Researcher Details

Naofumi Nakamura

Affiliation The University of Tokyo Institute of Social Science
Designation Professor
Specialization Economics , Japanese history
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Research Interest Japanese Economic History, Business History, Industrial Economics
Keywords 産業革命, 鉄道史, 企業組織, 人事管理, 企業金融, 技術者, 地域経済史, 鉄道員, オーラル・ヒストリー, 記憶, 商品流通, 労使関係, 釜石製鉄所, 労政・労組, 地方からの産業革命, 明治期三菱の有価証券投資, 帝国鉄道協会, 戦前期日本のファミリー・ビジネス, 労働史, The Formation of a Railway Transportation System in Japan’s Railway Industry, Meiji-Era Industrialization and Provincial Vitality
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2019 "Approaching Meiji Japan from the Perspective of a Comparative History of Civilizations: Rethinking its Legacy" Team Research Member, FY1999-2000 "A Research on the Transition of Japanese Conception of Time" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06