Researcher Details

Reiko Tsuchiya

Affiliation Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics
Designation Professor
Specialization Politics , Sociology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Media History of Modern Japan
Keywords 明治, 大衆紙, 新聞と世論, 萬年社コレクション, アジアの新聞, 広告, 毎日新聞, 朝日新聞, 東亜, 記者, マスコミ, 英国の対外宣伝, 占領期, 翻訳通訳局(ATIS), インテリジェンス活動, 占領軍, G-2歴史課
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2020 "Popular Culture and “Civilization and Enlightenmentˮ: The Position and Role of Mass Media in the Turbulent Transition from Edo to Meiji" Team Research Member,FY2014-2015 "Japanese Popular Culture and Nationalism" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06