Researcher Details

Mikiya Aoyama

Affiliation Nanzan Universit, Faculty of Humanities
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese History
Related Page Web site
Research Interest The establishment and development of the samurai in Japanese history, Historical recognition in samurai genealogy, Honryo and surnames
Keywords 愛知県史,新編三好町誌,長久手町史,江南市史,新修名古屋市史,武家官位の歴史,尾張国津島の大橋,家系伝説創造と『浪合記』・『大橋記』 ,『熱田大宮司千秋家譜』,中世寺院における系図史料,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~ "What are Aristocrats, and What are Samurai?" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06