Search Results for " Chinese philosophy":54Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Fumitaka Hayashi Rikkyo University College of Arts Professor Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy, Buddhist studies Modern Confucianism, Chinese philosophy
Hiromasa Onda Tokai University Shimizu Liberal Arts Education Center Professor Chinese philosophy neo-Confucianism (based on the teachings of Zhu Xi and his followers),
Hyeon Shin Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Chinese philosophy Chinese philosophy, History of Confucianism philosophy, History of Yi philosophy, Yi in Han Dynasty
Jaesang Jung Wonkwang University, Graduate School of Oriental Studies Professor Indian philosophy,Chinese philosophy,Buddhist studies Ethnography, Korean Confucianism, Korean Philosophy, Chinese Logic, Pre-Qin Thought, Chinese Thought,
Jidong Chen Aoyama Gakuin University,School of International Politics,Economics and Communication Professor Religious studies,Intellectual history,Chinese philosophy History of Buddhism, History of Modern Chinese Thought, Cultural Exchange between Japan and China in Modern Times
Juji Azuma Kansai University Faculty of Letters Professor Chinese philosophy Cultural History of Ideas in China and East Asia
Jun Yoshida Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Chinese philosophy Kaozheng ("search for evidence") in Qing dynasty, Chinese classical studies
Keiko Kakiuchi Meiji University School of Arts and Letters Professor Chinese philosophy Neo-Confucianism (based on the teachings of Zhu Xi and his followers),
Kenjiro Tsuchida Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Artsand Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy Chinese philosophy, Japanese philosophy, Confucianism
Tsuyoshi Kojima The University of Tokyo Professor Chinese philosophy,Intellectual history Song, Qing, Confucianism, Confucianism and Yang Ming
Kato Yoshiro Kyoto Seizan Junior College Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Buddhist Studies, Art Theory
Megumi Sasaki Shimane University Faculty of Law and Literature Professor Chinese philosophy History of Chinese thought in the early modern period (focusing on the analysis of discourse on family etiquette in the Song and early Qing dynasties) ・Legal documents of the Song dynasty
Naoki Uchiyama Chiba University Faculty of Letters Professor Chinese philosophy Chinese philosophy, Chinese classics, Traditional Chinese academics, Ecology and customs of scholars, Academic systems and institutions, Methods of oral teaching and writing, Writing in ancient China
Nobuo Takayanagi Gakushuin University Foreign Language Teaching and Research Centre Professor Chinese philosophy Ideal History, Philosophy, China
Ryo Ri Hirosaki University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Cultural Interaction, Compare Cultures
Ryu Kataoka Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Intellectual history,Japanese history,Chinese philosophy History of Early Modern East Asian Thought with a Focus on Confucianism, Exploring Public Philosophy and Theory of Life from East Asia, A Review of Modern East Asian Spirituality and Peace Thought
Ryūichi Kogachi Kyoto University Institute for Research in Humanities Professor Chinese philosophy Research on the History of Chinese Phonetic Sciences
Seiji Nagatomi Waseda University School of Creative Science and Engineering Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Yang Ming Studies
Sumio Naka Kyoto Prefectural University Faculty of Letters Department Professor Chinese philosophy History of Korean thought, History of Ming Dynasty thought, The thought of Zhu Zi and the thought of Yang Ming, The Lee Dynasty
Takahiro Nakajima The University of Tokyo,Institute forAdvanced Studies on Asia Professor Philosophy,Chinese philosophy Comparative Philosophy of East Asia
Takashi Aoki Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy T'ien Ch'ien, Ching-jin, T'ien Ch'ien Ceremony, Neo-Confucianism, Liu Chi, Jin Shengqiu
Takayuki Ito Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Chinese philosophy,Intellectual history,Chinese literature,Literature in general History of Chinese thought, cultural interaction in East Asia, comparative culture
Takayuki Ito International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Professor Chinese philosophy,Intellectual history,Chinese literature,Literature in general History of Chinese thought, cultural interaction in East Asia, comparative culture
Takuya Arima Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Chinese Philosophy,Intellectual History Study of Ancient Chinese Thought and Culture, Study of Early Modern and Modern Chinese Studies in Japan
Toshio Motegi Tokyo Woman's Christian University School of Arts and Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy,Asian and African history Modern Chinese History, History of Modern Chinese Thought
