Search Results for " Aesthetics and Studies on Art":52Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Jaime Romero Leo University of Zaragoza Professor Philosophy,Aesthetics and Studies on Art Japanese Art, Popular Culture
Jaime Romero Leo University of Zaragoza Professor Philosophy,Aesthetics and Studies on Art Japanese Art, Popular Culture
Akihiro Kubota Tama Art University Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Arts in general Art Practice, Design Studies, Human Interface, Interaction
Enrico Fongaro NANZAN University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor Japanese Philosophy,Aesthetics and Studies on Art Aesthetics and Philosophy of Kitaro Nishida
Hiroshi Watanabe The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Music Culture, Social History of Music
Hitoshi Tanaka Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Aesthetics, Art Theory
Kato Yoshiro Kyoto Seizan Junior College Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies Buddhist Studies, Art Theory
Kouji Watanabe Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,European literature Western Classics, Literary Theory, Literary Studies, Aesthetics
Masami Iwai Meijo University Faculty of Foreign Studies The Department of English and International Studies Professor Japanese literature,Aesthetics and studies on art Dramaturgy, Modern Literature
Mika Tomita Ritsumeikan University Art Research Center Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Film Studies,Film History,Archival
Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano Kyoto University, Asian Studies Unit Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Film and Media Studies, Asian and Japanese Cinema Studies, Post-Fukushima Visual Culture, Zainichi Representations in Moving Image, Memory in Cinema, Post-Colonial Taiwanese/Japanese Visual Culture
Nobuhiro Itou Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Musicology, History of Western music, Folk Music
Nobuo Aoki Tianjin University Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Cultural Resources, Urban and Architectural History
Noriko Matsubara Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,European history Painting and sculpture in 16th and 17th century Spain, Art theory in early modern Spain
Que Wang Northeast Normal University of China Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Asian and African history Literary Theory, 20th Century Chinese Aesthetics
Ryo Akama Ritsumeikan University, Art Research Center Professor Japanese literature,Aesthetics and studies on art,Cultural property science/Museology Publishing and Media Studies, Ukiyoe and Early Modern Literature, Theater and Film Studies
Ryusaku Nagaoka Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Studies in the History of Japanese Sculpture, Pan-Asian Sharī beliefs and forms, An Ideological Study of Buddhist Art
Shigeki Iwai Osaka University, Center for Japanese Language and Culture Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese cultural history, comparative cultural studies
Shintaro Fujii Waseda University Professor Area Studies,European literature,Aesthetics and studies on art French Language and Literature, Performing Arts Theory, Critical Theory, Sociology of Art, Cultural Policy Studies
Tadashi Hattori Konan University,Letters,Department of Human Sciences Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Creative activities by people with disabilities, Art Brut, Outsider Art
Yumi Takenaka Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history,Historical studies in general Museum Studies, Art Practice, Art History, Aesthetics and Art Theory, European History, American History
Yutaka Fujioka Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Archaeology History of Japanese sculpture, History of Chinese sculpture, History of Oriental art, History of Buddhist art
Akiko Sugawa Yokohama National University, Faculty of Urban Innovation Professor Aesthetics and Studies on Art,Arts in General Popular Culture Studies, 2.5-dimensional Culture Studies
Hiromi Matsui The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Art theory, French Art History
Izumi Nakajima Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history,Gender studies Oriental History
Junko Nimura Shirayuri University, Faculty of Literature Associate Professor Literature in general,European literature,Aesthetics and studies on art Comparative literature and culture, Art and aesthetics, Cultural studies, Representational studies, French-speaking cultural studies
Kaoru Nakao Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Theater studies, History of performing arts, Traditional theater studies, Noh theater studies
Kazuhiro Jo Kyushu University Faculty of Design Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Science and engineering Media Art,Personal Fabrication
Kei Hirakura Yokohama National University Asso. Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Philosophy,Ethics,Arts in general Body, Expanded Mind, Agency, Heterogeneous Collective, Art Production
Marc Steinberg Concordia University Film Studies Cinema Concordia University Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Sociology Platform studies, industry studies, Asian media industries, Japanese animation/anime, animation studies, material culture, media theory, digital culture, app studies
Steinberg Marc Concordia University Film Studies Cinema Concordia University Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Sociology Platform studies, industry studies, Asian media industries, Japanese animation/anime, animation studies, material culture, media theory, digital culture, app studies
Yutaka Higashiguchi Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Associate Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Intellectual history Aesthetics, musicology, film studies
Kei Saito Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Assistant Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history History of Musical Thought, Historical Writing, Modern Poetry, Folk Songs, New Folk Songs, Japanese Music, Musicology
Olga Kopylova Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Assistant Professor Aesthetics and Studies on Art Comparative Media Theory, Contemporary Japanese Culture, Global Fandom in Anime and Manga, Adaptation Studies, narratology
Seiko Suzuki Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Assistant Professor Aesthetics and studies on art History of Modern and Contemporary Music of Japan, Art and Media Theory
Tadahiro Yayamamoto Kobe Design University Underguaduate School of Arts and Design Department of Manga Media Assistant Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Photographic Expression, History of Manga Expression
Wataru Sugimoto Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Assistant Professor Aesthetics and Studies on Art Drama Studies
Kitsnik Lauri Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca' Foscari University of Venice Lecturer Aesthetics and Studies on Art Film Studies, Comparative Literature, Japanese Studies, Japanese Cinema, Modern Japanese Literature, Theory of Representational Culture
Nabi Ito Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Lecturer Aesthetics and Studies on Art Drama Studies
Shigeki Iwai Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Deputy Director/Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese cultural history, comparative cultural studies
Barbara Geilhorn German Institute for Japanese Studies Researcher Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Negotiations of gender and power in classical Japanese culture, stagings of contemporary society in Japanese performance
Iori Tada Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences Visiting Researcher Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art,Chinese philosophy,Indian philosophy,Buddhist studies,Japanese history History of cultural exchange between Japan and China, excavated documents, distribution of books, development and transformation of Buddhism in East Asia
Itsuki Umeyama Kindai University Faculty of Literature, Arts and Cultural Studies Department of Cultural and Historical Studies Specially Appointed Lecturer Japanese literature,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese Modern and Contemporary Theater , Society and Culture in the 1960s
Kazuto Kondo Daito Bunka University Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Sociology Media Studies, Cultural Sociology, History of Visual Culture
Makiko Tsuchida Kyoritsu Women's University Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Arts in general Early Modern Theater, History of Japanese Music, History of Japanese Performing Arts
Michi Shigeta Kyoto University of the Arts Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Arts, History of arts and culture in Japan and East Asia, History of academic, cultural and ideological exchange in Japan and East Asia, History of academic thought in Japan
Shiori Maekawa Kyoto University of the Arts Senior Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Visual Culture, Design History, Japanese Modern Art History, Art History, Art Studies
Sybille Girmond Julius-Maximilians-Universiat Wurzburg Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history
Tomoya Kimura Tamagawa University,College of Arts Part-time Lecturer Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history Film Industry History, Toei Movie
Yuna So Ritsumeikan University Visiting Researcher Aesthetics and studies on art,Art history The Korean democratic movement and art

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