Researcher Details

Michihumi Isoda

Affiliation Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history
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Research Interest Shogunate and Domain Policy Reform in the Middle and Late Modern Period, Historical Earthquake and Tsunami Documents, Ancient Documents of Ninjutsu, Japanese History of Infectious Diseases
Keywords 西郷隆盛, 内幕, 司馬遼太郎,無私の日本人, 江戸の家計簿, 先進国日本, 天災から日本史,近世大名家臣団,龍馬史, 龍馬の旅, 古地図, 武士の家計簿, 通信簿, 叡智, 災害と日本人, 西行から芭蕉, 戦乱と民衆, 明治維新, 後桜町天皇と光格天皇, 禁門の変, 藩政改革, 農業発展, 農業と藩農政, 忍者
Relation with Nichibunken FY2022- "Mouths and Noses: A Cultural History of the Junctures between the Human Body and the Outside World in Japan" Research Representative,FY2024 "The Transformation of "Bunjin Culture" in Modern Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/07/24