Search Results :10Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Emi Kishimoto Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Professor Japanese Linguistics Japanese linguistics, Study of Christian materials, History of Japanese Language
Eri Watanabe Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese Literature, postwar literature
Shigeki Iwai Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Deputy Director/Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Professor Art history,Aesthetics and studies on art Japanese cultural history, comparative cultural studies
Tomoji Tabata Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Division of Language and Culture, Professor Linguistics,European Literature Digital Humanities, Stylistics, Corpus Linguistics
Ken’ichi Yasuoka Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Japanese History Modern Japanese History, Immigration History
Manami Fujihira Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Japanese Language Education Japanese Language Education
Kaoruko Matsumura Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Associate Professor Folklore Folk religion
Nicholas Lambrecht Mahood Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Japanese literature Modern Japanese literature, Comparative literature, International Japanese studies, Japanese literature, repatriation, decolonization, postwar literature
Junko Nagahara Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Graduate School of Humanities, Associate Professor Religious Studies Religious Ethnography
Rina Matsuoka Osaka University, Global Japanese Studies Education and Research Incubator Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Specially Appointed Lecturer Japanese Language Education Japanese Language Education, Inherited Japanese Language Education

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