Researcher Details

Manami Yasui

Affiliation Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
Designation Professor
Specialization Folklore , Cultural anthropology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Ethnography and cultural anthropology of childbirth, Study of the body and ghosts/monstrosities, Palauan customs and gender
Keywords 怪異と身体, 出産環境の民俗学, グリーフケア,オセアニアにおけるマイノリティ, 怪異・妖怪の東西, 出産・育児, 世界の出産奈良県風俗誌, オセアニア学, 故郷の喪失, 日本妖怪学, 暮らしと環境, 妖怪文化研究, 出産前後の環境, パラオ, ブータン, 出産習俗,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2024 "Island Japan: Fluid Bodies, Senses, Imaginaries" Team Research Member,FY2023- "From Womb to Tomb: Exploring Life and Death in Contemporary Japan" Research Representative
Last Updated 2024/07/31