Researcher Details

Reiko Yamanaka

Affiliation Hosei University,Institute of Nogaku studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese literature
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Research Interest Comparison of theatre, Noh theory, Noh history
Keywords 演出, 所作, 型付, 都市と能楽, 技芸伝承, 能楽, 源氏物語と能, 能楽と「間」, 観世元章, 鵜飼, シテ・ツレ, 音阿弥, いくさと能, 軍記物語, 平家の能, 天女舞, Mugen no, Female-Spirit, comparative study of noh and other theatrical traditions
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021-2023 "Solid “Impermanence”/Fragile “Impermanence”: The Transmogrification of the Classics and Future Prospects" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06