Researcher Details

Masao Asami

Affiliation Author, former director of Bungeishunju,
Designation Author, former director of Bungeishunju,
Specialization Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Imperial family, Chinese system
Keywords 皇族と天皇, 学習院, 華族, 伏見宮, 東久邇宮稔彦王, 帝国陸海軍, 公爵家, 岩倉靖子
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2019 "Approaching Meiji Japan from the Perspective of a Comparative History of Civilizations: Rethinking its Legacy" Team Research Member, FY2000-2004 "Japanese life Culture from the Viewpoint of Absence and Reverse-Absence Theory" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06