Search Results :1967Hits

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Name Affiliation Designation Specialization Research Interest
Jaime Romero Leo University of Zaragoza Professor Philosophy,Aesthetics and Studies on Art Japanese Art, Popular Culture
Jaime Romero Leo University of Zaragoza Professor Philosophy,Aesthetics and Studies on Art Japanese Art, Popular Culture
Aeka Ishihara The University of Tokyo Professor Sociology/History of science and technology,European literature History of Science and Technology, European Literature, Goethe, History of Science, German Language and Literature, German Language and Literature
Aesook Lee Korea National Open University Professor Literature in general Japanese Literature Studies, Jakucho Setouchi, The Tale of Genji, Japanese Literature in Korea
Aiko Morita Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University Professor Psychology Educational psychology, Cognitive psychology about reading sentences and words, Color psychology
Akemi Banse Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Japanese History Japanese History
Akeo Okada Kyoto University the Institute for Research in Humanities Professor Aesthetics and studies on art Western music history, World War I and music, Music in the 1970s, Jazz studies, Western music history
Akeo Takahashi Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor European history,Historical studies in general,Area Studies History of the French revolution, Nationalism and colonialism in modern and contemporary France
Akihiro Kubota Tama Art University Professor Aesthetics and studies on art,Arts in general Art Practice, Design Studies, Human Interface, Interaction
Akihiro Okajima Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor Japanese linguistics Japanese language studies
Akihiro Ozaki Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Emeritus Art history,Arts in general History of Dutch painting, History of East-West exchange, World art history, Japanese studies
Akihito Asano Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Economics Economic growth, inequality and migration
Akiko Koyasu Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University Professor Area Studies,International relations Brazil's foreign relations and foreign policy
Akiko Shimizu The University of Tokyo Professor Gender Studies Representational Culture Theory, Queer Theory, Cultural Theory, Feminist Theory
Akiko Takeuchi Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies Professor Art history,Japanese literature,Literature in general Comparative theatre, comparative literature, Noh, comparative studies of culture and representation, theatre theory, representational cultural practice, Japanese theatre
Akinobu Kuroda University of Tokyo Professor Economics Economic history of East Asia
Akinori Nakamura Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Professor Business administartion International management, Business strategy, Organizational culture, Game industry, Content industry, China, Digital entertainment
Akio Onjo Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Geography Human geography, urban studies
Akio Takahashi University of Tokyo Professor Economics Rural societies in Southeast Asia
Akira Maeda Ritsumeikan University,Art Research Center Professor Informatics Information and Library Science, Humanities and Social Informatics, Media Informatics, Database
Akira Nagai Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Professor Sociology Theoretical sociology, Community sociology, Welfare sociology
Akitoshi Nagahata Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor Linguistics English Literature, American Literature
Alexander Campbell Bennett Kansai University Division of International Affairs Professor Intellectual history History of Japanese Thought, Japanese Cultural Theory, Budo Studies
Alexander Vovin Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Professor Linguistics
Anton Schweizer Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Art history Modern Japanese Art History, Architectural History, and Mono Culture
Anwei Liu Tokyo Institute of Technology,The Institute forLiberal Arts Professor Chinese literature,Literature in general Comparative Literature, Comparative Cultural History, History of Modern Chinese Thought
Arinobu Onaka Doshisha University, Doshisha Law School Professor Law Civil Law
Asako Kurihara Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor European history Ancient Western History, Ancient Greek History, Western Classics
Asako Miyachi Nagoya University, Graduate School of Humanities, Center for Transregional Culture and Society Professor Japanese linguistics Japanese linguistics, Japanese pragmatics, History of Japanese Grammar
Atsushi Inoue The University of Shimane Faculty of Policy Studies Professor Intellectual history Modern Confucianism, Modernization Theory, Li Daoxi, Korean Confucianism, History of Korean Thought, History of Japanese Thought
Atsushi Kashiwagi Rikkyo University, College of Arts Professor Japanese history History of Japanese modern schooling practices, History of education
Atsushi Kotera University of Tokyo Professor Asian and African history Ancient Chinese family history
Atsushi Okazaki Kyushu University,Graduate School of Humanities Professor European history Western History, Documentary Science, Archival Science
Atsushi Shiitada Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Kanagawa University Professor Japanese history Modern Japanese history, Ryukyu history
Atsushi Yamada Nagoya City University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history,Economics Colonial history, History of education, Economic history, Bureaucracy
Ayako Kusunoki Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI Professor Political Sciences,International relations History of Japanese politics and diplomacy, Security theory
Ayako Kusunoki International Research Center for Japanese Studies Professor International relations,Politics History of Japanese Politics and Diplomacy, Security Studies
Ayako Saito Meiji Gakuin University Faculty of Letters Professor Aesthetics and studies on art film theory
Ayako Uchida Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University Professor European history,American history,Area Studies American history, Native Americans
Ayumi Mitsuishi Nara University Professor Japanese literature Gender and Sexuality Studies, Japanese Modern Literature, Japanese Modern Literature
Ayumi Ueyama Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Linguistics Theoretical linguistics, Syntactic semantics
Ayumi Yasutomi University of Tokyo Professor Economics Practical reintegration of academia, art, religion, and life
Baoping Wang Nishogakusha University, Faculty of Literature Professor Japanese history,Asian and African history History of Japan-China Cultural Exchange
Bettina Gramlich-Oka Sophia University, Graduate School of Global Studies Professor Japanese history,Gender Studies,Intellectual history,Historical studies in general Historical and Spatial Consideration of Networks over East Asia
Brian David Rugen Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies Professor Linguistics Discourse and identity, English language teacher education, curriculum development in TESOL, English for Special Purposes (ESP)
Brian Ruppert Kanagawa University, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies Professor Religious studies History of Japanese Religions, Japanese Cultural History, Cultural History of East Asian Religions, Manuscript Studies
Burdelski Matthew James Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities Professor Japanese linguistics Pragmatics, Conversation analysis, Language socialization, First and second language acquisition, Language and gender
Carolyn Stevens Monash University Professor Cultural anthropology,Area Studies,Arts in general Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Japanese Studies, Disability Studies, Popular Music
Changbo Li Doshisha University,Center for Japanese Language and Culture Professor Linguistics,Japanese literature Comparative grammatical history, Comparative stylistic history
Chang-Geon Shin Faculty of Engineering, Liberal Arts Professor Sociology/History of science and technology History of science, History of medicine

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