Search Results for " International Relations":63Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Akiko Koyasu Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor Area Studies,International relations Brazil's foreign relations and foreign policy
Ayako Kusunoki Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Political Sciences,International relations History of Japanese politics and diplomacy, Security theory
Ayako Kusunoki International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor International relations,Politics History of Japanese Politics and Diplomacy, Security Studies
Enmin Li J.F. Oberlin University, College of Global Communication Professor Asian and African history,International relations Modern and Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy, History of Japan-China Relations
Hiro Katsumata Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University Professor International relations International Relations in East Asia, Constructivism and East Asian Regional Order
Jemma Kim Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Professor Economics,International relations Policy Making Process on FTA/TPP, Regional Integration in Asia Pacific, Policy Comparison between Japan and Korea
Jie Liu Waseda University, School of Social Sciences Professor International relations,Japanese history History of modern Japanese politics and diplomacy, History of East Asian international relations
Jin Sato University of Tokyo Professor Area Studies,International relations State and social relations on resources in Southeast Asia, Japan's international cooperation
Kazuo Asano Heisei Kokusai University, Faculty of Law Professor International relations,Politics British Political History, Taiwan-Japan Relations
Kazutoshi Suzuki Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor International relations,Economics International relations, International political economy
Keizo Yamawaki Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Professor International relations Immigration Policy, Multiculturalism, International Comparison of Immigrant Integration Policies, Intercultural City and Multicultural City
Matsuura Masataka Rikkyo University, College of Law and Politics Professor International relations,Politics,Japanese history Japanese political history, diplomatic history
Mayuko Sano Kyoto University Graduate School of Education Professor International relations,Historical studies in general History of Cultural Exchange during the Bakumatsu Restoration, Diplomatic Rituals, History of World Expositions
Mitsuhiro Matsushige Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences Professor Asian and African history,International relations History of East Asia in the late 19th and 20th centuries
Miyagi Taizo Sophia University Faculty of Global Studies Professor International relations Japanese diplomacy, Postwar Japanese diplomacy,
Nobuo Tajima Seijo University Faculty of Law Professor Politics,International relations,European history,Asian and African history International Political History,Comparative Politics,Germany's Far East Policy
Rumi Aoyama Waseda University, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies Professor International relations,Area Studies Diplomatic History and History of International Relations, East Asia, Contemporary Chinese Politics and Foreign Relations
Ryuji Hattori Chuo University Faculty of Policy Studies Professor International relations,Politics History of Japanese politics and diplomacy, History of East Asian international politics
Shino Watanabe Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor International relations International relations, International relations in East Asia, Foreign policy of China
Sochi Naraoka Kyoto University Graduate School of Law Professor Politics,International relations Party Politics in Modern Japan, Anglo-Japanese Relations and Britain's View of Japanese Politics
Taizo Miyagi Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor International relations Japanese diplomacy, Postwar Japanese diplomacy
Takeshi Yuasa Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor International relations Russian political history, contemporary Russian politics
Tsuchiya Yuka Kyoto University, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies of Human and Environmental Studies Professor International relations,American history Public Relations and Cultural Diplomacy of the United States during the Cold War
Xijun Lu Daito Bunka University, Faculty of International Relations Professor Asian and African history,International relations Politics and International Relations in East Asia
Yasuhiro Matsuda University of Tokyo Professor International relations Politics and diplomacy of China and Taiwan, China-Taiwan Relations, Foreign and security policy of Japan
Yasuhiro Ueki Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor International relations United Nations studies, United Nations peace operations, international organization theory, human security, U.S. diplomacy at the United Nations, counterterrorism strategy
Yasuko Tsuru Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor Law, International relations Maritime governance, Japan and nuclear disarmament
Atsushi Shibasaki Komazawa University, Faculty of Global Media Studies Professor Intellectual History,Japanese History,International Relations,Area Studies International Relations Studies, International Cultural Studies, History of International Relations Thought, Global Interaction, Global Relations
Junichi Chano Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Professor International Relations International relations, public diplomacy, U.S.-Japan relations
Sven Saaler Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Japanese History,International Relations Modern and Contemporary Japanese History, Historical Awareness, Historical Memory
Xiaoliang Yin Japan Institute of Nankai University Professor International Relations,Politics Modern and Contemporary Energy Political History
Hairong Yan Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University Professor Economics,International Relations Agrarian change, Rural collective economies, China-Africa links
Ana Gascón Marcén University of Zaragoza Professor International Relations,Law Public International Law, International Relations
Juan Luis López Aranguren University of Zaragoza Professor International Relations,Law Public International Law, International Relations
Pablo León Aguinaga University of Zaragoza Professor International Relations,Historical Studies in General History of International Relations
Paula Cisneros Cristobal University of Zaragoza Professor International Relations,Law Public International Law, International Relations
Fernando Delage Carretero University of Zaragoza Professor International Relations International Relations
Toyomi Asano Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics\Center for international reconciliation studies Professor\Director-General International relations,Politics International political history of the East Asian region around Japan, Postwar history of East Asia
Kiyofumi Kato National Institute of Japanese Literature Associate Professor Japanese history,Historical studies in general,Politics,International relations Historical archives, Modern Japanese history, History of East Asian international relations
Makoto Minami Nagasaki University,School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Professor Sociology,International relations,Historical studies in general Japanese Remaining in China , Emigrants and Repatriates, Japan-China Relations
Masataka Nakauchi Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Associate Professor Area Studies,International relations Peace building
Somei Kobayashi Nihon University, School of Law  Associate Professor Asian and African history,International relations International Relations, History of East Asia
Yongchao Cheng Tohoku University, Center for Northeast Asian Studies Associate Professor Japanese history,International Relations The history of 17th-19th century Japanese, Korean and Chinese trilateral relations
Misato Matsuoka Teikyo University, Faculty of Language Studies Associate Professor International Relations Japan-America relations
Kazushi Minami Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Associate Professor International Relations East Asian International Relations, U.S. Diplomacy, Cold War History
Can Zou Japan Institute of Nankai University Associate Professor Historical Studies in General,International Relations History of Modern Japan-China Relations, History of international politics in East Asia
Md. Jahangir Alam Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Associate Professor Education, International Relations, Politics Japanese Government and politics, Japanese History and Civilization, Japan-Bangladesh relations, Japan and South Asia, Japan in International Affairs, Political Economy of Japan, Japanese Language
Abdullah-Al-Mamun Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Associate Professor International Relations,Politics,Sociology international politics, local government, education and development sociology, transnational security, population and environment
Md. Saifullah Akon Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Associate Professor International Relations Japan in International Affairs
Wei Hsiu Huang University of Tokyo Assistant Professor International relations Foreign and security policies of China and Taiwan, Japan's security policy-making process, Taiwan-Japan relations

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