Researcher Details

Jidong Chen

Affiliation Aoyama Gakuin University,School of International Politics,Economics and Communication
Designation Professor
Specialization Religious studies , Intellectual history , Chinese philosophy
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Research Interest History of Buddhism, History of Modern Chinese Thought, Cultural Exchange between Japan and China in Modern Times
Keywords 中国仏教, 清末仏教, 楊文会, 禅宗, 近代日本人中国遊記, 小栗栖香頂, 中国体験, 章炳麟, 東アジア仏教, The Transmission of the Jods Shinshu Doctrine to China
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2023 "Reconstructing Modern East Asian Cultural History I: Focusing on the 19th Century" Team Research Member, FY2013~2015 "Comparative Studies in Japanese Buddhist Thought" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06