survey, Social statistics
Takuya Saito Sapporo International University, Faculty of Tourism Business, Department of Tourism Lecturer Gender Studies,Sociology, Sexual minority (LGBTQ) social movements, history, and subcultures
Koichi Ichikawa Meiji University School of Arts and Letters Professor (Retired) Sociology Social Psychology, Social Psychology History, Japanese Studies, Mass Communication
Nanako Inaba Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor, Dean Sociology Poor People's Participation in Social Movements, International migration
Tamio Takemura Osaka Sangyo University Former Professor Sociology Society and Culture in Modern Japan
Yukari Enoi Osaka University, Graduate School of Human Sciences Specially Appointed Professor Sociology,Education Sociology of education, multicultural coexistence
Noriaki Yoshida Mejiro University Faculty of Media Studies Department of Media Studies Specially Appointed Associate Professor Sociology Media History,Journalism History,Popular Culture,Occupation Studies
Motoki Usuzawa Tohoku University, Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters Specially Appointed Associate Professor Sociology Healthcare Continuity Mechanisms, Social Implementation
Akira Kinoshita Ritsumeikan University,Graduate School of International Relations Part time Lecturer Sociology,International relations America, Japanese descent, ethnicity, student organization, identity politics, memorial service, volunteer, Japanese, Japanese empire, soft power policy, Filipino students in Japan
Barbara Holthus German Institute for Japanese Studies Deputy Directors-General Sociology marriage and the family, child care, happiness and well-being, volunteering, media, gender, rural Japan, demographic and social change
Fumihiko Hanada Kyoto University, Graduate School of Education Graduate Student Intellectual history,Japanese history,Sociology Media History, Modern Japanese History, History of Film Thought, Lifelong Education
Hirohito Suzuki Toyo University Center for Global Innovation Studies Research Assistant Sociology Historical Sociology, Postwar Japan
Kazuto Kondo Daito Bunka University Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Sociology Media Studies, Cultural Sociology, History of Visual Culture
Keiko Saga Meiji Gakuin University Part-time Lecturer Sociology Sociology of History, Cultural History Studies
Kosugi Ryoko Kyoto University Research Fellow Sociology History of Social Movements, Theory of Social Movements, Student Movements and School Struggles, Life History, 1960s Studies
Mai Isoyama The University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate Student Sociology U.S. anti-communist public relations and cultural diplomacy toward Japanese students during the Cold War
Maki Suzuki The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Postdoctoral Fellow Sociology Mobilization of Cartoonists during the Asia Pacific War
Nora Kottmann German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Sociology Risks and Opportunities in Japan, (Re)Mapping Intimacy, Spatial Perspectives on Personal Relationships in Contemporary Japan, personal relationships, intimacy (‘spaces of intimacy’), gender, mobile and multi-local biographies/relationships, sociology of family, sociology of space, methods in social science research on Japan
Saika Tadahiro Kaishi Professional University, Department of Animation and Manga Researcher Sociology The sociology of cultural production, manga production as a social relation, and the gaze toward manga artists
Shohei Yao Kanagawa University Part time Lecturer Sociology Post-War, Overseas Chinese in Ryukyu, Ishigaki City Tomb of the Tang Dynasty, Movement of People and Technology between Taiwan and Okinawa, Ethnic Minorities, Okinawa Reversion, Pineapple Industry, Former Japanese Imperial Territory, Hawaii, Pineapple Baked Goods, Modern Japanese-Chinese Thought, Confucianism, Republic of China
Sonja Ganseforth German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Researcher Sociology,Geography social geography of globalizing agrifood systems, commons and property rights in natural resources, the political ecology of food, rural livelihoods, development discourses, and social movements in Japan
Tanishima Kanta nishogakusha-university Faculty of Literature Lecturer Sociology Technology and Humanity,Relationship between Technology and Society,Philosophy of Technology
Yasuaki Dan Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Human Sciences Lecturer Sociology Interaction analysis, child theory, social media, child culture, social research, media theory, ethnomethodology, cultural sociology, sociology of education, sociology
Yoko Fujishima The University of Tokyo, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate Student Sociology fashion exhibition, consumer society theory, visual culture, culture industry, industry, museum, fashion
Kenkichi Yoshizawa Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Visiting Researcher/ Committee Member, Tendai Buddhism Research Center Sociology Journalism, Kyoto culture
Anne Beverley Yamamoto Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Director Sociology Social Pedagogy, Sociology of Medical faculties

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