Search Results for " Art history":130Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Akihiro Ozaki Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Emeritus Art history,Arts in general History of Dutch painting, History of East-West exchange, World art history, Japanese studies
Akiko Takeuchi Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies Professor Art history,Japanese literature,Literature in general Comparative theatre, comparative literature, Noh, comparative studies of culture and representation, theatre theory, representational cultural practice, Japanese theatre
Anton Schweizer Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history Modern Japanese Art History, Architectural History, and Mono Culture
Cynthea J. Bogel Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history Japanese art history, Japanese and East Asian Buddhist art history and visual culture, Pre-modern Japanese architectural history
Daisuke Ito Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Art history Medieval paintings, Portraits
Gyobai Sen International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Art history History of Japan-China Art Exchange in Modern Times
Haruko Komoda Musashino Academia Musicae Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Music of the Heike, Japanese Narrative
Hiroshige Okada Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history Western art history, Early modern Spanish and Latin American art
Hitoshi Tanaka Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Aesthetics, Art Theory
Junko Kitagawa Osaka Kyoiku University Faculty of Education Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Sociology of Music, Culture and Gender, Study of Namikyoku and its Shamisen
Koji Kuwakino Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history Garden History, History of Western Art, Architecture and Gardens, History of Renaissance Thought and Literature, Italian Space and Image, Creative Relations of Texts
Kato Yoshiro Kyoto Seizan Junior College Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Buddhist Studies, Art Theory
Kurita Hidenori Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Art history,Cultural property science/Museology Museum studies, Western art history
Masaaki Itakura University of Tokyo Professor Art history Pictorial representation of intellectuals in the Song and Yuan dynasties, History of East Asian painting with a focus on China
Masao Fukasawa Miyagi Gakuin Women's University Professor Japanese literature,Art history Japanese Literature, Classical Literature, Theater, Performing Arts
Mayumi Sugawara Osaka City University Graduate School of literature and Human Sciences Professor Art history Japanese Art History, Cultural and Financial Sciences, Museum Studies
Megumi Kitahara Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history,Gender Studies Culture of Representation,Gender Studies
Mika Tomita Ritsumeikan University Art Research Center Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Film Studies,Film History,Archival
Motokazu Kimata Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Art history Seal and mark metaphors, Image and visuality in the Western Middle Ages
Mutsumi Kadowaki Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history History of Japanese Oriental Art, History of Medieval and Early Modern Paintings
Naoyuki Kinoshita Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Art history Japanese art history, museology
Nobuhiro Itou Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Musicology, History of Western music, Folk Music
Nobuo Aoki Tianjin University Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Cultural Resources, Urban and Architectural History
Noriko Murai Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Art history Modern and contemporary art history, art criticism
Ronald Jeffrey Stewart Daito Bunka University, Department of Sociology Professor Art history,Arts in general cultural history, visual culture, representation, comparative culture, othering, cartoons, cartoon history, cartoon theory, caricature cartoons, political cartoons, language education, history of cultural exchange between Australia and Japan
Ryusaku Nagaoka Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Studies in the History of Japanese Sculpture, Pan-Asian Sharī beliefs and forms, An Ideological Study of Buddhist Art
Sadao Fujiwara Ibaraki University,College of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Art history The History of French Landscape Painting,Kiyoshi Yamashita and the Art of the Showa Period,Compilation of Oriental Art History,Japonisme Ceramics,World War I and French Art Historiography
Seinosuke Ide Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history History of Arts of East Asia
Setsuya Hashizume Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history History of Japanese oriental art, History of early modern and modern Japanese painting
Shigeki Iwai Osaka University, Center for Japanese Language and Culture Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese cultural history, comparative cultural studies
Sohin Jyo Tianjin University Professor Art History Architectural theory, Modern architectural history
Tadashi Hattori Konan University,Letters,Department of Human Sciences Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Creative activities by people with disabilities, Art Brut, Outsider Art
Takahiro Nishibayashi Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Professor Art history Buddhist Art, Oriental Art, Oriental Art History
Yohko Watanabe Keio University Art Center Professor Art history Modern Art History
Yoko Yamamoto Meisei University School of Humanities Professor Art history History of Middle Eastern Art, History of Japanese Art in the Middle Ages
