Search Results for " Japanese History":287Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Kenneth J Ruoff Center for Japanese Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Portland State University Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Postwar Monarchy
Jinhan Park Institute for Japanese Studies, Incheon National University Professor Japanese History Urban History, Social History
Frederik Cryns International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Professor, Deputy Director-General Japanese history,Historical studies in general European Books on Japan, Netherlands Merchant Agency, Dutch Studies
Toshihiko Matsuda International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Professor, Deputy Director-General Asian and African history,Japanese history History of Japan-North Korea and Japan-Korea Relations, Medical and Hygiene Policy in Japanese Colonial Korea
Wataru Enomoto The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor, Course Director Japanese history History of International Exchange in the Middle Ages
Christopher Byron-Gerteis University of Tokyo Associate Professor Japanese history,Gender Studies Modern Japanese studies, the history of class and gender in Japan
Christopher Craig Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Japanese history Modern Rural Studies, Colonial Studies
Ellen Van Goethem Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese history,Intellectual history,Religious studies,Archaeology Ancient history and history of thought in Japan
G. Clinton Godart Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Associate Professor Japanese history,Intellectual history Modern Buddhism and Scientific Thought, History of Modern Science, Asianism, History of Military Thought
Gen Nomura Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese history Early Modern History of Japan
Hajime Yoshizawa Meisei University, The School of Humanities Department of Japanese and Comparative Culture Associate Professor Japanese history Japanese Medieval Society and Zen Buddhism, Ashikaga Shogun and Medieval Buddhism
Hideaki Tobe Tokyo Keizai University Faculty of Economics Associate Professor Japanese history,Intellectual history Modern History of Okinawa,Modern History of Japan
Hiromu Okawa Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese history, Social history
Hiroo Sekiguchi Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Japanese history Japanese pre-modern history, restoration of ancient texts
Hiroshi Ishikawa Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese history, History of foreign relations, Historiography, Regional history, Historical consciousness
Hiroshi Mitani The University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Politics,Asian and African history Japanese History in the 19th Century, Meiji Restoration, Japan and East Asia
Hiroshi Terauchi Ehime University, Faculty of Law and Letters Professor Emeritus Japanese History History of Ancient Japan
Jie Hu Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Emeritus Japanese history Forms of marriage and wife-concubine systems in ancient Japan
John Lawrence Breen Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Emeritus Japanese history Modern Japanese history
John Lawrence Breen International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history Modern Japanese history
John Patrick Porter Institute of Japan Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Associate Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese history, History of urban society, History of poverty
Hideya Kawanishi Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Associate Professor Japanese history History, Modern Japanese History
Kazuhiro Kuramoto Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Asian and African history Ancient Japanese history, Paleography
Kazuhiro Kuramoto International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Asian and African history Ancient Japanese history, Paleography
Kazuhiro Matsunaga Osaka University, Tekijuku Commemoration Center Associate Professor Japanese History Osaka Studies, History of Medicine, History of Sake, Medieval Japanese History, History of Civil-Military Relations
Kenichiro Yara Meio University Faculty of International Studies Associate Professor Japanese history,Area Studies Japanese History, Ryukyu-Okinawa History
Kenshiro Matsumoto Hosei University,Research Center for International Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese history Early Modern Japanese history, Urban History
Keshi Jiang Okayama University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Emeritus Professor Japanese history,Intellectual history Modern Japanese History, History of Modern Japanese Thought
Kiyofumi Kato National Institute of Japanese Literature Associate Professor Japanese history,Historical studies in general,Politics,International relations Historical archives, Modern Japanese history, History of East Asian international relations
Kyosuke Hikino Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Japanese history History of Buddhism in Japan, Publication Culture in Early Modern Japan
Kyu-Hyun Kim University of California History East Asian Studies Davis Associate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Early modern and modern Japanese history, colonial modernity in East Asia, modern Korean history, Japanese popular culture, Japanese and Korean cinema.
