Researcher Details

Masashi Oguchi

Affiliation Hosei University,Faculty of Letters Department of History
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history
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Research Interest Japanese ancient history, Japanese northern history, Comparative history of Ritsuryo-Code
Keywords 律令制, 青森県史通史編, ハバロフスク出土, 津軽安藤, 『続神道大系, 北の防御性集落, エミシ・エゾ・アイヌ, アイヌ世界, 古代蝦夷, 荘園, 古代法, 北方史, 北方史 蝦夷・サハリン・沿海地方, 敦煌吐魯番文書
Relation with Nichibunken
Last Updated 2023/09/06