Researcher Details

Masato Goda

Affiliation Meiji University,School of Arts and Letters
Designation Professor
Specialization Philosophy , Intellectual history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest French Literature, 19th and 20th Century French and German Thought, History of Modern Jewish Thought
Keywords 西田幾多郎, 九鬼周造, 戦争, 田辺元とハイデガー, 20世紀ユダヤ思想家, アンリ・マルディネ, ベルクソン, 精神科医, レヴィナス, コナトゥスと倫理
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2021 "The Current State of Shamanism and Divination: The Propagation and Development of Folk Beliefs in the East Asian World." Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06