Ayu Majima Meiji University,School of Global Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese history,Gender Studies Modern and Contemporary Japanese Social and Cultural History, History of the Mind, Comparative Culture, Body Culture, Culture of Life, gender
Makoto Katsube Hiroshima University Professor Emeritus Japanese history Meiji Agricultural Policy and Technological Innovation
Makoto Sato The University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Japanese History,Archaeology Ancient History of Japan, Ancient Cities, Excavated Text Data (Kijan Studies), Ancient State Finance, Cultural and Financial Studies
Manabu Ueda Kobe Gakuin University Faculty of Humanities and Sciences Department of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese history,Art history Film History, Film Studies, Archival Studies, Media Studies, Modern Japanese History
Mariko Fukuoka National Museum of Japanese History Associate Professor Japanese history,Historical studies in general History of International Relations in East Asia, Diplomatic History of Japan during the Bakumatsu Restoration (with a focus on relations with Germany, the United States, and the Netherlands)
Markus Ruettermann International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Art history Ancient text book, book etiquette, book writing etiquette, etiquette, correspondence
Markus Ruttermann Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Art history Japanese medieval social history (paleography, cultural history), semiotics, history of mind, history of speech and action
Masaaki Takahashi Kobe University, Graduate School of Humanities and Faculty of Letters Professor Emeritus Japanese History Medieval Japanese History
Michihisa Hotate The University of Tokyo Professor Emeritus Japanese history History of the Middle Ages in Japan
Miki Watanabe The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Ryukyu in the Early Modern Period, History of International Relations in East Asia in the Early Modern Period
Minoru Noguchi Kyoto Women's University, Faculty of Letters Professor Emeritus Japanese History Political and Social History of Medieval Japan
Mirai Nakagawa Ehime University Faculty of Law and Letters Associate Professor Japanese history Japanese Nationalism and Foreign Views, History of Ideas, Media History, Regional History
Motoo Endou The University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute Associate Professor Japanese history Rituals, the Emperor, the Academy, mid-year events, the public, the Soen, acquisition, the transfer, the administration of documents, the organization of the Todaiji Temple, the study of the court, the study of the Todaiji Temple
Noboru Hirayama Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Associate Professor Japanese history Modern and Contemporary history of Japan, History of Tourism
Norihiro Otsuka Hosei University, Research Center for International Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese history History of the Medieval period in Japan, history of foreign exchange, history of Buddhism
Ryoichi Tobe International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Asian and African history Modern Japanese history, Japanese diplomacy in pre-war and wartime Showa era
Saito Karasima Kobe University Associate Professor Politics,Japanese History Cold War, Philanthropy, History of International Relations, Social Democracy, International Politics, Japan-US Relations, Postwar Economy, Private Diplomacy, Postwar Japan, History of Political Economy, Productivity
Sanae Fukuto Saitamagakuen University Professor Emeritus Japanese History,Gender Studies Japanese History, Family History, Women's History, Gender
Sasaki Hiroo Ryukoku University, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese history Nationalism, Group Gymnastics, History of Sports, History of Physical Education, Modern Japan
Satoshi Kinoshita Toyo University, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese History Political History of the Middle Ages
Seiko Tokunaga kayama University Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Medieval Japanese History
Shun Ishida Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese History Emperors and the Imperial Court in the Early Modern Period, The Role of Women in Emperors and the Imperial Court,
Stegewerns Dick University of Oslo, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages Associate Professor Japanese history political, intellectual, social and diplomatic history of modern and contemporary Japan
Sumio Hatano University of Tsukuba Professor Emeritus Politics,Japanese history Japanese Politics and Diplomacy
Tadashi Ebisawa Waseda University Ryusaku Tsunoda Center of Japanese Culture Emeritus Professor Japanese history History of the Insei, Kamakura, and Nanbokucho Periods, history of manor houses
Takahiro Fuke Kyoto University Associate Professor Japanese history,Historical studies in general Modern and Contemporary History of Japan, History of Social Movements and Social Thought in Modern and Contemporary Japan,Historiography of Modern and Contemporary Japan
Takayuki Mifune Tokyo Healthcare University Associate Professor Japanese History History of Ancient Temples in Japan
Teruomi Yamaguchi The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese History
Tokunaga Seiko Okayama University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Japanese history Medieval Japanese History
Tomoko Onabe Momoyama Gakuin University, Faculty of International Liberal Studies Aossicate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Japanese history Japanese cultural theory, Comparative thought, History of science
Toru Yamada Doshisha University, Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Japanese history Japanese Medieval History, Nanbokucho and Muromachi Period
Toshimitsu Kagohashi Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Japanese history Early Modern Japanese History, History of Early Modern Society, Village History, Domain History
Yijiang Zhong The University of Tokyo,Institute for Advanced Studies onAsia Associate Professor Japanese history,Religious studies Modern Japan and East Asian History,History of East Asia,Religion, Secularity, and the Modern State, Religion and secularity
