Researcher Details

Noriko Suzuki

Affiliation Nara Women's University daigakuin Human Life and Environmental Sciences
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Gender Studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Social History of the Body in Early Modern Japan, Women's History
Keywords 梅毒, 麻疹, 比較研究, 障碍者, ハンセン病, 衛生, 女性, 穢れ, 同性愛, ジェンダー, 近世京都の癩者, 江戸時代の化粧と美容意識, 湯治, 幕末沼津藩, 近世後期産科医療, 賀川流産科, 曲直瀬道三, 癩医学, Early Modern Balneotherapy in Japan
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2021 "Imagining and Developing Images of the Body in Medicine, Art, and Folk Religion" Team Research Member,FY2002-2004 "The Altered Experience of Embodiment in Modern Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06