Yumi Takenaka Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history,Historical studies in general Museum Studies, Art Practice, Art History, Aesthetics and Art Theory, European History, American History
Yutaka Fujioka Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Archaeology History of Japanese sculpture, History of Chinese sculpture, History of Oriental art, History of Buddhist art
Timon Screech International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Japanese history,Art history Art history and history of the Edo period
Timon Screech The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Japanese history,Art history Art history and history of the Edo period
Bunri Usami Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters Professor Chinese Philosophy,Art History Chinese aesthetics and art history
Gyobai Sen Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Art history History of Japan-China Art Exchange in Modern Times
Noriaki Ajima Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Art History History of Oriental Art, History of Buddhist Paintings, History of Japanese Paintings
David Almazán Tomás University of Zaragoza Professor Art History Ukiyo-e
Pilar Cabañas Moreno University of Zaragoza Professor Art History East Asian Art, Spanish Art
Hiroko Ikegami Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art History Western Art History
Eri Sato University of Kochi Faculty of Cultural Studies Department of Cultural Studies Professor Cultural anthropology,Japanese literature,Art history Studies in Modern Literature, Studies in the History of Japanese Renaissance
Shoichi Inoue International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor, Director-General Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art History of manners and customs, history of modern Japanese culture, Customs, Design
Akane Fujisawa Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Associate Professor Japanese literature,Art history Japanese Cultural History, History of Modern Drama, Japanese Modern Literature
Akihiro Hosoda Teikyo University Faculty of Liberal Arts Associate Professor Japanese literature,Art history Traditional performing arts, Ningyo Joruri (especially its development after modern times)
Eiji Otsuka Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Emeritus Literature in general,Art history,Arts in general History of manga expression, Theory of manga production, History of modern literature
Eiji Otsuka International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Literature in general,Art history,Arts in general History of manga expression,Theory of manga creation,History of modern literature
Emiko Takenouchi Kyoto City University of Arts,Research Institute for Japanese Traditional Music Associate Professor Art history A Cultural History of Japanese Music
Fumiaki Itakura Kobe University, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies Associate Professor Arts in general,Art history Film Studies,Japanese Immigrants and Film
Hiromi Matsui The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Art theory, French Art History
Izumi Nakajima Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history,Gender studies Oriental History
Kyozo Takei National Institute of Japanese Literature Professor Emeritus Art history Japanese Modern Drama
Manabu Ueda Kobe Gakuin University Faculty of Humanities and Sciences Department of Humanities Associate Professor Japanese history,Art history Film History, Film Studies, Archival Studies, Media Studies, Modern Japanese History
Markus Ruettermann International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Art history Ancient text book, book etiquette, book writing etiquette, etiquette, correspondence
Markus Ruttermann Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Emeritus Japanese history,Art history Japanese medieval social history (paleography, cultural history), semiotics, history of mind, history of speech and action
Maromitsu Tsukamoto University of Tokyo Associate Professor Art history History and culture of Chinese painting
Meghen Jones Alfred University, School of Art and Design Associate Professor Art history Art History,ceramics history, design history, and East Asian art and material culture,
Misako Ohta Kobe University, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment Associate Professor Art history History of music culture, Music aesthetics
Motoyuki Kure Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities Associate Professor Art history Japanese-Chinese Cultural History, Modern Chinese Paintings
Naoko Ito Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Assistant Professor Art history Ancient Indonesian Religious Art, History of Japanese Crafts
Patricia Fister International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Art history Japanese art history,History of Japanese Art
Shuhei Hosokawa International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Semiotics of Music, Japanese Immigrant Culture
Takuma Ito Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Art history History of western art, History of art criticism
Tomoko Kakuyama Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Associate Professor Art history Design Studies, Art History, Aesthetics, Theory of Art
Toshie Kakinuma Kyoto City University of Arts Faculty of Music Emeritus Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art History of Western Music, Contemporary Music
Yoshihisa Sugimoto Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Art history History of modern Japanese painting, Cultural Trends and the Diversity of Painting Expression in the 18th Century
Yukihiro Hirayoshi Kyoto Institute of Technology,Museum and Archives Associate Professor Art history Curation, Marcel Duchamp, Art Theory, Modern and Contemporary Art, Western Art History
