Researcher Details

Takahashi Ayano

Affiliation Daito Bunka University 
Designation Part-time Lecturer
Specialization Indian philosophy , Chinese philosophy , Buddhist studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Chinese Thought, Astronomical Divination, Mathematical Science
Keywords 校正天文訓,泊園書院,五宮から三垣,星座分類の變遷,天文占書フルテキストデータベース,文占書,思玄賦の世界観,渾天説の原義,張衡と占術,靈憲,天文理論,尙水思想,海中占,張衡佚文
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2021 "The Current State of Shamanism and Divination: The Propagation and Development of Folk Beliefs in the East Asian World"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06