Search Results for " Sociology/History of Science and Technology":8Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Yoko Matsubara Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences Professor Gender Studies,Sociology/History of science and technology History of Science, Bioethics, Social Theory of Science and Technology
Christophe jean-francois Garrabet Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor European literature,Sociology/History of science and technology The relationship between literature and science, Novels of popular chemistry (France, 19th century)
Onabe Tomoko Momoyama Gakuin University Asso. Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Japanese history Japanese cultural theory, comparative thought,
Ryuji Hiraoka Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Associate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology Research on East Asian Traditional Sciences, History of Cultural Exchange between Japan and China
Shigeo Kato Waseda University, Faculty of Human Sciences School of Human Sciences Assoicate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology History of science, History of technology, Theory of science, Cultural imperialism, Colonial science, History of psychiatry
Tomoko Onabe Momoyama Gakuin University, Faculty of International Liberal Studies Aossicate Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,Japanese history Japanese cultural theory, Comparative thought, History of science
Tsutomu Kaneko Osaka Prefecture University Professor Emeritus Sociology/History of science and technology,Intellectual history History of Scientific Thought, Theory of Information Culture
Yuko Takigawa Kagawa University, Faculty of Agriculture Research Assistant Sociology/History of Science and Technology History of East-West interactions, Diversity biology, Taxonomy

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