Yuko Ishii Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Art history Art Studies, Western Art History
Travis Seifman Art Research Center, Ritsumeikan University Associate Professor Art History,Japanese History Art History, Japanese History
Qian Cheng School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University Associate Professor Arts in General,Art History Japanese Art, History of Sino-Japanese Art Relations
Clara Wartelle Sakamoto Université Paris Cité, Faculty of Societies and Humanities, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Associate Professor Art History,Historical Studies in General Music History, Childhood Studies
Midori Hirose Université Paris Cité, Faculty of Societies and Humanities, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Associate Professor Art History Art History
Shigemi Inaga International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus, Kyoto Seika University, Professor Literature in general,Chinese literature,European literature,Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Comparative Literature, Comparative Culture, History of Cultural Exchange
Čapková Helena Waseda University, Faclty of International Research and Education,School of International Liberal Studies Assistant Professor Art history Interdisciplinary Visual Art Studies, Exhibition Curating, Japanese Art History, Architecture and Design History
Ikuko Nakagawara Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Assistant Professor Art history Mural painting at Kizil Grottoes, History of Buddhist art, History of art in Central Asia and China, Research on techniques and materials of mural painting, Research on clothing culture
Kei Saito Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Assistant Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history History of Musical Thought, Historical Writing, Modern Poetry, Folk Songs, New Folk Songs, Japanese Music, Musicology
Tadahiro Yayamamoto Kobe Design University Underguaduate School of Arts and Design Department of Manga Media Assistant Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Photographic Expression, History of Manga Expression
Yen-Yi Chan Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Assistant Professor Art History Art History, Japanese Art History
Hiromi Matsugi Ehime University, Faculty of Law and Letters Lecturer Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art The history and current state of Japanese gardens created abroad, art in public spaces, sculpture
Keiko Suzuki Ritsumeikan University,Graduate School of Letters Lecturer Cultural property science/ Museology,Area Studies,Art history,Historical studies in general,Japanese history,Cultural anthropology Cultural Anthropology/Folklore Studies, Japanese History, Art History, Cultural Property Science/Museology
Linghong Chen East China Normal University of China Lecturer Art history,Asian and African history History of Modern Chinese and Japanese Drama, Comparative Literature, Comparative Culture
Yasuko Imura Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Lecturer Art history Historical division of art and design, Art and commercial activities, Cross-cutting areas of expression with industry
Yu Yang Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Art history Modern Japanese Art and Architectural History
Yukari Hagiwara Teikyo University Lecturer Art history Animation Research
Magali Bugne Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Lecturer Art History History of French-Japanese cultural interaction, Theatre history
Arison Tokita Kyoto City University of Arts Visiting Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Narrative, Shamisen Music, Music and Modernity in East Asia
Fumitaka Yamauchi National Taiwan University College of Liberal Arts Associate Professor Art history Recording industry in the context of colonial Korea
Shigeki Iwai Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Deputy Director/Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese cultural history, comparative cultural studies
Princess Akiko Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Distinguished Professor Art History Research on Japanese art collections abroad, History of cultural exchange
Kageyama Etsuko Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Specially Appointed Associate Professor Art history Cultural history of Central Asia
Marès Emmanuel Kyoto Sangyo University, Institute of Japanese Culture Member/ Faculty of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Art History History of Japanese Architecture and Gardens
Akira Kasuga Tama Art University Part-time Lecturer Art history,Cultural anthropology,Folklore Ethnographic research on Balinese rituals with video and audio, Research on video and audio expression with a focus on advanced media, Production and research of media art works
Amane Kasai Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Global Arts Part-time Lecturer Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art International Japanese Studies, History of Representational Culture, Musicology
Ayako Kimishima Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Researcher Religious studies,Art history Modern Buddhism, Material religion, Monuments, Avalokitesvara
Barbara Geilhorn German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Negotiations of gender and power in classical Japanese culture, stagings of contemporary society in Japanese performance
Eri Shiraishi Kyoto University,Institute for Research in Humanities Researcher Art history Japanese art history, intercultural contact from the Edo period onward, the image of Meiji period missionaries in prints

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