Researcher Details

Masao Fukasawa

Affiliation Miyagi Gakuin Women's University
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese literature , Art history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Japanese Literature, Classical Literature, Theater, Performing Arts
Keywords 近松, 語り, 観客動向, 文楽, ドラマ, 虚実, 演劇, 浄瑠璃, 語り物, 景清, 曽根崎心中, 家族, 道行論, 近松世話浄瑠璃, 場の転換, 道行文体史, 雨月物語
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2016 "The Body in the Japanese Performing Arts: Death and Life, Puppets and Artificial Bodies" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06