Researcher Details

Iori Tada

Affiliation Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences
Designation Visiting Researcher
Specialization Art history , Aesthetics and studies on art , Chinese philosophy , Indian philosophy , Buddhist studies , Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of cultural exchange between Japan and China, excavated documents, distribution of books, development and transformation of Buddhism in East Asia
Keywords 平安京施薬院, 遺跡, 医薬木簡, 中医学, 小島宝素堂始末, 古代日本の医書輸入 , 幸田露伴, 歌木簡, 近世医書, 日本霊異記, 仏教東漸, 仏教説話, 楊守敬, 受命と改元, 典籍木簡
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021 "Reconstruing Honzōgaku as an East Asian Multidisciplinary Science: New Developments in Empirical Research on the Fusion of Arts and Sciences" Team Research Member, FY2019-2021 "Avidya on a Spider’s Web: Toward the Future of the Somatic Experience under the Ecology of Social Network System" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06