Researcher Details

Noriko Teramoto

Affiliation Seikei University, Fuculty of Letters, Department of Humanities
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization European history , American history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Paris World Exposition, History of cultural exchange between Japan and France, Modern French history, History of France, History of exchange between Japan and France
Keywords シャルル・アントワーヌ・マルクリ,初期日仏交流における私信と人的ネットワーク,徳川昭武宛のフランス語書簡,1867年・1878年パリ万国博覧会,フランスの歴史,『忘れられた幕末維新』
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2019"Expos and Human History"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06