Tsugihiko Honma Meiji University School of Political Science and Economics Professor Chinese philosophy Zhu Xi, Yang Ming, Chinese Nationalism
Tsuyoshi Ishii The University of Tokyo,Graduate school of Arts and Sciences,College of Arts and Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy Modern Chinese Thought and Philosophy, China, Philosophy, Dai Zhen, Zhang Binglin, Academics, Chinese Literature, Chinese Philosophy, Culture of the 1980s, Political Philosophy, Traditional Thought, Modern Thought, World, May Fourth Movement, Verbal Thought, Cosmopolitanism
Wittern Christian Kyoto University,Center for Informatics in East Asian Studies, Institute for Research in Humanities Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy Humanistic Informatics, Chinese Zen Buddhism
Yoshihiko Minamizawa Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Chinese philosophy The history of ancient Chinese medieval thought
Yoshihiro Watanabe Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Artsand Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies History of Ancient Chinese Thought
Yoshinobu Shino Meiji University,School of Arts and Letters Professor Chinese philosophy Modern Chinese Philosophy, Tang and Song Ancient Literature Movement
Yoshitsugu Igawa University of Tsukuba,Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Chinese philosophy The Influence of Song and Ming Science on Enlightenment Europe
Yutaka Yokote The University of Tokyo Professor Chinese philosophy Taoism, Mountain Beliefs, Sacred Sites, Pilgrimage, Shugendo, Douten Fukuchi, Chinese Thought, Medical Ethics, Oriental Medicine, Medical Thought, Taoist Thought, Clarification of Taoist History, History of Negotiation between Taoism and Chinese Buddhism, History of Negotiation between Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
Bunri Usami Kyoto University, Graduate School of Letters Professor Chinese Philosophy,Art History Chinese aesthetics and art history
Takayasu Suenaga Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Chinese Philosophy The Philosophy a hundred schools of thought, Thought and Culture, Unearthed Textual Data
Daisuke Sano Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Japanese sinology, history of Chinese thought, Chinese Philosophy
Eiichi Hasebe Yokohama National University Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences Associate Professor Chinese philosophy History of Chinese Astronomy and Chinese Medicine
Fumihiko Sueki International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor Emeritus Intellectual history,Religious studies,Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy, Buddhist studies History of Japanese Thought, History of Japanese Buddhism, History of Philosophy
Kayoko Tamura Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Chinese literature, Chinese view of language
Keiichi Sawai Keisen University Professor Emeritus Intellectual history,Chinese philosophy History of East Asian Thought in the Early Modern Period
Kunihiro Yuasa Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor Emeritus Chinese philosophy History of Ancient Chinese Thought
Michiaki Fujii Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Chinese philosophy Song and Ming philosophical thought
Michinobu Matsushita Kogakkan University Faculty of Letters Associate Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Taoism, Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy, Buddhist teaching
Motonori Arata Tokushima University Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Chinese philosophy Confucian Thought in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Tomohiro Saito Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Associate Professor Chinese philosophy Thought and Religion in Medieval China, History of Zen Thought, Mental Life of Tang Dynasty Intellectuals
Toshiyuki Matsuno Kokushikan University Associate Professor Chinese philosophy Confucianism, Zhuziology, Yangmingology
Yoichi Iwasaki Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Associate Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Indian philosophy
Akira Fukutani Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies Associate Professor Chinese Philosophy Chinese classical hermeneutics
Kosei Ishii Komazawa University Professor Emeritus Indian Philosophy,Chinese Philosophy,Buddhist Studies Buddhist Doctrine in India, China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam
Hitoshi Katou Osaka University, Center for Japanese Language and Culture Specially Appointed Professor Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies History of Buddhist thought

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