Researcher Details

Matsuura Masataka

Affiliation Rikkyo University, College of Law and Politics
Designation Professor
Specialization International relations , Politics , Japanese history
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Research Interest Japanese political history, diplomatic history
Keywords アジア主義,財界,政治経済史,池田成彬,石川一郎,石坂泰三,石橋正二郎,石渡荘太郎,全国産業団体連合会,大亜細亜協会,松井石根,日本経済連盟会,汎アジア主義, ビジネス・財界と政権,プラザ合意と『平成政変』,日中戦争
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~2021 "Japanese Foreign Policy in the Cold War Era: On the formation of the 'Peace State' (1952-1972)" Team Research Member, FY 2014-2015 "Japanese Military Strategy towards East Asian Society: The Second Sino-Japanese War Era" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06