Search Results for " Sociology/History of Science andTechnology":6Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Sayaka Oki The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Education Professor Sociology/History of science andtechnology,Intellectual history Enlightenment,,Academy of Sciences,,Condorcet,,Social History of Science,,Encyclopedia
Nobuhisa Namimatsu Hokuriku University, Faculty of Economics and Management Professor Agricultural Sciences,Sociology/History of Science andTechnology Agricultural economics, History of agriculture, Agricultural thought
Masaki Nakamura Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Sociology/History of science andtechnology Research ethics, Social theory of science and technology, History of science and technology, Science communication
Minori Kokado Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Sociology/History of Science andTechnology Science, technology and society
Yuki Mitsuhira International Research Center for Japanese Studies Assistant Professor Sociology/History of science andtechnology History of Music Therapy in the East and West, History of Medical Culture, Cultural history of medical care
Natsume Anzai Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School for Language and Society Lecturer Sociology/History of Science andTechnology History of medicine, History of anatomy

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