Researcher Details

Masaki Ichinose

Affiliation The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
Designation Professor Emeritus
Specialization Philosophy
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Research Interest Philosophy of Causality, Study on the Concept of Personality, Fukushima Issues, Philosophy of Radiation
Keywords 因果, 確率, 人格(パーソン), 曖昧性, 死刑, 責任, 意思決定, 動物の権利, ベイズ主義, イギリス経験論, 確率の哲学, 曖昧性, 音楽と認識, 死刑論, 動物倫理, 原子力災害, いのちの保全, 知識の新因果説, バークリの数学論, ロック言語論
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2017 "Examining Cultural Discourses in Post-3.11 Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06