Researcher Details

Takayuki Ito

Affiliation International Research Center for Japanese Studies/The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Chinese philosophy , Intellectual history , Chinese literature , Literature in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Chinese thought, cultural interaction in East Asia, comparative culture
Keywords 中国近世, 東アジア, 近世儒教, 新儒教(Neo-Confucianism), 宋学, 道学, 朱子学, 陽明学, 四書, 経学, 経世致用の学, 顔李学, 清朝考証学, 考據学, 理, 気, 理気論, 性理, 情, 欲,礼, 礼教, 封建論, 郡県論, 君臣論, 名分論, 正統論, 王権論, 明清交替, 朝鮮儒学, 江戸儒学, 国学, 華夷思想, 小中華思想, 中国近世的思想典範, 思想としての中国近世, 心身/身心, 環境, 明末清初學術思想史, 東アジア, 中国史の時代区分, 日本思想史, 江南文化, 東往西来, Neo-Confucianism, Early Modern Chinese Thought, Mind, Body and Human Nature, Li Gong, Yan-Li School
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021-2023 "Reconsidering the Early-Modern in the History of East Asia: In Search of a New Global History" Research Representative,FY2021-2023 "Studying Nichibunken's Collection of Inoue Tetsujiro's Correspondence: The Rise and Fall of the Nation-State" Research Member
Last Updated 2024/07/31