Researcher Details

Manami Yasui

Affiliation National Institutes for the Humanities, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Folklore , Cultural anthropology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Ethnographic and cultural anthropological study of childbirth, pregnancy, and medical care, body and iconography, customs and gender in Palau
Keywords 怪異と身体, 出産環境の民俗学, グリーフケア, オセアニアにおけるマイノリティ, 怪異・妖怪の東西, 出産・育児, 世界の出産奈良県風俗誌, オセアニア学, 故郷の喪失, 日本妖怪学, 暮らしと環境, 妖怪文化研究, 出産前後の環境, パラオ, ブータン, 出産習俗
Relation with Nichibunken FY2024 "Island Japan: Fluid Bodies, Senses, Imaginaries" Team Research Member,FY2023- "From Womb to Tomb: Exploring Life and Death in Contemporary Japan" Research Representative
Last Updated 2024/07/31