Researcher Details

Mariko Fukuoka

Affiliation National Museum of Japanese History
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Historical studies in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of International Relations in East Asia, Diplomatic History of Japan during the Bakumatsu Restoration (with a focus on relations with Germany, the United States, and the Netherlands)
Keywords プロイセン東アジア遠征, 幕末外交 , シーボルト日本博物館, 幕末のドイツ認識, 日独関係, 洋学研究, 幕府条約外交, 幕末開国史, 幕末の対プロイセン条約交渉, シーベル・ブレンワルト商会, 戊辰戦争, 国籍, 日蘭関係, オランダ, 日中外交比較, ドイツ公使, 蝦夷地, The Image of “Germany” during the Prusso-Japanese Treaty Negotiations, German Merchants in the Indian Ocean World
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2019 "Approaching Meiji Japan from the Perspective of a Comparative History of Civilizations: Rethinking its Legacy" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06