Researcher Details

Minako Waseda

Affiliation Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Music
Designation Part-time Lecturer
Specialization Art history , Aesthetics and studies on art
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Japanese American Music Culture
Keywords 日系ディアスポラ, 日系人強制収容所, 音楽, 盆踊り, ハワイ, 南カリフォルニア, 日本音楽芸能, 家元制度, 文化使節, Japanese Immigrant Community in the U.S., Touring Japanese Artists in Pre-World War 2 Southern California
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2017 "Interdisciplinary Research in the Formation and Transformation of Naniwabushi (Rōkyoku)" Team Research Member, FY2007-2011 "New Directions in the Study of Folksong" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06