Search Results :10Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Barbara Geilhorn German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Negotiations of gender and power in classical Japanese culture, stagings of contemporary society in Japanese performance
Barbara Holthus German Institute for Japanese Studies Deputy Directors-General Sociology marriage and the family, child care, happiness and well-being, volunteering, media, gender, rural Japan, demographic and social change
Franz Waldenberger German Institute for Japanese Studies Directors-General Economics,Business administartion Japanese economy, corporate governance, Japan’s international economic relations, fiscal and monetary policy
Harald Kümmerle German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Sociology/History of science and technology discourse on the digital transformation in Japan, concept of data, topic models
Isaac Gagné German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Researcher Cultural anthropology morality and ethics, religion and modernization, role of local community groups in the face of disaster and social crises
Markus Heckel German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Economics Macroeconomics, the political economy of central banks and labor economics
Nora Kottmann German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Sociology Risks and Opportunities in Japan, (Re)Mapping Intimacy, Spatial Perspectives on Personal Relationships in Contemporary Japan, personal relationships, intimacy (‘spaces of intimacy’), gender, mobile and multi-local biographies/relationships, sociology of family, sociology of space, methods in social science research on Japan
Sonja Ganseforth German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Researcher Sociology,Geography social geography of globalizing agrifood systems, commons and property rights in natural resources, the political ecology of food, rural livelihoods, development discourses, and social movements in Japan
Weber Torsten German Institute for Japanese Studies Principal Researcher Area Studies,Japanese history Modern East Asian History
David M. Malitz German Institute for Japanese Studies Senior Research Fellow Japanese History,Asian and African History Modern History of Japan and Thailand, Global Studies

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