Yongchao Cheng Tohoku University, Center for Northeast Asian Studies Associate Professor Japanese history,International Relations The history of 17th-19th century Japanese, Korean and Chinese trilateral relations
Yoshinori Iwasaki Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Assoicate Professor Japanese history Japanese ealry modern history
Yoshinori Osakabe Nihon University, College of Commerce Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese history
Yuka Taguchi Nagasaki University Associate Professor Japanese history History of the Meiji Restoration
Yup Sung Lee Bukkyo University, Department of History Assoicate Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Modern history of Korea, Empire of Japan, Colonial history
Yusaku Matsuzawa Keio University Associate Professor Japanese history History of Modern Japanese History, History of Modern Japanese Village Society
Yutaka Tanigawa Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters Associate Professor Japanese history A Historical Study of Education, Religion, and Society in Modern Japan
Edward Boyle International Research Center for Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese history,Geography Border studies, heritage studies, geopolitics, cartography
Edward Boyle The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Associate Professor Japanese history,Geography Border studies, heritage studies, geopolitics, cartography
Tristan Robert Grunow Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Urban History, Colonial Urban Planning and Architecture, Environmental and Spatial History, Imperialism, Colonialism, Postcolonialism
Katsuya Hirano UCLA, Department of History Associate Professor Intellectual History,Japanese History Cultural history, history of ideas, social theory, and historical theory of modern and early modern Japan
Hiroshi Sekiguchi Doshisha University, Institute for the Study of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate professor Intellectual History,Japanese History Liberation Movement of the discriminated lower class people (Buraku), Suiheisha
Yuko Shimizu Meiji University, School of Arts and Letters Associate professor Japanese History Early modern Japanese history, history of foreign negotiations, history of Christianity
Ken’ichi Yasuoka Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Immigration History
Travis Seifman Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University Associate Professor Art History,Japanese History Art History, Japanese History
Tetsuya Tani Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University Associate Professor Japanese History early-modern Japanese history
Peihong Zang Japan Institute of Nankai University Associate Professor Education,Japanese History History of Education in Modern Japan
Xunchun Guo Japan Institute of Nankai University Associate Professor Historical Studies in General,Japanese History History of Modern Japan-China Relations
Ken Daimaru Université Paris Cité, Faculty of Societies and Humanities, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Cultural History, Medicine, Medical History
Yuko Umemura Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University Associate Professor Historical Studies in General,Japanese History History of Hungarian-Japanese Relations, Modern Hungarian History
Szabó Balázs Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University Associate Professor Japanese History,Philosophy Early-Modern Japanese History
Brendan Le Roux Kiyono Hosei University, Research Center for International Japanese Studies Associate Professor European History,American History,Japanese History Franco-Japanese Relations, French Colonial Empire, Modern History
Satoko Koketsu Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese History Sino-Japanese War, Japanese Diplomacy, International Relations
Masako Tatsumi Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese History Medieval Japanese history
Alfonso Falero Folgoso University of Salamanca Associate Professor Japanese History Japanese and Global Intellectual History
Kentarou Kitadomari Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Assistant Professor Japanese history Edilatopm of Barracks, Army, Moderm Society in Japan, education about the affairs of the household, army, modern Japanese society
Marco Tinello Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Assistant Professor Japanese history Diplomacy of the Tokugawa Shogunate, History of East Asian International Relations in the 19th Century
Shuntaro Tsuru Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history,Area Studies Agriculture in Taiwan, History of technology, Environmental history, Economic history, Technological History, Economic History, Colonial, Social History, Asian History, Japanese History,
Yasuo Nakamura Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Japanese History History of Japanese Architecture, Architecture of Japanese Houses, Castles, Shrines and Temples
Yuichi Goza International Research Center for Japanese Studies Assistant Professor Japanese history Japanese Medieval History, Revolt Studies
Masaki Kato Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Assistant Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, History of Medicine
Xiaoxing Yin Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Assistant Professor Japanese History,Asian and African History,Japanese Literature,Intellectual History Early Modern Japan, Early Modern East Asia, Popular Indoctrination Thought, Moral Ethics
ChapFun Cheong Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau Assistant Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History
Yen Hsin-Ju National Taiwan University Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history Japanese life and culture in the colonial city of Taipei
Seoul National University Assistant Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Science and Technology, History of Science, History of Medicine
Caleb Carter Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Religious studies,Japanese history,Area Studies Japanese Religions and Buddhist Studies

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