


  1. 規定への同意


  2. 利用対象者


  3. 利用目的


  4. 禁止事項


    1. 学術研究機関に所属しない方又は学術研究機関以外の機関が利用すること。
    2. 商業目的など、学術研究目的以外で利用すること。
    3. 著作権法で認められる「私的利用」や「引用」等の範囲を逸脱した著作物の利用行為。
    4. 本データベースの内容の全部又は一部を、国際日本文化研究センター(以下「日文研」という。)
    5. 第三者の財産権、プライバシー、その他の権利を侵害すること。
    6. 本データベースの運営に支障をきたすおそれのある行為。
    7. 公序良俗に反する行為。
    8. その他、日文研が不適切と判断する行為。
  5. 著作権


  6. アクセスログおよびCookieについて


  7. 免責事項


  8. 準拠法と合意管轄


  9. リンクについて



  1. 法令の遵守


  2. 個人情報の取得・保有及びその目的

    1. 本データベースは、日本研究者の交流を促進し日本研究の国際的発展に貢献するという目的で開設され、「国際日本研究」に関わる研究者の情報・研究活動を掲載しています。
    2. 日文研は、上記目的達成のため、本データベース拡充及び本データベースの利用者の属性を確認するために個人情報を取得することがあります。
    3. 本データベースでは、「国際日本研究」コンソーシアムの会員機関の研究者や共同研究会に参加した研究者の個人情報、他の研究機関のサイト上で公開されている研究者に関する個人情報等を適法かつ公正な手段によって取得します。
  3. 個人情報の利用


  4. 個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止・消去について


  5. プライバシーポリシーの改訂



Global Japanese Studies Researcher’s Database (NichiNet ) is a database of researchers engaged in global Japanese studies that is operated by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. You must agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy when using the Database. Please be sure to read the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. The Database may only be used by Academic Institutions or members of such institutions for academic research purposes.

Terms of Use

  1. Consent to these Rules

    Users shall be deemed to have agreed to all of the terms and conditions in these Terms of Use when starting to use the Global Japanese Studies Researcher’s Database (the “Database”) (including using information posted in the Database).

  2. Target Users

    The Database may be used only by universities and other organizations or groups associated with academic studies (Article 16, paragraph (8) of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information) (“Academic Institutions”), or by members of such Academic Institutions. “Members of Academic Institutions” means faculty at national and private universities, researchers at research institutions of public interest corporations, members of academic societies, etc. Use of the Database by any other person is prohibited.

  3. Purpose of Use

    Users shall use the Database for their own academic research purposes and are prohibited from using the Database for any other purpose.

  4. Prohibited Acts

    The following acts are prohibited when using the Database:

    1. Use by persons who are not members of an Academic Institution or by an institution other than an Academic Institution.
    2. Use other than for academic research purposes, such as use for commercial purposes.
    3. Use of works that deviates from the scope of “private use,” “quotation,” etc. as permitted under the Copyright Act.
    4. Modified use of the contents of the Database, in whole or in part, without permission of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (“Nichibunken”).
    5. Acts that infringe on the property rights, privacy, or other rights of any third party.
    6. Acts that are likely to interfere with the operation of the Database.
    7. Acts that infringe public order and decency.
    8. Any other acts determined by Nichibunken to be inappropriate.
  5. Copyrights

    Information contained in the Database has been either collected independently by Nichibunken or compiled by Nichibunken from information posted on the websites of various research institutions. The copyright to individual texts in the Database belongs to Nichibunken, and the copyright to works in the Database belongs to the original authors and other right holders.

  6. Access Logs and Cookies

    he Database uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data, and traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. Click here(https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/)or more information about Google Analytics.

  7. Disclaimer

    Nichibunken accepts no responsibility for any trouble, damage, or loss resulting from the Database or the use of information based on the Database. Nichibunken does not endorse, recommend, or guarantee any of the researchers or institutions listed in the Database or their research, services, etc. and Nichibunken accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, up-to-dateness, completeness, etc. of the information contained in the Database. Please refer to the relevant website for issues related to other websites linked to from the Database. Nichibunken may change these Terms of Use, suspend publication, or make changes to (including deleting) the content of the Database without prior notice.

  8. Governing Law and Agreed Jurisdiction

    These Terms of Use shall be construed according to the laws of Japan. Only the Japanese version of these Terms of Use shall be effective, and any other language versions are translations that have no legal force or effect whatsoever.
    The Kyoto District Court shall be the exclusive agreed court with jurisdiction in the first instance for any disputes relating to the Database and these Terms of Use.

  9. Links

    Anyone is free to link to the Database. When linking, please clearly state that it is a link to the Database. Note that the URL of the Database may change without prior notice.
    The Database prohibits (1) links to sites that may damage the reputation or credibility of Nichibunken, its officers or its employees, (2) links to sites that violate public order and morals or otherwise damage the reputation or dignity of Nichibunken, (3) links that create the misconception of some kind of partnership or cooperative relationship with Nichibunken, and (4) links that may create the misconception that Nichibunken endorses the site from which the link originates. We may request that such links be deleted.

Privacy Policy

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

    The International Research Center for Japanese Studies (“Nichibunken”) takes the protection of privacy into consideration in the Global Japanese Studies Researcher’s Database (the “Database”), complies with laws and regulations when handling privacy matters, and strives to protect personal information in accordance with rules and regulations established by the National Institutes for the Humanities (https://www.nihu.jp/ja/opendoor/k-statute).

  2. Personal Information Acquisition, Retention and Purpose of Use

    1. The Database was established to promote interaction among Japanese studies researchers and contribute to the international development of Japanese studies, and contains information on researchers involved in “Global Japanese Studies” and their research activities.
    2. To achieve the above-stated purposes, Nichibunken may acquire personal information in order to expand the Database and confirm the attributes of Database users.
    3. In the Database, personal information of researchers from member institutions of the Consortium for Global Japanese Studies and researchers who participated in joint research meetings, as well as personal information on researchers that has been published on other research institutions’ websites, is acquired through lawful and fair means.
  3. Use of Personal Information

    Unless provided for in laws and regulations, Nichibunken does not use personal information we acquire without permission, for any purposes other than those set forth in item (2) of section 2.

  4. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information

    If you wish to correct or delete information registered in the Database, please contact us at the contact information. When a registered individual requests the disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of his or her personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, Nichibunken shall respond to the request in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the Information Disclosure Guide and Procedures established by the National Institutes for the Humanities (https://www.nihu.jp/ja/opendoor/k-guidance).

  5. Revisions to this Privacy Policy

    Nichibunken shall review the details stated in this Privacy Policy from time to time and may make revisions without prior notice in order to improve this Privacy Policy. The revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted.