Researcher Details

Ayumi Tsudo

Affiliation Musashi High School
Designation Lecturer
Specialization Japanese history , Asian and African history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of modern education, Modern history of Korea
Keywords 日本統治下朝鮮, 満洲医科大学における医学博士学位授与,京城帝国大学,朝鮮における帝国大学の制度,医師免許保有者の帝国内移動と京城帝国大学,朝鮮総督府関係者,小倉進平
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~2022 "The Japanese Colonial Empire and the Global Linkage of Knowledge" Team Researcher, FY2013~2018 "Knowledge and Power in Japanese Colonial Empire" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06