Researcher Details

Bugaeva Anna

Affiliation Tokyo University of Science,Faculty of Science Division Ⅰ
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Linguistics
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Linguistic typology,Ainu,Languages of Northeast Asia
Keywords 人称標識, 引用構文, ヴォイス〔態)交替, 相互態, 充当態, 使役態, 非人称受動文, 逆受動文, 三項動詞構文, 結合化クラス, 複統合, 名詞抱合, 関係節構文, 名詞補文構文, 名詞化, 証拠性, 複雑述語, 動詞数, 所有構文, 言語接触, 言語変化, アイヌ語の方言の分類, アイヌ語のコーパス作成, Old Documents of Hokkaido and Kuril Ainu,Ainu complex predicates with reference to Japanese,アイヌ語使役構文に関する再考察
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2017 "Debates on the Origins of the Japanese Language: Light and Shadow in the History of Japanese Linguistics" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06