Researcher Details

Osami Takizawa

Affiliation Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history
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Research Interest Early Japanese Christianity,History of Christianity, Formation of foreign missionaries' and merchants' image of Japan, Missionary methods of Jesuits and Spanish mendicant friars
Keywords 外国史,ヨーロッパ文化論,長崎とキリシタン文化, 長崎文化交流史, 日本文化史, 日本の思想, スペイン語演, エズス会士の歴史,伊達正宗使節団,日本人使節団ローマへの旅,
Relation with Nichibunken FY 2016~2019 "Studies in “In-betweeness” in Cross-cultural Communication" Team Researcher, FY 2019~2022 "Avidya on a Spider’s Web: Toward the Future of the Somatic Experience under the Ecology of Social Network System" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06