Researcher Details

Yoshihiro Watanabe

Affiliation Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Artsand Sciences
Designation Professor
Specialization Chinese philosophy , Indian philosophy , Buddhist studies
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Research Interest History of Ancient Chinese Thought
Keywords 儒教, 前漢, 後漢, 三国志, 論語, 蜀漢政権の成立と荊州人士,蜀漢政権の支配と益州人士,後漢時代の宦官,後漢時代の外戚,漢魏交替期の社会,僤考,中国古代における祭祀権,三國時代における「文學」の政治的宣揚
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021~2024 "Reconsidering the Early-Modern in the History of East Asia: In Search of a New Global History" Team Research Member, FY2016-2020 "East Asian Kingship and Social Order in a Comparative Context: Courts, Empires and States/ Thought, Religion and Rites"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06